Drink juice to lose weight

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Juice fasting is a relatively new diet trend in which people mainly drink vegetable and fruit juices to replace one or more meals, or to supplement the meals. Drinking juices has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including weight loss and increased vitamin and mineral intake. In addition, juices are simply a delicious and easy way to make sure you include more fruits and vegetables in your diet (especially for those who don't like fruits or vegetables, or who don't have the time to cook elaborate every day). Following a juice-based diet can help you lose weight, especially if you combine it with plenty of exercise. Follow the steps below for a safe and well-balanced juice plan.

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Part 1 of 3: Starting a juice diet

  1. Buy a press. The essential device for a juice diet is a press. You can buy a slow juicer or a juicer. A press can vary in price (between € 50 and € 400), and come in all shapes and sizes.
    • A slow juicer is usually more expensive. The device works by slowly mashing and squeezing fruits and vegetables to extract the juice. The advantage of this system is that more pulp remains in the juice. Pulp comes from the skins and other fibrous parts of the fruits and vegetables, making your juice even healthier. The disadvantage of these devices is that they freeze when you use hearty fruits and vegetables.
    • A juicer separates the juice from the pulp and filters it so that there is no pulp left in your drink. All fruits and vegetables need to be cleaned and some things also need to be peeled or else the appliance will jam. The disadvantage of juicers is that they are difficult to clean.
    • Check out all kinds of different types and types of juicers before buying one. Find a machine that you find easy to use, clean and store. For example, check whether the parts of your appliance can go in the dishwasher, and whether there is a wide opening in it so that you can put larger pieces of fruit and vegetables in it.
    • Also consider buying a blender. Blenders also come in different types and price categories, and you can grind whole pieces of fruit and vegetables with them. Unlike juicing presses, you eat the entire fruit or vegetable - including the skin and fiber. If your juice gets too thick, you can add water to your preferred consistency.
  2. Buy 100% fresh juice. Many juice presses are expensive, and not everyone can afford them. If you still want to follow a juice diet, you can also buy 100% fresh fruit juice, instead of making it yourself.
    • Do not buy frozen fruit concentrate or juice with added ingredients. They often contain sugar, flavoring or preservatives that are not good for you.
    • Besides the supermarket, there are also juice bars or stalls where you can buy freshly squeezed juice. You can buy a single serving or larger quantities.
  3. Buy all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Another essential part of the juice diet is a variety of fruits and vegetables. Buy both fresh and frozen fruit for more flexibility and variety.
    • As a guideline, try to stick to 2/3 vegetables and 1/3 fruit in your juices. Fruit contains a lot of sugar, which can cause your blood sugar to spike.
    • Buying frozen fruits and vegetables allows you to stock up on varieties that may not be available in season. In addition, you can always take a little bit out of the freezer, so that the rest does not go bad.
    • Using frozen and unfrozen things together in a juice gives you the thicker consistency of a smoothie, which you might like.
    • Make sure that no sugar has been added to the frozen vegetables or fruit. Read the ingredients on the package to make sure it only contains vegetables or fruit.
  4. Do a test first. Before making a large amount of a juice, you can try a smaller amount first. Then you don't have to throw anything away if you don't like the combination.
    • Sometimes there is a recipe booklet with the juicer or blender you buy. That's a good way to get some recipe ideas.
    • Note that you need quite a lot of fruits and vegetables when making your own juice. For example, you need 6-8 large carrots for 250 ml of carrot juice.
    • Make sure to wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly first. This is important because the rind will also get into your drink.
    • Follow the instructions that come with your juice press. Usually it is recommended to put the delicate vegetables or fruits first (such as leafy greens), followed by soft things (such as banana or tomato) and finally the hard fruits and vegetables (such as apples or carrots).
  5. Do not make more than 1 or 2 servings at a time. If you keep squeezed vegetables or fruit, it is more likely that harmful bacteria will enter that can make you sick.
    • Prepare juices for one day at a time. Keep all juices in closed bottles or jars in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.
    • Make sure you put all fresh juices in the fridge so that they never get warmer than 5ºC.
    • Buy small, tight-seal water bottles or preserving jars so that you can keep small amounts safely in the fridge. You can also easily take a weck jar with a screw cap (Mason jar) with you when you go somewhere.

Part 2 of 3: Putting together your juice diet

  1. Buy everything you need to make juices. It can be difficult to follow a juice diet. There are all kinds of diet plans, juices and methods of making juices. If you look up recipes or an entire diet plan, it will be easier to put together your diet.
    • Spend some time comparing different juice diets you find on the internet. There are many different diets, so check them out to determine what's best for you and whether you might want to combine a few.
    • Also consider buying a book on juices so that you have it at home. A reference book to consult at home can be useful.
    • For inspiration, take a look at the following websites: powerdetox.nl, Voedcentrum.nl, Natuurdietisten.nl and francescakijnt.nl.
  2. Make a meal plan. After looking at different juice cures, you will realize that there are tons of options to choose from. If you are not following a specific diet, it may be helpful to write down your own plan to make sure you are on a well-balanced and healthy diet.
    • Consider how many meals you want to replace with juice and how much juice you want to drink in a day. You will find that there are diets that recommend a certain amount of juice per day. For example 1-2 glasses of "green" juice, or vegetable juice.
    • Make sure you drink all kinds of different juices every day. Try to drink both vegetable and fruit juices, not just one type.
    • Also, try to make sure you get a lot of different fruits and vegetables in one day. For example, if you drank apple and kale juice in the morning, have carrot, orange, and ginger in the afternoon.
  3. Weigh yourself. Regardless of what diet you follow, it is important to monitor your weight. Then you can better chart the progress and see whether the diet is working.
    • Ideally, weigh yourself 1-2 times a week. Daily weighing makes no sense. Your weight fluctuates a bit from day to day, so it is more accurate to weigh yourself weekly.
    • Buy scales so you have the right things to keep yourself on track.
    • Write down how much you weigh each week. It can be fun and stimulating to see how much progress you are making.

Part 3 of 3: Safe and healthy weight loss

  1. Consult your doctor or dietitian. It's smart to talk to your doctor before starting a new diet. He / she may be able to give you extra tips that are specially tailored to your health. A dietitian is a nutritionist who can help you create an effective weight loss diet.
    • Talk to your doctor. You can probably refer them to a dietician in the area.
    • On this website you can also search for a dietician in your area.
  2. Eat at least 1,200 calories a day. It is not safe or healthy to eat less than 1,200 calories a day, especially for several days in a row. Whatever juice regimen you follow, make sure you get enough calories per day.
    • Use a food diary or an app to keep track of how many calories you are taking in.
    • Don't replace more than 1 or 2 meals with juice, instead of just eating liquid calories. Eating 1-2 balanced meals a day will ensure that you are getting enough calories.
    • Side effects of eating too few calories include fatigue / exhaustion, weakness and hunger. More serious side effects include a lack of nutrients such as iron, muscle breakdown and heart problems.
  3. Eat enough protein. Although drinking juice gives you more fruits and vegetables, juices contain little to no protein. To eat a healthy and balanced diet, you need to eat enough protein every day.
    • Adult women need an average of 46 g of protein and men 56 g.
    • Adding flavored protein powder to your juice will help keep your blood sugar levels up, and it won't change the flavor.
    • Make a smoothie instead of a juice. You can then add nuts, seeds, peanut butter, milk, yogurt or protein powder to get a lot of protein.
    • Replace only 1-2 meals with juice and eat lean protein at other meals.
  4. Add a source of fiber. Some juice cures and juice presses separate the pulp from the fruits and vegetables. Pulp is high in nutrients and fiber. Not eating enough fiber can lead to constipation, blood sugar fluctuations and weight gain.
    • Many juice presses separate juice and pulp. You can throw some of the pulp back into your juice, or use the pulp in another recipe. You can use the pulp to make soup, a stew, pasta sauce or oven dish, for example. Try adding pulp to pastries such as cakes, cookies or pancakes.
    • You can also take a fiber supplement every day. These exist as tablets, capsules or powder. Take 1-2 doses per day.
    • Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, regardless of how you get it. So make sure you don't cut them out of your diet by just drinking juice.
  5. Limit the number of days you drink juices. A juice cure is not intended to be followed for a longer period of time. Never drink only juices for more than a few days.
    • Juices and detox diets are very low in calories, protein and valuable nutrients, making it unhealthy and unsafe over time.
  6. Exercise regularly. As with any diet, it is important to be physically active. Exercise burns extra calories so that you lose weight faster.
    • Try to exercise moderately to vigorously for 150 minutes a week, and do light to moderate strength training at least twice a week.
    • Be careful not to go too far if you eat few calories. Physical activity requires a significant amount of energy. If you only drink juices or are low on calories, you may not have enough energy to exercise.


  • Do not drink bottles of fruit nectar; it contains a lot of sugar.
  • If you're not much into fruit or vegetables, drinking juices can help you get more vitamins and minerals. However, if possible, it is always better to just eat fruits and vegetables.
  • Before you decide to buy an expensive machine, check out all kinds of juice diets and cures.


  • Always consult your doctor before starting any diet or before making any drastic changes to your diet.
  • Pregnant women or people with a weakened immune system, heart, liver, or kidney disease should not take a juice regimen.
  • The effect of certain medicines can be influenced by a juice cure. Always ask your doctor whether a juice diet or other diet program is safe and suitable for you.
  • Some juice cures contain very few calories, fat and protein, and that is by no means safe or healthy for everyone. Again, consult your doctor.
  • Do not drink laxative tea or take laxatives if you are on a diet. These increase the risk of dehydration and cause your electrolytes to become unbalanced.