Peel a mango

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Cut And Dice A Mango
Video: How To Cut And Dice A Mango


Mangoes are tropical fruits that are eaten all over the world. Whether you eat the mango on its own or in a salad or a main course, you will have to remove the skin well first. Follow these steps to be able to peel or peel a mango in a few easy ways.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Peel a mango with a knife

  1. You should now have a peeled mango. Stick a fork into the mango so you can eat it without getting under the juice.
    • You can eat the mango whole or slice it and eat it with a fork.


  • Don't forget to wash the mango before peeling or cutting it.
  • A mango is ripe when it is soft and yielding, just like an avocado or pear would.
  • Learn to pair a mango with other foods. You will love mango even more once you know how versatile it is.
  • The peel of the mango can get stuck between your teeth, so keep in mind that you may need to floss after you eat the fruit. This is especially true for the skin near the kernel.
  • If the mango is reddish, it is probably ripe.


  • Ripe mango
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Vegetable peeler (optional)