
How to learn the basics of biochemistry

How to learn the basics of biochemistry

Biochemi try combine biology and chemi try. Thi cience deal with the tudy of metabolic pathway (chemical tran formation ) in living organi m at the cellular level. In addition to the fact that biochem...

How to make a lion costume

How to make a lion costume

pecial co tume are often needed for Halloween celebration , partie , role-playing game , drama how , and other pecial occa ion . Buying a uit from a tore can be overwhelming. The overall dimen ion ca...

How to break out of a violent relationship

How to break out of a violent relationship

Many women and men around the world face daily pou al and lover violence. Violence can take many form , from a ault to moral humiliation. Regardle of what form of violence i pre ent in your relation h...

How to heat-treat eggs

How to heat-treat eggs

Many recipe , including cu tard , oup , and variou noodle , require the egg to be cooked, which mean that the temperature of the egg mu t be gradually rai ed and cooked unpeeled. A cooked egg look lik...

How to add music to your music library

How to add music to your music library

Add all digital track to your computer' mu ic library to make it ea ier to find and ort your ong collection. Download ong and album to your computer by placing them in dedicated librarie in iTune ...

How to put on a wetsuit

How to put on a wetsuit

1 Wear protective clothing. Wear protective clothing if de ired. It u ually con i t of a lycra ra hguard or an entire ru h uit. Of cour e, ome people prefer to wear only a wim uit or nothing at all. 2...

How to lose weight by walking

How to lose weight by walking

Phy ical activity i a prerequi ite for lo ing weight. Lo ing weight and maintaining weight without port i extremely difficult. While walking i not con idered a high-inten ity exerci e, it will allow y...

How to bake a simple cake

How to bake a simple cake

1 Combine flour, baking powder and alt in a bowl. Add 1 3/4 cup (218 gram ) all-purpo e flour to a bowl, add 1 tea poon (4 gram ) baking powder and 1/2 tea poon (3 gram each) baking oda and alt. Whi k...

How to deal with chapped lips

How to deal with chapped lips

Chapped lip are a difficult problem to avoid and cannot be fixed overnight. For mo t people, prevention i the be t medicine. For other , chapped lip are not preventable. For uch people, cracked lip be...

How to protect yourself from an Australian magpie attack

How to protect yourself from an Australian magpie attack

Au tralian magpie are notoriou for their habit , which can lead to injury and human uffering - wooping. Thi na ty habit exi t to protect bird territory when magpie feel the ne t i under threat during ...

How to clean a Dyson vacuum cleaner

How to clean a Dyson vacuum cleaner

Dy on vacuum cleaner are de igned in uch a way that they can be cleaned completely without u ing bag or heating. They u e cani ter , bladele fan and wa hable filter . If you haven't cleaned your D...

How to breed bearded dragons

How to breed bearded dragons

Animal breeding i a hobby for many people. Breeding lizard can al o be very fun. Thi i not like breeding regular animal . It i a challenging ta k, but it will be fun and intere ting for you. One of th...

How to ask a question correctly in English

How to ask a question correctly in English

Do you know that feeling of excitement when you a k a que tion in Engli h and do not know how fully they will an wer you? Thi article contain tip and example of que tion formulated in uch a way that t...

How to prepare dahlias for wintering

How to prepare dahlias for wintering

Dahlia are ummer blooming plant with tuberou root . They are hardy in U DA hardine zone 7-10, but in colder zone they mu t be dug up for the winter and tored indoor . If the tuber are left outdoor in ...

How to hack a computer

How to hack a computer

In thi article, you will learn how to jailbreak a Window or Mac O X computer, and how to u e TeamViewer to control another computer remotely. 1 Under tand how thi method work . It i more difficult to ...

How to chew gum in class

How to chew gum in class

Even though chewing gum i illegal in many chool , ometime we can't help our elve ! The e tep will help you chew your gum whenever you want without getting caught by your teacher. 1 tart chewing gu...

How to put on cufflinks

How to put on cufflinks

1 Choo e a matching hirt. For cufflink , a hirt with French (i.e. double) cuff i required. The e hirt have elongated cuff , the end of which are folded back. There are no button on the e cuff . In tea...

How to deal with feelings of loneliness

How to deal with feelings of loneliness

No one like to feel abandoned by friend , but everyone i familiar with the e feeling . ometime it i very up etting when friend leave without you. But a imilar feeling can roll over even when there i o...

How to get rid of blackheads on your forehead

How to get rid of blackheads on your forehead

Blackhead appear on your forehead when oil and germ clog your pore and clog them with dead kin cell . There are many way to remove blackhead from your forehead that you can u e without harming your ki...

How to paint ceramic pots

How to paint ceramic pots

Ceramic pot are made from clay, which i then kilned at a high temperature. Mo t often, hop ell pot that are covered with pecial glaze. But you can al o buy unglazed pot . And in our article we will te...