Find out if your phone is bugged

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you suspect that your phone or cellphone is being bugged, there are a few clues you can look for that will confirm your suspicions. Many of these clues can also be caused by other sources, so look for multiple clues instead of relying on one thing. Once you have enough evidence, you can go to the appropriate authorities and ask for help. You can pay attention to this if you suspect that someone has installed an eavesdropping device in your phone.

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Part 1 of 5: The first suspicion

  1. It's worrisome when your secrets get out on the street. If certain private information that only a select few people know about suddenly ends up on the street, it could be that the leak was caused by a wiretapping, especially if you recently discussed that specific information over the phone.
    • This is especially important if you hold a position that makes you a prime target to spy on. For example, if you have a top job at a powerful, innovative company, you run the risk of falling victim to an underworld that trades in information.
    • On the other hand, it could also be that your phone is being tapped because you are in a fighting divorce. Your near-ex may try to eavesdrop on your phone to find out information that may be useful during the divorce process.
    • If you want to test this, you can do this by passing false information over the phone to someone you trust. If this comes out, then you know someone has been listening to you.
  2. Be very vigilant if you have recently been the victim of a burglary. If your home was recently broken into, but nothing of real value has been taken, that alone is enough to suggest that something strange is going on. Sometimes this is an indication that someone has broken in, just to install eavesdropping equipment.

Part 2 of 5: Directions for any phone

  1. Listen for background noise. If you hear a lot of noise or some other form of background noise when you are on the phone with other people, there is a chance that the noise is coming from the interference caused by a tap.
    • This is not the most reliable indicator per se, as echo, noise, or clicking noises can also be caused by random interference or a bad connection.
    • Noise, scratches, and popping noises can be caused by capacitors that discharge when connected.
    • A high-pitched whistle is an even better indication.
    • You can also check for sounds that your ears cannot hear by using a radio sensor that is set to a specific low frequency. If the indicator beats several times per minute, your phone may be tapped.
  2. Use your phone near other electrical appliances. If you suspect your phone is being tapped, walk to a radio or television while on the phone. Even if there is no audible interference in the phone, there is a good chance that interference will occur if you are standing right next to another electrical device, causing you to hear a noise.
    • Also pay attention to malfunctions when you are not using the phone. An active, wireless phone signal can disrupt the transfer of data even without additional software or hardware on your phone, but an inactive signal cannot do that.
    • Some bugs and taps use frequencies close to the FM radio band, so if your radio is overdriving when you listen to it in mono and you have the radio set to the far end of the band, you may be bothered by the aforementioned devices.
    • Likewise, a tap can disrupt TV frequencies from the UHF channel. Use a TV with an antenna to check the room for interference.
  3. Listen to your phone when you are not using it. Your phone should be silent when not in use.If you hear beeps, clicks, or other noises coming from your phone, it may be that listening devices or software are installed on it.
    • Pay particular attention to whether you hear a pulsating, constant noise.
    • If so, it could mean that the microphone and speaker are active, even when the phone is not in use, through a hook switch bypass. Every conversation you have can then be monitored up to 6 m from the telephone.
    • If it is a landline and you hear a dial tone when the receiver is on the hook, this can also be an indication of a tap. Use an amplifier to confirm that this sound is there.

Part 3 of 5: Directions for a mobile tap

  1. Pay attention to the temperature of the battery. If your phone becomes unusually hot when it is not being used and you don't know any other reason why it is, it may be that there is software running in the background that is constantly using your battery.
    • Of course, an overheated battery can simply mean too much is being asked of it. This is especially true if your mobile is over a year old, as batteries tend to degrade over time.
  2. Pay attention to how often you have to charge the battery. If your phone's battery suddenly runs out and you have to charge it twice as often as usual, the battery may be giving up because of the power-hungry software that is constantly running in the background.
    • Also check how often you use the mobile. If you have used it a lot lately, you probably need to keep charging the battery. This check only works if you hardly touch the mobile, or if you have not used it more often than usual.
    • You can check your battery life with an app such as BatteryLife LX or Battery LED.
    • Also know that a battery cannot be charged as well over time. If your mobile or smartphone is older than a year, it could just be an old, frequently used battery.
  3. Try to turn off your mobile. If the shutdown is slow or unsuccessful, this could be an indication that someone else has taken control of your phone with a tap.
    • Pay close attention to whether your mobile takes longer than normal to shut down or whether the backlight remains on even after shutdown.
    • While this could be a sign that your phone is being tapped, it could also be just a problem with your phone's hardware or software and nothing to do with a tap.
  4. Watch for random activity. If your phone lights up, shuts down, starts up, or starts installing an app without you doing anything, it could be that someone is trying to hack into your mobile and take over with a tap.
    • On the other hand, any of these phenomena can occur due to random interference during data transmission.
  5. Also pay attention to whether you receive unusual text messages. If you recently received a text message containing seemingly random strings of characters from an unknown source, this is a red flag indicating that an amateur is trying to tap your phone.
    • Some programs use an SMS to send commands to a mobile. If these programs are installed carelessly, these types of messages may appear.
  6. Also pay close attention to your telephone bill. If you have suddenly started using a lot more data and you know that this is not due to your usage, it could be that someone else is using your data via a tap.
    • Many spy programs send logs of your phone data to online servers and use your call minutes to do so. Older programs used enormous amounts of data, making them easier to track down, but this is not the case with newer programs, making them easier to hide.

Part 4 of 5: Indications that your landline is being tapped

  1. Check your environment. If you suspect that your landline is being tapped, check carefully to see if something strange is going on in the area. If things are out of place, such as a sofa or a desk, don't immediately dismiss this as an attack of paranoia. It could be an indication that someone has been nosing around in your house.
    • Someone installing eavesdropping equipment in your home may be moving furniture to access wiring or telephone lines, so this is something to watch out for.
    • Pay particular attention to the wall plate. If it looks like the wall plates have moved or shifted around your phone or elsewhere in the house, it may have been tampered with.
  2. Examine the outside telephone box. You may not know what a telephone cabinet looks like on the inside, but even if you have only a vague idea, you should still have a look. If the cabinet looks like it has been tampered with, or if the contents have been compromised, someone may have installed bugs.
    • If you see hardware that appears to have been installed in a hurry, even if you don't know what it is, consider having someone check it.
    • Take a good look at the part you "shouldn't touch" in the closet. This side needs a special Allen wrench to open, and if it looks like it has been tampered with, then you have a problem.
  3. Pay particular attention to the number of unknown cars near your house. Count the number of company cars you see. If there are unknown trucks or cars in the vicinity of your house, it could be an eavesdropping station, intended for maintaining and keeping an eye on the tap.
    • This is especially an indication when it comes to shuttered cars and vans, where no one gets off.
    • Generally speaking, people eavesdropping on your landline will be located approximately 500 to 700 feet from your home. The cars often have tinted glass.
  4. Be suspicious of mysterious repairers. If someone comes along who claims to be a phone company repairman, but you never called about it yourself, it could be a trap. Don't let him / her in and call your phone company (or the company the so-called repairer would work for) to confirm the repairer's identity.
    • When calling the company, use the telephone number that is known to you or in the telephone book. Don't rely on the phone number you got from the mysterious repairman.
    • Even though you get a confirmation, don't lose sight of the repairer while he's at it.

Part 5 of 5: Getting your suspicions confirmed

  1. Use an eavesdropping / tap detector. A tap detector is a device that you can connect to your phone. As its name suggests, it can recognize incoming signals and taps, so now you can be sure that you are being overheard.
    • The usefulness of these devices is not always certain, but it is in any case necessary that they can recognize electrical or signal changes over a telephone line. Look for a device that can measure impedance and capacitance, in addition to changes in high signal frequencies.
  2. Install an app. There are apps for smartphones that you can install to detect taps by looking for tapping signals and unauthorized access to the data on your phone.
    • People disagree about the effectiveness of these apps, so you will not get conclusive proof with this either. Some of these apps are only suitable for discovering bugs posted by other apps.
    • Apps that claim to be able to detect bugs are SpyWarn ™ (patent pending) and Reveal: Anti SMS Spy.
  3. Ask your telephone provider for help. If you have good reason to believe that you are being bugged, you can ask the telephone company to check with specialized equipment.
    • A standard landline analysis performed by the telephone company is sufficient to detect most illegal wiretaps, eavesdropping devices, low frequency devices, and wireline splices.
    • Note that if you have asked the telephone company to check for wiretaps and bugs, but the company either refuses or runs the test very casually, there is a chance it is a government request.
  4. Go to the police. If you have strong indications that your phone is really being tapped, you can always ask the police to check this. In addition, they are of course the appropriate body to help identify and arrest the person responsible.
    • Most police departments have specialized equipment needed to test your phone for bugs or a tap device, but if you don't come up with enough evidence that your suspicions are valid, there is not much chance they will do this for you. want to check.