Sleeping at your boyfriend's place for the first time

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The First ’Time’ At Your Boyfriend’s Place - POPxo
Video: The First ’Time’ At Your Boyfriend’s Place - POPxo


Sleeping with your boyfriend for the first time can be exciting, and you might be a little nervous about it. If you dare to sleep with him, it means that the relationship is progressing. Just be yourself, plan ahead and continue to communicate well, then the first night at his home will go smoothly.

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Part 1 of 4: Pack what you need

  1. Choose a discreet bag. It shouldn't seem like you've been packing for a whole week; but you do need some essentials so that you can wake up the next morning pleasantly. You should be able to brush your teeth and remove your makeup if you use that.
    • Check if the things you want to take with you fit in the bag that you normally always carry with you. If you normally have a very small bag with you, you will now have to bring something larger, or pack only the bare essentials.
    • If your friend lives a bit further away, and you have to stay the night if you want to see him, you can pack a little more. You need everything you normally take with you when you travel.
  2. Pack the supplies necessary for your evening routine. You don't want to end up in the uncomfortable situation where you have to ask him for a toothbrush, but you can't brush your teeth at all. Pack everything you can't live without.
    • Take makeup remover with you if you use makeup. Some girls would rather go to sleep with make-up on than be around their boyfriend without any make-up. But that's bad for your skin, and if he's your boyfriend, he'll end up seeing you without makeup anyway.
    • Pack everything you need to do your hair. Some women make a bun at night, but prefer not to do it when they are with their boyfriend. Of course you will not go to bed with curlers on this special night, but do bring a brush or comb with you.
  3. Pack things you need the next morning. You can come up with a long list of things you might need the next morning. Think about what you really need for your morning routine, taking into account how long you and your sweetheart will be together before you return home.
    • If you always get up early, bring your phone charger and a book or magazine. Then you won't be bored if you wake up earlier than him.
    • If possible, put a pair of comfortable shoes in your bag so you don't have to go home in your high heels.
    • Don't forget to put any medications you need to take every day in your bag. You don't know exactly what time you will be home the next morning.
  4. Pack contraceptives as needed. If you are planning to have sex, it is wise to bring condoms. Don't assume he will. Bring them yourself. Even if you're not sure whether you're going to have sex or not, it's smart to pack them just in case.
    • Condoms are the only contraceptive that also protects against sexually transmitted diseases.
    • It may also be a good idea to bring lubricant or other sex enhancements.
  5. Bring some cash. This is always a good idea if you are going out for a night. Suppose things go wrong, or you don't know how to get home yet, it is nice to know that you have some cash on hand for emergencies.
    • It is good to have money with you in case you spontaneously decide to have a drink or to get ice cream for breakfast. Don't just assume that he will pay.
  6. Wear a versatile outfit. You could stay with your boyfriend all morning, or even all day. If you came in your going out clothes, you may not feel comfortable walking through the park in it or drinking coffee in a cafe.
    • It is best if you wear something that makes you feel sexy, but you can also look good the next morning.

Part 2 of 4: Dealing with expectations about sex

  1. Know what you want. This is the most important thing to consider if you are going to sleep together for the first time. Don't feel obliged to make love to him because you are going to sleep with him. But if you did hope for that, just go for it.
    • Making love brings you closer together and creates a more intimate bond.
    • Sex can also bring up tricky topics, such as questions about monogamy, your sexual past, and a possible pregnancy. If you don't feel like talking to this guy about this, you may not be ready for a sexual relationship with him just yet.
    • It's okay to be hesitant about sex, especially the first time. If you don't want to make the decision now, that's fine. When the time comes, make sure you make an informed and concerted decision.
  2. Talk to your boyfriend about your expectations. That can be uncomfortable at first, but it is a conversation that you will have to have in the end anyway. There are all kinds of ways you can talk to your friend about his expectations while still being charming or even seductive.
    • For example, if you want to keep the conversation flirty, ask him how he had the room layout in mind. Say something like, "Say, do you think we'll get into bed together, or should I bring my own sleeping bag?"
    • If you want to be more direct, say, "I am very excited to come and sleep with you for the first time, and I would like to talk about what we expect tonight. I was wondering if you would like to make love to me yet, and if you think we are ready for that. "
    • If you already know exactly what you want and are sure of it, just say so. For example, say, "Hey, I'm really looking forward to sleeping with you, but I want to let you know that I don't want to have sex yet". Or, "I'm so looking forward to it tonight. I really feel that I am ready to take it a step further ”.
  3. Stay clear, but be flexible. If you've decided for yourself whether or not to want sex, that's very good. But sometimes circumstances can affect how you feel, causing you to change your mind. It does not matter. Listen to your gut.
    • Maybe you didn't plan on having sex with him yet, but you feel so comfortable with him that you want to try it anyway.
    • Or maybe you were planning to have sex with him, but suddenly you feel uncomfortable or nervous. It's really okay to change your mind.
    • Make sure your choice is based on your feelings, not pressure from your boyfriend, girlfriends, parents or other external factors.

Part 3 of 4: Getting ready for the evening

  1. Enjoy each other's company. You may be nervous when you first sleep with him. However, remember that he likes you for who you are. And besides that, he's probably just as nervous as you. Try to break the tension by relaxing together and doing things that you normally enjoy doing.
    • Your boyfriend is probably nervous about you going to see his house or room. Make him feel comfortable by letting him know what you like about his living space. For example, say "What a nice poster you have there", or "This is a really nice neighborhood."
    • If his house isn't very nice, you can go for a walk or go for a bike ride. You can meet up somewhere else and then only go to his house to sleep.
  2. Finish your evening routine. That might mean washing your face, brushing your teeth, and brushing your hair. You may have a more elaborate routine at home, but this evening you can keep it a bit shorter. Then you're not in the bathroom all the time, while your boyfriend wonders what the hell you've been doing there for so long.
    • You don't have to explain what you do in the bathroom. He may wonder, but that's okay.
    • If you usually braid your hair or put it up in a bun, you just can't do that the first night you are together, if that's more comfortable for you.
  3. Prepare that you will not sleep very well. When you're sleeping with someone for the first time, your brain will likely be a little more alert at night to make sure you're not in danger. You may wake up with every move he makes.
    • Don't go to sleep at your boyfriend's place for the first time if you have an important day at school or work the next day.
    • You may need to take a nap the next day to catch up on sleep, even if you're trying to go to bed early.
  4. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you had not planned the sleepover in advance, you may not have brought other clothes or thought about where to sleep. Even if you did plan it, you may not have brought pajamas or clean clothes. What you put on when you go to sleep depends on how comfortable you are with your friend and how intimate you already are.
    • If you have had sex or have been physically intimate in other ways, you may enjoy sleeping naked or only in your underwear.
    • If he still lives with his parents, you may prefer to wear something in case you run into his parents, sibling in the hallway when you need to urinate at night.
    • You can always ask him if you can borrow a T-shirt to sleep in. A lot of boys think that's cute.
  5. Go to bed when you're ready. When it is bedtime because you are both tired, it is time to go to sleep. If you are sharing the bed, you should try to find a position that is comfortable for both of you. There are many things that can make that difficult, such as:
    • When he snores. Bring earplugs to be on the safe side!
    • If one of you steals the covers at night, or if you like different sleeping temperatures.
    • If he likes sleeping together and you don't (or vice versa).

Part 4 of 4: Waking up together

  1. Let him sleep in. If you are the first to wake up, it is so nice to let your boyfriend sleep for a while. You would probably like that too. If you wake up earlier, you can either stay in bed and hold him or go to the bathroom and start your morning routine so that you look fresh and fruity when he wakes up.
    • If he wakes up earlier than you, he may also be in the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash.
  2. Estimate how you will spend the morning. Maybe you want to be together the next morning or even the whole day, but it can also turn out differently. Hopefully you already know if you have any plans for that day. If you don't have any plans, don't just assume he'll be spending all morning with you.
    • Have you talked about breakfast yet? If not, you can propose something or ask what he likes. For example, you could say, "Shall we have breakfast somewhere?" Or "I feel like a cup of coffee." Do you know a nice cafe in the area? "
    • Do either of you have to go to work or school? If you have to go, let him know. You can say something like, "I have to work in an hour, but I would love to have a cup of coffee if you want too". You can also say, "Do you have plans for today? I don't, but I understand when you have things to do. "
    • Of course, your boyfriend should care about you and respect you, so don't hesitate to let him know what you'd like that morning. In a healthy relationship, you must be able to express your feelings honestly.
  3. Leave something if you wish. That's a fairly well-known flirting technique. Even if you're already in a relationship, it can be fun to turn your boyfriend on a little bit with that. It can also be a fun way to get him to think about you, and it assures him that you will be seeing each other again soon. You can "accidentally" leave any of these things:
    • A piece of clothing
    • A piece of jewelry that you often wear
    • Your toothbrush or makeup
    • The book you are reading
    • The DVD series you are watching together
  4. Be respectful if he still lives with his parents. If he lives with his parents or siblings, you should behave respectfully when they are present. Stick to their house rules and behave modestly.
    • If his parents have told you to sleep in separate rooms, stick to that. It can be disastrous if they notice that you have been sleeping together behind their backs.
    • Don't show too much affection in front of his family. You can of course be nice to each other, but don't kiss or caress each other in front of others.
    • Dress nicely when you go to sleep or walk around the house. For example, don't go to the bathroom in a T-shirt and underpants.


  • Take it easy the first time if you are sleeping. Don't try to blow his mind or pull out all your best sex tricks right away.
  • If he still lives with his parents, discuss with him in advance what is appropriate to wear, ask if you need to bring anything special and where you will sleep.


  • Remember that consent is important. Make sure you only do things sexually that you both want.
  • Make sure you have both been tested for STIs before having sex and always use condoms.