
How to add a website to Trusted Sites

How to add a website to Trusted Sites

Thi article explain how to add a tru ted web ite addre to your brow er exception li t. If the ite i included in uch a li t, then cookie , notification and pop-up that are pre ent on the ite are not bl...

How to have a good conversation

How to have a good conversation

The art of communication require con tant practice and i not ea y for everyone. ometime it can be difficult to tart a conver ation, e pecially if you are naturally hy or you don't have much in com...

How to fill out a baseball scorecard

How to fill out a baseball scorecard

Keeping core i a great way to tay involved in the game. It i al o a u eful kill if you are on a ba eball team, a you can better monitor the tat , trend , and performance of your team' player . Whi...

How to confess your love to a person

How to confess your love to a person

Declaration of love i a very exciting proce , but once you open up to the per on, you will feel a huge relief. With a little preparation, you can turn a declaration of love into a pecial and unforgett...

How to organize a goodbye party

How to organize a goodbye party

Farewell partie are held for a variety of rea on . Thi i a great way to ay goodbye to a friend, colleague or loved one and give everyone pre ent a lot of fond memorie . You can throw a party when a pe...

How to effortlessly make your hair softer and more beautiful

How to effortlessly make your hair softer and more beautiful

1 Comb your hair thoroughly. If you take a comb to the hower with you, you can u e it to di tribute the hampoo and conditioner through your hair. 2 Do not wa h your hair with very hot water, a hot wat...

How to conserve battery life on an Android smartphone

How to conserve battery life on an Android smartphone

The Android operating y tem offer a wide variety of function uch a Wi-Fi and GP , a well a a wide variety of application . However, keep in mind that ome app con ume ignificant amount of power, which...

How to rip DVD using VLC

How to rip DVD using VLC

tep-by- tep guide on how to extract and convert file from DVD to mpeg or other format u ing Videolan VLC Media Player, for example, for uploading to YouTube. 1 Open DVD. Launch the VLC program and go...

How to add a location to your Facebook post

How to add a location to your Facebook post

The ability to hare your location on ocial media i a very popular trend. ite like Facebook allow you to ign in, po t a tatu , and then tag a pecific location to how you where you are. It' a great ...

How to care for a newly pierced ear

How to care for a newly pierced ear

You recently got your ear pierced and in erted an earring, but you will mo t likely want to change it over time. Before doing thi , you mu t learn how to properly care for and clean the puncture in th...

How to Fast

How to Fast

Fa ting i pre cribed in many religion - ab taining from food and drink on certain day , uch a fa ting during the month of Ramadan or on Yom Kippur. ome people al o voluntarily fa t for variou rea on ....

How to remove makeup with aloe

How to remove makeup with aloe

1 Collect everything you need. You will need ¼ cup Aloe Vera gel, ¼ cup natural honey, and 1 table poon of your choice of oil (cold pre ed olive oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, avocado oil, apr...

How to create your first Java program on Ubuntu Linux

How to create your first Java program on Ubuntu Linux

To u e the method de cribed in thi article, you mu t have a Java development environment uch a Oracle Java, OpenJDK, or IBM Java in talled on your computer. If not, read thi article or imply enter (in...

How to enable JavaScript

How to enable JavaScript

In thi article, you will learn how to enable Java cript in your brow er to load and view certain element on ome web page , uch a video or animation . Java cript can be enabled in Chrome (Android and d...

How to train your cat to use a scratching post

How to train your cat to use a scratching post

Cat love to harpen their claw on variou hou ehold item . Thi i an in tinctive behavior that help the cat to leave it cent on object . In addition, cat leave cratche on the urrounding object to mark th...

How to mow your lawn

How to mow your lawn

1 Walk with a lawn mower or oblique fir t along the edge of the idewalk and path . When mowing your lawn, you can u e either an electric or ga -powered lawnmower or a hand-operated lawnmower. Next, we...

How to look good in the morning

How to look good in the morning

Unfortunately, for many of u , from time to time, the morning i not good. You may have worked all night, lept poorly, or are in a ru h on bu ine , but no doubt you want to look good. To do thi , you j...

How to gargle

How to gargle

Gargling i an important part of the treatment. It remove harmful bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Gargling may eem unae thetic or odd, but when you do it in the comfort of your bathroom, it' com...

How to parody celebrities

How to parody celebrities

Going to a party? There' nothing better than making your un u pecting friend laugh with an awe ome celebrity parody! If you learn how to find uitable object for parodie and do ome imple exerci e ,...

How to get rid of carpenter bees

How to get rid of carpenter bees

Carpenter bee are imilar in body tructure and color to a bumblebee.However, unlike their relative , carpenter bee are u ually not aggre ive. The female carpenter bee i capable of ting, but doe o only ...