Getting beautiful skin

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 Tips for Healthy Skin - Simple and Natural
Video: 6 Tips for Healthy Skin - Simple and Natural


Everyone wants to have a pure, beautiful and wrinkle-free skin in an easy way. But it's hard to find a trick that actually works. Men and women of all ages suffer from acne, dead skin cells and wrinkles. If you want beautiful skin, keep it clean and use products that are specially tailored to your skin's needs.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Setting up a maintenance routine

  1. Keep up with every skincare routine. Whatever routine you choose, it's important to stick with it.As with anything to do with body care, it is important that you do at least something. This means that it is better to follow a short, simple routine on a daily basis than to do a very elaborate treatment every now and then.
    • A routine that you can perform regularly is easier to maintain in the long run. Since it is about the long term if you want beautiful skin, you better choose something that you can maintain.
    • This is especially important if you have acne. Acne is a skin condition that is difficult to resolve, and cleaning regularly is the most important thing you can do to treat it.
  2. Wash your skin at least once a day. Washing your skin is most important if you want beautiful skin. During the day, dirt and bacteria build up that can clog your pores, cause red spots, itching and other problems. Washing your skin removes these substances before they have a chance to harm your skin.
    • Start by rinsing your skin with warm, clean water. Lather soap or another facial cleanser that is suitable for your skin type and spread it on your face. Rather use an oil-free soap on your face, unless you have dry skin. It is better to wash your body with a moisturizing soap. Gently rub your skin with a washcloth in circular motions. When you're done, rinse your skin with lukewarm water.
  3. Exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells and dirt. When you exfoliate your skin, your skin feels much better, and it is very good for your skin for several reasons. When you exfoliate, tiny particles in the scrub scrub off dead skin cells and dirt from your skin, revealing healthier skin. Most people think of exfoliating mainly to the skin of the face, but you should exfoliate your entire body.
    • One of the biggest benefits of exfoliating is when you exfoliate the areas where you shave (legs, face, wherever). When you shave, the hairs can sometimes grow back under the skin. By scrubbing, the hairs grow well through the skin, so you do not get red bumps. Usually try exfoliating after shaving and occasionally before shaving.
    • You can find products to exfoliate with the other skincare products, or you can make your own. An easy way is to make a paste of baking soda. Mix some baking soda with a few drops of water until you get a paste. You can use this as a kind of "soap" to exfoliate your skin. It works best on the face. Make a sugar scrub for the rest of your body.
  4. Dry your face well to avoid problems. When you dry your face, don't use your regular towel or rub too hard. Then you can spread bacteria, making your skin unhealthier. Rather, pat your face dry with a clean towel that you only use for your face.
    • Dabbing and using a clean towel is especially important if you have acne.
  5. Address skin concerns right away instead of letting it get worse. There are all kinds of problems you can have with your skin, but whatever it is, don't ignore it! The faster you tackle it, the easier it is to solve it. If it doesn't work out on your own, see a dermatologist. You may need stronger medicines that you can buy at the drug store.
    • Tackle acne and blemishes. There are many ways to get rid of acne, and what works for you depends on your skin type and the type of acne you have. Experiment to find out what works for you.
    • Treat your dry skin. Dry skin should be taken as seriously as oily skin, even if it doesn't look too bad. Dry skin can crack, causing inflammation and acne, so it's important to address it right away. Start by moisturizing your skin well and drinking plenty of water, and exfoliate your skin regularly.
  6. Be very alert, especially in winter, for dry skin and cracks. In winter you have to protect your skin extra well if you want beautiful skin. Low temperatures are harmful to your skin and dry you out. Cover your skin with clothing as much as possible. The skin that is exposed should be covered with a greasy moisturizer. Be very careful and moisturize your skin more than usual.
    • Cold air contains less moisture. This removes moisture from your skin, which then dries out.

Part 2 of 3: Using effective products

  1. Use sunscreen to protect your skin. This is one of the most important things you can do for your skin, not just your face, but your entire body. The sun's UVA and UVB rays damage the skin, but the tanning bed is also harmful. Always use sunscreen when you go out on a sunny day and avoid tanning beds.
    • Apply a cream with at least factor 15 on your skin. Apply it 30 minutes before you go out in the sun so that your skin can absorb it, and apply another layer 20 minutes after you go out. Then you only have to repeat it if you sweat a lot, or if you go to the beach all day.
    • You probably aren't using enough sunscreen. Use roughly two finger lengths for each of the 11 parts of your body (face, left / right shoulder, left / right arm, left / right chest, left / right upper leg, and left / right lower leg).
    • A higher factor is not necessary. SPF 15 works fine, and a higher factor is not much use anymore. A higher factor does not mean you can use less. You still need to apply just as much of that.
  2. Try retinoids to keep your skin smooth. Vitamin A is a vital ingredient for keeping your skin healthy. Today, you can buy special creams that nourish your skin with retinoids, which have the same chemical composition as vitamin A. These are some of the few products that have actually been proven to help improve skin, cure acne and fade wrinkles.
    • Retinoids prescribed by a doctor give the best results, but you can also use the over-the-counter retinol, which offers some of these benefits as well.
  3. Use wool grease to retain your natural fats. Wool grease or lanolin is a substance that sheep produce to protect their skin and coat. While you may not be bleeding or eating grass, wool grease can be very good for your skin. You can purchase a large jar at the health food store, drug store, or online.
    • If you're just starting out with wool grease, apply one or more times a day to your skin, depending on the area and how bad it is. After that, you only need to repeat it every four or five days to keep your skin soft.
  4. Try a face mask to make your skin even smoother. Have you ever seen people on TV with cucumber on their eyes and weird colored stuff on their faces? That's a face mask. Masks can be made from all kinds of ingredients.
    • Masks with turmeric, vegetable cabbage, yogurt with live bacteria, vitamin E and retinol / retinoids are all good for your skin. All these substances offer benefits to improve your skin.
    • Watch out for ingredients like lemon juice, as they will only disinfect the skin. Lemon juice can actually irritate the skin in some people, so don't put it in a mask.
    • Make sure the main ingredient matches the needs of your skin. Vegetable charcoal masks are good for oily skin, but can worsen dry skin. Vitamin E masks are good for dry skin, but can cause breakouts on oily skin.

Part 3 of 3: Tackling the whole body

  1. Drink lots of water. Drinking enough water is very important to your health, but did you know that water is also essential for soft and smooth skin? If you don't drink enough water, you will be the first to see it in your skin. When your skin dries out, you get red spots, itching and a tight feeling. That is not pleasant. But the problem is easily solved by drinking a few extra glasses of water every day.
    • As a general guideline, you can tell if you are drinking enough water by looking at your urine. If it is pale or clear, you drink enough. The darker your urine, the more likely you are to be dehydrated.
  2. Eat the right foods so that your skin gets the nutrients it needs. Your skin, like other parts of the body, needs specific foods to be healthy. You can gain long-term benefits by putting together a diet that nourishes your skin optimally. Although you will not see the effects immediately, after a while you will start to notice the change clearly. The most important vitamins for your skin are vitamins A, C and E, in addition to Omega3 fatty acids, zinc and selenium.
    • Salmon is a good source of many of these nutrients. Most fruits contain vitamin C and carrots are full of vitamin A.
  3. Move to keep your skin firm. You probably never thought about it, but exercising is good for your skin too. Research has shown that you can really do a lot to keep your skin looking healthy, firm and young. If you don't exercise yet, start exercising more from now on.
    • It is important to understand that you cannot individually target one area of ​​your body. There is no magical exercise to improve your skin. You just have to get more active in general and start exercising more.
    • If you are just starting to exercise more, take a brisk walk for half an hour a day.
  4. Get plenty of sleep. When you sleep, your body recovers and cleans itself. One of those things that are then improved is the skin. If you don't get enough sleep, your body produces too much cortisol (which makes your skin worse) and you produce too little growth hormones (which prevents your skin from recovering). Get enough sleep so that you give your skin every chance.
    • Everyone has different sleep needs. Every body is different. You may need to experiment a bit to find the right amount of sleep, but you should be able to feel fit and alert all day long without the help of coffee.
  5. Balance your hormones to avoid skin problems. Remember that your hormone levels can play a role in how your skin looks. We all know the cliché of the adolescent with pimples. And there is a reason for that! Certain hormones cause problems such as acne, and whenever there are fluctuations in your hormone balance, your skin can suffer. There are things you can do to protect yourself from these hormone fluctuations, but above all you need to be aware of what those fluctuations do. It's part of life, so it's best to just be patient.
    • Puberty, pregnancy and medicines can put your hormone system out of balance, causing your skin to suffer.
    • If you really want to, you can take medication to bring your hormone balance back into balance. This is especially easy for girls and women: the contraceptive pill can affect your hormone levels and improve your skin.


  • Stay off pimples, don't squeeze or pick them.
  • Get a facial. A facial cleanses your skin making you look healthier.


  • Read all warnings and ingredients on the labels of products you will be using. If it contains an ingredient that you are allergic to, you can irritate your skin. If you have sensitive skin, ask your doctor which products are best to use.