
How to Become a Hip Hop Music Producer

How to Become a Hip Hop Music Producer

Rap i a very lucrative bu ine , but hip-hop producer work behind the cene creating in trumental track for the record company or ju t for fun. There are many type of producer , but they all follow the ...

How to clear data on WhatsApp

How to clear data on WhatsApp

If you need to clear the data in What App, then launch the What App application → click " etting " → click "Chat " → click "Clear all chat " → return to the application. ...

How to make a sword in minecraft

How to make a sword in minecraft

Download PDF Author Info ource of Download PDF X wikiHow work like a wiki, which mean that many of our article are written by multiple author . To create thi article, 14 people, ome anonymou , worked...

How to make a nail point drawing tool

How to make a nail point drawing tool

If you want to draw intere ting pattern on your nail , the dot drawing tool i a mu t-have tool in the ar enal of a beautiful manicure lover. De pite the fact that you can buy a ready-made tool, you ca...

How to store and reheat pizza

How to store and reheat pizza

1 Line a plate or airtight food container with paper towel . Taking the time to prepare the leftover pizza for torage will keep it fre her and more textured. Fir t, line the bottom of a plate or food ...

How to bake apples

How to bake apples

Baked apple are a deliciou and healthy di h that can be prepared any time of the year. Chopped baked apple make a great addition to yogurt or ice cream. Whole baked apple can be erved a a tand-alone d...

How to become free again after a long relationship

How to become free again after a long relationship

After a long, eriou relation hip, it’ almo t impo ible to remember who you were before it all tarted, and it’ even harder to be the ame per on again. The following tip will quickly and effectively get...

How to check your bad breath

How to check your bad breath

Bad breath i embarra ing and inconvenient. You may not realize that you have a bad breath until a courageou friend - or even wor e, the ubject of your igh or your boyfriend / girlfriend - tell you abo...

How to clean a room in five minutes

How to clean a room in five minutes

When your friend or family arrive in five minute , and while a good impre ion count , your room i a me , what hould you do? Get her in order a quickly a you can. It won't be flawle or even clean, ...

How to buy a gift for your boyfriend

How to buy a gift for your boyfriend

It' no ecret that it i notoriou ly difficult for men to buy gift . Choo ing the right gift for your boyfriend can often be a difficult ta k, but finding a gift will definitely make a pecial occa i...

How to fix scratches on furniture

How to fix scratches on furniture

Natural wood furniture i attractive and durable, but prone to cratche and dent . Minor cratche can be ea ily repaired at home without the need for full anding and paintwork. It may take a profe ional ...

How to pretend to lose your voice

How to pretend to lose your voice

Have you ever wanted to lo e your voice but not hurt your elf? Then thi article i for you! It explain tep by tep how to pretend you've lo t your voice ... 1 tart complaining of a ore throat a few ...

How to cook strawberries soaked in vodka

How to cook strawberries soaked in vodka

oaking the trawberrie in vodka for at lea t 1 hour will aturate the berrie with the vodka flavor. You can add the e berrie to ice cream, pie filling , freeze them, or add to adult cocktail . Choo e t...

How to get rid of TV addiction

How to get rid of TV addiction

Televi ion addiction ha become commonplace in recent year , e pecially among choolchildren, retired adult and people with too much free time. Exce ive ob e ion with watching TV can cau e eriou harm to...

How to do sports

How to do sports

port are good for your health, but figuring out exactly how to exerci e can be difficult. If you haven't played port before, take your time. tart walking for 10-15 minute a day, gradually increa ...

How to stop other girls from flirting with your boyfriend

How to stop other girls from flirting with your boyfriend

If you find it annoying that other girl have tarted flirting with your boyfriend, you fir t need to objectively a e the ituation. Think about whether the e girl are ju t flirting, or your boyfriend al...

How to draw curved surfaces in SketchUp

How to draw curved surfaces in SketchUp

ketchUp i u ed to model urface , plane and edge . You can create a curved urface in ketchUp in ju t a few minute . We will tell you how to do thi . 1 Create multiple tangent arc . 2 Click on the move...

How can honey be melted?

How can honey be melted?

There are everal rea on why you might need to melt honey. Fre h, undiluted honey ha a thick con i tency, but melted honey will become thinner and ea ier to u e. Old honey cry tallize and become grainy...

How to get rid of microwave odor

How to get rid of microwave odor

The microwave ab orb the odor of the food you cook in it. Over time, a very unplea ant mell can come from your microwave oven. The be t way to get rid of unplea ant odor i to regularly clean the micro...

How to run 5km

How to run 5km

A lot of people do 5K run at every opportunity, and if you tart running and would like to run a run like thi , the idea may eem a little daunting at fir t. However, by exerci ing at your own pace and ...