How to survive in Minecraft Pocket Edition

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 TIPS and TRICKS for SURVIVAL!! - Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition)
Video: 10 TIPS and TRICKS for SURVIVAL!! - Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition)


Trying to get through at least a couple of days in Minecraft PE? This article is for you. Actually, if you read it carefully, you will last much longer than two days.


  1. 1 Generate a successful world. Successful in the sense that there must be a lot of ore veins there. For example, generate worlds by seed (seed) iliketomoveit, cat or canyon. Surviving in such worlds is one pure and uncluttered pleasure.
  2. 2 Find a tree. Anyone will do. Found it? Now unleash your rage on him! Chop it to pieces with your bare fists! Pick up the blocks of the tree accordingly.
  3. 3 Make a workbench. On the workbench, you can collect a lot of what you still need. Using the workbench is simple - just click on it.
  4. 4 Use a workbench to make planks out of wood. Leave one block of wood untreated.
  5. 5 Make sticks from planks. From sticks, respectively, make a wooden pickaxe.
  6. 6 Now find a rock or other rocky surface. Found it? Dig a simple shelter for yourself there.
  7. 7 Night is close, isn't it? Quickly make a wooden door or, if you no longer have wood, close the doorway (two blocks) with one block of whatever.
  8. 8 Keep wielding your pickaxe until you dig up 14 cobblestone blocks.
  9. 9 From the obtained cobblestones, make a furnace, a stone pickaxe and a stone sword.
  10. 10 Make charcoal in the wood stove. Use the same block of wood that we left untouched as a kindling.
  11. 11 Make torches out of coal. Light scares away monsters.
  12. 12 There are, in fact, four types of monsters.
    • Skeletons. Skeletons have bows and arrows - endless arrows! The easiest way to kill skeletons is to go to the rear and hack him to death with a sword.
    • Crippers. They are like walking camouflage blocks. A creeper who comes close has a characteristic hiss, and when it comes very close, it explodes. They must be killed from a distance, with a bow.
    • Zombie. Zombies are slow and armed with nothing but fists. Beat them in the back with a sword, everything is simple.
    • Spiders. Spiders know how to jump on blocks and hide in cobwebs to attack you at the most inopportune moment. Fortunately, they only attack at night. During the day, although they do not burn out, they do not pay attention to the player at all, like other animals.
  13. 13 If there are no monsters nearby, then you can take a nap. To do this, just click on the bed, and the day will literally come right there. Next - go back to the first step and so on to create even more cool and fun things.
    • However, there is a way to sleep even if everything around is teeming with monsters. How? Dig a hole 30 blocks deep, place a bed on the bottom. Thirty blocks is enough for the game to think that no one is around.Most importantly, don't forget to provide yourself with a way to get to the surface.