How to love your body

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Love Your Body | Sarah Doyle | TEDxHa’pennyBridge
Video: How To Love Your Body | Sarah Doyle | TEDxHa’pennyBridge


Loving your body is not so easy, especially when every day from all sides from the media we are attacked by images of the body processed in graphic editors. The glamor shots and models we see on magazine pages and billboards are fake representations of what these people really look like, but somehow we easily get the feeling that we have to live up to the standards presented. There is no such thing as a perfect body, so it is impossible to achieve it. Each of us has our own unique form that needs to be taken, not criticized. Your body is part of what will help you go through life, so it deserves your love.


Method 1 of 3: Develop the Right Way of Thinking

  1. 1 Don't compare yourself to others. Our beauty standards are mainly influenced by the media, Hollywood and pop culture. Because of these factors, we form negative judgments about our bodies, comparing ourselves to corrected photographs and glamorous movie stars. These images are created and modified by computers, they are not realistic goals that can be achieved. The popular media is, of course, hard to ignore, but you can ease the pressure of majority rule by deciding to love your body because it is real.
    • When you see a photo in a magazine, advertisement, or any other media, remind yourself that this is not a real image. The image of the person you are looking at has most likely been tweaked and modified in a graphics editor to look like this. Don't compare yourself to computer-processed images.
  2. 2 Compliment yourself. Love in your life begins with self-love. You must look at yourself and treat yourself with the same kindness and admiration that you would treat the person you love. You probably would not criticize another person's body for the same thing for which you criticize yourself. Feel free to compliment yourself, don't judge yourself harshly for mistakes, and forgive yourself even when you stumble. Stop hating yourself and replace that unpleasant feeling with understanding and appreciation.
    • Look in the mirror and say, "I am attractive, confident and simply amazing!" Keep up the good work and eventually you will see yourself in a more positive light.
    • When you reach your goal, let yourself know how proud you are of yourself. Look in the mirror and say, “Well done! Great job! I am so proud of you!"
  3. 3 Practice gratitude. Appreciate what you have and love your inner self. Don't let the number on the scale or the size of your pants determine who you are or what you are capable of. If you get angry every time you look at yourself in the mirror, it won't do you any good. Here are some ways to practice gratitude in your daily life:
    • When an unpleasant situation arises, do not let it oppress you. Instead, ask yourself what you can learn from it and what you can be grateful for in looking back.
    • Promise yourself not to be negative or criticize yourself for ten days. If you are wrong, forgive yourself and continue what you started. You will notice how much energy you have wasted on negative thoughts.
    • Keep a gratitude journal so that you can write down the things you are grateful for every day. Your body is a miracle, and you should honor all the abilities and gifts that it has given you. Think of all your great accomplishments, relationships, and favorite activities your body has allowed you to have, and write them down every day.
  4. 4 Make a list of all the positive things in your life. Everyone has their own fears and doubts, but the main thing is to focus on what you like about yourself and your life. It's easy to let the negative things outweigh the positive, but making a list makes it easier to prevent this from happening.
    • First, find one thing that you like about yourself, no matter how insignificant it may seem. When you feel more confident in your first positive trait, move on to the second, third, and so on. Make a list of what you love about yourself, and when you hear a negative thought come up in your head, immediately focus on the list. Ultimately, you will see more positive qualities in yourself than negative ones.
  5. 5 Stay away from negativity. Stay away from people who constantly resent their bodies. Their insecurity can be transmitted to you, and make you think what kind of body problems you might have. Life is too expensive to waste time hating yourself or nagging your body. Plus, your perception of yourself tends to be much more critical than what others think.
    • If someone begins to criticize their own body or their own life, do not get involved in this negativity. Better change the subject or apologize and leave.
  6. 6 Exude self-confidence. When you are confident, you feel good about yourself. Even if you think that self-confidence is exactly what you are missing, pretend it. Bring your shoulders back, lift your chin higher and smile. Smiling is one of the most important factors in helping you improve both your own self-image and the way others see you. If you keep yourself confident, your inner confidence will soon open up.

Method 2 of 3: Practice Healthy Habits

  1. 1 Practice healthy hygiene. To feel good about yourself and show respect for your body, start each day with a refreshing shower. Use a soap with a pleasant scent, wash your face and apply deodorant after you shower. It will help you maintain freshness, self-confidence in the company of others, and help send positive thoughts into your mind.
  2. 2 Wear comfortable clothes that make you feel good. Everything in your wardrobe should appeal to you and highlight the best features of your current body shape.You shouldn't wear something uncomfortable just to impress others if the clothes are embarrassing for you. Remember that you will always look your best if you are yourself.
    • Always wear clean clothes without holes or rips to dress your body the way it deserves.
    • Buy a bra and underpants in the same color, even if only you will see them. This will tell your inner self that you are doing this for yourself and only for yourself.
  3. 3 Stick to daily affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that must be repeated until the mind begins to perceive them as true. Expressing what you like about yourself out loud will help your mind remember it better than if you just thought about it silently. You can personalize your daily affirmations as you see fit, it just needs to be positive affirmations. Here's a great statement to help you get started:
    • Every day look in the mirror and say: "I am beautiful, I am loved, I love myself the way I am."
  4. 4 Balance your diet correctly. Try to eat fruits and vegetables every day to nourish your body, and thank it for everything it gives you. Not only will it give you shine and long-term health benefits, but it will also teach you to respect your body. This doesn't mean you have to stick to a strict diet plan, but still try to minimize your junk food intake and start eating healthier in order to provide your body with good fuel.
  5. 5 Exercise regularly. The best way to love your body is through physical activity, which is not only beneficial but also makes you feel better. Don't exercise just to lose weight, do it to take care of your heart and overall health.
    • For example, yoga is good for relaxation, core strength, and overall well-being, while various sports are great ways to release energy productively and have been shown to improve mood.

Method 3 of 3: Find support

  1. 1 Ask others what they love about you. While it can be scary, ask your friends and loved ones what they think are your best qualities. It will help boost your self-confidence and remind you that your body has given you so many gifts. Most likely, you will be surprised by all those wonderful things that others see in you, but which you often overlook. Here's what you can ask:
    • First, give your friend or loved one a nice compliment, and then ask, "What do you think is my best quality?"
  2. 2 Surround yourself with people who love yourself. People adopt the attitude and behavior of the people around them. Sticking to people in your life that positively affects you will embrace their attitudes, which will help you to always love yourself, both on the outside and on the inside. Look for people who are optimistic, work hard to achieve their goals, and respect themselves.
  3. 3 Follow your role models. Think of all those people who have accomplished amazing things in their lives that you admire. These people are most likely known and respected for accomplishments that don't touch their bodies. Use these examples to remind yourself that your body cannot stand in the way of your life or happiness. On the contrary, it can help you fulfill all your dreams and desires.
    • Think of your family members, close friends, or people you have never met but have always admired, and list their best qualities. Then ask yourself if their body image was on the list or if it got in the way of their success.


  • A positive attitude towards yourself as you are is probably the best thing that can be in a person.
  • Loving the body also means loving yourself as you are.

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