
How to communicate with a girl by SMS

How to communicate with a girl by SMS

In recent year , text me aging ha become a common way to develop friend hip that can grow into omething more. If you want to intere t a girl, texting via M will be one of the ea ie t and ure t way . o...

How to make natural perfume

How to make natural perfume

Good perfume nowaday co t a lot. A bottle of Chanel, for example, co t around 30,000, and thi i a fragrance that everyone know ! But you can make your own perfume - le expen ive, but definitely more i...

How to apply eye makeup if you have fair skin

How to apply eye makeup if you have fair skin

Ever wondered why fa hion model have uch a beautiful and charming look? Want to learn how to do a tunning makeup in le than 15 minute ? Read our article and follow our tep to make your look tunning. 1...

How to edit and present offline Prezi

How to edit and present offline Prezi

Prezi i a web-ba ed application that allow you to create pre entation with text, picture and video . Prezi differ from traditional pre entation oftware in that it u e a ingle canva and frame , unlike ...

How to breaded chicken

How to breaded chicken

Breading i when the chicken ha a cri py flour cru t on it. You can u e a variety of ingredient for the breading, depending on your ta te and the ta te of tho e you will be erving. Breading i a very im...

How to send a message from a Facebook page

How to send a message from a Facebook page

In thi article, we are going to how you how to end a me age from your Facebook page. If your company ha a Facebook page and you want to connect with your audience, you can do thi through Facebook Me e...

How to find motivation

How to find motivation

Motivation play an important role in overall development. But many of u mi it only becau e we don't realize it full importance. Let' find out what we can do to overcome our lack of motivation....

How to clean the water dispenser

How to clean the water dispenser

1 Clean the water cooler every 6 week or whenever you change the bottle. 2 Prepare a bleach olution by adding 1 table poon of bleach for every 1 L of water you u e. 3 Unplug the water cooler from the ...

Dealing with an ex or ex who is obsessed with you

Dealing with an ex or ex who is obsessed with you

The relation hip between you i over, and your former love doe not move on? You need to clarify the fact that everything i in the pa t, before thi per on end you another awkward love letter or ettle un...

How to love your body

How to love your body

Loving your body i not o ea y, e pecially when every day from all ide from the media we are attacked by image of the body proce ed in graphic editor . The glamor hot and model we ee on magazine page a...

How to blanch almonds

How to blanch almonds

1 Buy raw almond . Make ure they are pure almond , not roa ted, alted, or oil-free. 2 Boil a mall aucepan of water. When it boil , remove it from the tove and place it on the tand. 3 Place the almond ...

How to sleep with wet hair

How to sleep with wet hair

Have you ever found your elf with wet hair before going to bed, lack of trength or time to dry it? If o, then many people face thi problem! leeping with wet hair may not be the right olution, but with...

How to copy Bitmoji

How to copy Bitmoji

Thi article will how you how to copy Bitmoji from a mobile app or exten ion to Chrome and then pa te it a an image. 1 Launch Bitmoji. It' a green icon with a white miling text cloud on your de kto...

How to make a birdhouse

How to make a birdhouse

By making the bird a cozy ne t, you can en ure that they return to you every year. Read on to learn how to make everal type of birdhou e . 1 Find a pumpkin of the right ize. Make ure the pumpkin i dry...

How to understand that you are being followed

How to understand that you are being followed

Many people do not take the per ecution eriou ly, which can lead to dangerou ituation . A bully i omeone who expre e their attention in a way that make other feel fearful. Per ecuting people i prohibi...

How to install new handles on the steering wheel

How to install new handles on the steering wheel

ometime it can be difficult to fit new rubber grip to the handlebar . Thi article will how you how ea y it i to put the new handlebar on to keep them from lipping. 1 Carefully cut the old handle with...

How to change file properties

How to change file properties

Thi article will how you how to acce and change the propertie and etting of individual file on your computer. Thi can be done on Window and Mac O X. 1 Open the tart menu . To do thi , click on the Win...

How to survive in Minecraft Pocket Edition

How to survive in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Trying to get through at lea t a couple of day in Minecraft PE? Thi article i for you. Actually, if you read it carefully, you will la t much longer than two day . 1 Generate a ucce ful world. ucce fu...

How to revive a dying poinsettia

How to revive a dying poinsettia

Poin ettia (the mo t beautiful euphorbia, "Chri tma tar") i an ornamental plant from the euphorbia genu , which i u ed to decorate hou e for the New Year. However, after the holiday , poin e...

How to bandage your ankle the same way a sports coach does

How to bandage your ankle the same way a sports coach does

Ankle injurie can take a very long time to heal, e pecially if they are not properly treated. Anyone can get uch an injury, but athlete are e pecially u ceptible to thi . It i a good idea to rewind th...