How to become free again after a long relationship

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Over The End of a Relationship | Antonio Pascual-Leone | TEDxUniversityofWindsor
Video: How to Get Over The End of a Relationship | Antonio Pascual-Leone | TEDxUniversityofWindsor


After a long, serious relationship, it’s almost impossible to remember who you were before it all started, and it’s even harder to be the same person again. The following tips will quickly and effectively get you out of your depression after a breakup and help you revive your lost sense of single status, which is all about it.


Method 1 of 2: Move on after a serious relationship

  1. 1 Stop blaming yourself for how it ended. It doesn't matter who stopped everything or who said what. Breaking up means one or both of you didn't fit together, and while it's hard to admit, it makes breaking up a positive thing in the long run.But all this will come later, but for now the only thing you need to remember is that it is not your fault. Relationships are a two-way road. No one is to blame if nothing comes of it. So stop berating yourself. It's not worth your emotional energy.
  2. 2 Give yourself some time to be sad. Everyone will tell you, “It’s going to be okay,” “You were too good for him anyway,” and other platitudes to try to cheer you up. However, the truth is that you will feel sad, and fighting that feeling or ignoring the sadness will only make the situation worse. The point is not to avoid the sadness, but to set deadlines for overcoming it. Let yourself be sad for a week or so: eat ice cream, watch heartbreaking movies, and cry. But once this week is over, it's time to pull yourself together and move on.
    • You can't say exactly how much time you can be sad. However, you should not allow your sadness to ruin your daily life and other relationships.
    • There is some evidence (though not scientific) that most people bounce back after about three weeks.
  3. 3 Recognize that loneliness will feel strange, alien, and uncomfortable at first. However, you must understand that there is nothing supernatural about being alone - you are just adjusting to something new. Relationships affect almost every part of our lives, so when they end, things can feel strange and confusing. However, it's just your brain and body going into loner mode. It has nothing to do with your decision or the constant changes in your personality.
  4. 4 Remove photos, belongings, and reminders of your ex from everyday viewing. The constant reminders of old relationships will make it very difficult to come to terms with being single. You don’t have to throw anything away if you don’t want to, just put all these things in a box and put them in the closet / garage / mezzanine for a while. Even if you feel like you don't need to get rid of things, or if you feel sad about doing so, you should still do a little cleaning.
    • If your emotions are choking you, ask a friend to help you. This will help you cope faster and have a support system to help you heal faster.
  5. 5 Combine this period with a vacation, rearranging furniture, or buying a new outfit. Of course, now that you are lonely, you should not go and radically change your life. However, with a couple of small changes that you may not have been able to make when you were in a relationship, it will be much easier for you to deal with other changes. Most likely, it will be enough just to go somewhere for the weekend or go on a hike to unwind a little and see things in a different light.
    • Changing your environment, even temporarily, is a good way to look at your daily life in a broader context and can help you deal with difficult or painful emotions.
  6. 6 Revive and strengthen your friendships and support network. If you have good friends, chances are they've receded into the background a bit, but were still there when you were in a relationship. Use this time to go out and catch up on missed points and declined invitations. Now you have the chance to bond with old friends and have the freedom to find new ones. Friendship is a very positive phenomenon, and the stronger they are, the more benefit they will bring in going through this difficult period.
  7. 7 Recognize yourself and be proud of yourself, realizing that who you are dating does not determine your personality. Being alone is a blessing and an extremely important part of growing up and knowing yourself. The loneliness between relationships can be the most rewarding moment in life. This is the time when we become stronger and redefine our priorities and interests as a person.Good luck and success to your new self!

Method 2 of 2: Find happiness in a single life

  1. 1 Try something new. The time and energy you devoted to your ex and your relationship can now be redirected to priority number one: yourself! Relationships, even good ones, often end in a small merger of people: you choose the same hobbies, behaviors, and friends. But being lonely again is a chance to think again about yourself, who you want to be and what you want to do.
    • Ask yourself, "What do I want?" Are there things you wanted to do with your ex but failed? A hobby that you put on the back burner when the relationship started? New things that you couldn't find the time to try? Now is the time to ask yourself these questions, because the answers no longer have to take the other person into account.
  2. 2 Invest in your future by purchasing a gym membership, enrolling in online courses, setting a new career goal, and more. Your energy, money and time are now completely yours, so use them to your advantage. A great way to break out of the routine is to plan your life outside of romantic encounters. Focus on things that have nothing to do with dating or sex, and devote yourself to becoming a better person. You will become more confident, happier, and more attuned to the lonely lifestyle.
  3. 3 Say yes to life. The best part about being alone is waking up every morning, not knowing exactly where that day will lead. Relationship life can be very predictable and tends to feel like a recurring love song. At first, your soul freezes and butterflies flutter in your stomach, but after a while it becomes boring and mundane. But now you have a chance to say yes to any strange opportunity that piques your interest. If you have a friend who plays in a band, go see one of his gigs, or plan a weekend trip with just your friends. Do whatever you want! Try everything! But most importantly, settle for the opportunities that are presented to you. This is the best time for discovery and adventure. This is a valuable time to discover new things in yourself and even try things that might scare you or seem unfamiliar to you. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Amy chan

    Breakup Recovery Coach Amy Chan is the founder of Renew Breakup Bootcamp, a recovery camp that takes a scientific and spiritual approach to healing after a relationship ends. Her team of psychologists and coaches has helped hundreds of people in just 2 years of work, and the camp has been noted by CNN, Vogue, The New York Times and Fortune. Her debut book, Breakup Bootcamp, will be published by HarperCollins in January 2020.

    Amy chan
    Breakup Recovery Coach

    Loneliness is the time to reconnect with yourself. Breakup recovery coach Amy Chan says, “Sometimes when we're in a relationship, we lose our self. A breakup is just the end of one chapter and the beginning of the make the decision to make the next chapter colorful, vibrant, playful and interesting. "

  4. 4 Get a little sexier. The huge pothole in most relationships is the "sweatpants phase" where neither partner wants to impress the other with their looks. You can easily transfer this tendency to living alone, but you can't ignore the fact that part of the increase in happiness and self-confidence comes from sex appeal. Start dressing like a lonely person and you will immediately feel that way.
    • Go in for sports. Not just for looks, but for proven benefits for emotional and physical health.
    • Try to keep a smile on your face even when dealing with strangers.
  5. 5 When you feel ready, slowly return to the dating world. Just because you're avoiding relationships doesn't mean flirting and dating can be discounted. Done right, the right flirtatious interactions will boost your self-confidence and easily remind you that being single is fun. It's too early to get back to being in a serious relationship now, but it's perfectly okay to go on dates from time to time. Meeting different types of people will help you understand your general likes and dislikes, and this will be key in determining what you will look for in your next relationship when you are finally ready for it.
    • Again, there is no perfect time to wait until you feel like dating again. And there is no such line that can or cannot be crossed. If all you want to do is flirt and chat, do it. If you want to go out to dinner with a Tinder or dating guy, go for it!
    • The main thing is to remain open-minded. Dating alone doesn't mean starting a new long-term relationship if you don't want to.


  • Live by your own schedule, as you know yourself like no one else. However, your friends are likely to try to cheer you up with good reason. Understand that even if you don't want to leave the house right now, they do it because they love you.


  • In general, it's best not to communicate or get in touch with your ex for several months, or at least until you feel sane and alone again.