How to get ready for the night (Teens)

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
My Morning Routine for High School!
Video: My Morning Routine for High School!


You have an overnight stay, but don't know how or what to pack? Read in this article detailed steps on how to successfully get ready for the night without any worries! :)


  1. 1 Find a good sized bag. Make sure it has pockets for storing small items and larger pockets for bigger things! Make sure the bag you choose is comfortable to carry and that you can fit everything.
  2. 2 Find a makeup bag. Pack in it: deodorant, body spray, perfume, toothbrush / paste, cosmetics, pads / tampons, shampoo, shower gel (if you plan to shower at a friend's house), hair bands, hairpins, cleanser and the rest whatever you want to bring (put anything that might leak in ziplock bags or plastic bags to prevent leaks).
  3. 3 Choose the most comfortable pajamas or nightie. If your pajamas / nightgown has short sleeves, take another sweater that will sleep well (you never know how cold it can be in a room!). Alternatively, you can get the Onesie jumpsuit!
  4. 4 Snacks! Don't forget about snacks and fast food for your sleepover - chocolates, sweets, cookies (Oreo is best), chips are often chosen (salt and vinegar don't irritate the stomach late at night, so they can be recommended), and don't forget about drinks - maybe tarragon , lemonade, sprite or fanta?
  5. 5 Take a small purse with medical supplies (optional) with you. While your friend's parents are guaranteed to have medicines at home, of course you can bring your own! You need: plasters, pain relievers (preferably paracetamol), additional pads / tampons, insect bite repellent, inhaler (if necessary), antiseptic wipes, anti-inflammatory cream, acne cream and other necessary means.
  6. 6 Take a magazine or book. You may wake up at night and want to read a little.
  7. 7 A flashlight is a must! What if you need to go to the bathroom at night and it's dark around ?!
  8. 8 Bathrobe and slippers. It's polite to wear them in the morning when you go downstairs for breakfast or dinner the night before.
  9. 9 Your stuffed toy. Your favorite teddy may want to spend the day (and / or) night outside, so why not bring him / her with you? They would love it !!
  10. 10 Throw a party to pamper yourself. Bring a small purse of nail polish, manicure rhinestones, face masks, and whatever else you want to bring.
  11. 11 Fold up clean clothes and linen for the next day!
  12. 12 Finally, have a great time! Enjoy, watch scary movies and get a LITTLE sleep (but girls have no rules for sleepovers).


  • If it so happens that during your overnight stay you have critical days, do not be afraid to ask your parents / guardians for funds if you run out! Or if a friend has already started, easily ask her for pads / tampons if you need them.
  • Why not grab a DVD or two? Alternatively, a really good Disney movie Frozen.
  • If a sibling of a friend has a sign "DO NOT ENTER, OR CLOSE TO DEATH", take it into your house, funny, catchy with a suitable threat! You can attach it to the door and see if they will obey your rules.


  • Don't be discouraged if you start homesick - just think good things and enjoy your sleepover.
  • Make sure the movie isn't too scary, you don't want to be overwhelmed by nightmares ?!
  • Don't eat too many snacks to avoid bad things.

What do you need

  • (see above)