Making caramel from condensed milk

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make No Fail Caramel From Condensed Milk
Video: How to Make No Fail Caramel From Condensed Milk


Sweetened condensed milk is a staple in several dessert recipes, but this milk can also be used to make a caramelly sauce that tastes good on its own and can be used as a filling for cakes and pastries, or poured over fruit or ice cream. Caramel is made by heating sugar, and condensed milk can be heated to make a treat with a similar flavor called dulce de leche. This is Spanish for "milk sweet". This sweet caramel paste is said to come from Argentina. There are several methods of making dulce de leche from sweetened condensed milk, but all of them use heat to caramelize the sugar and make a gooey, delicious treat.


  • 1 can with 400 grams of sweetened condensed milk

To step

Method 1 of 5: Make canned dulce de leche

  1. Remove the label from the can. Only use a can of condensed milk with an airtight lid for this method. Do not use a can with a tab to pull the lid off. Quite a lot of pressure will build up in the can during cooking and the lid should not fly off.
  2. Fill a saucepan with room temperature water. Make sure the can is completely submerged and that it is covered with an additional 2 inches of water. This will prevent the can from overheating and exploding. The milk cannot burn in this way.
  3. Place the unopened can in a medium or large saucepan. Placing the can on its side will prevent it from bouncing when the water is boiling.
  4. Bring the water to a gentle boil over high heat. When the water starts to simmer, turn the heat down to a medium heat and let the milk simmer for two to three hours (two hours for a lighter dulce de leche or three hours if you want a thicker and darker sauce).
    • Check the can every 30 minutes. Turn the can every half hour so that the milk does not burn. If necessary, top up the pan with water so that the can is always covered with 3 to 5 cm of water.
  5. Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Open a can of sweetened condensed milk and pour the contents into a cake tin with a diameter of 20 to 25 cm. Cover the pie pan with aluminum foil.
  6. Place the pie pan in a larger baking dish. A larger cake tin or a roasting tray are well suited. Add water to the baking dish until it covers the tart pan about halfway.
  7. Check the milk every 15 minutes. After the first hour, you should check the milk regularly until it has reached the desired consistency and caramel color. Remove the pie pan from the oven when you are satisfied with the dulce de leche or when it has turned the color of peanut butter.
  8. Prepare the can. Remove the label from the can of sweetened condensed milk. Place the unopened can on the side at the bottom of the pressure cooker. Fill the pressure cooker with enough water to completely submerge and cover the can with an additional 3 cm of water.
    • Do not put more than the maximum amount of water in the pressure cooker.
  9. Continue to boil the milk for another 40 minutes. When the 40 minutes are up, remove the pressure cooker from the heat.
  10. Take the pressure off. Let the steam escape naturally and take the pressure off or use the pressure valve for that. Do not open the pan until all steam has escaped and the pressure has been reduced.
  11. Open the pressure cooker and take out the can. Use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove the can from the water and place it on a wire rack. Let the can cool down to room temperature and do not open the can until it is completely cool.

Method 5 of 5: Heat in a slow cooker

  1. Prepare the can. Remove the label from the can. Place the unopened can on the side at the bottom of the slow cooker. Fill the slow cooker with enough water to completely submerge the can and cover it with an additional 2 inches (5 cm) of water.
  2. Heat the milk over low heat for eight to 10 hours. To make a lighter dulce de leche, boil the milk for eight hours. To make a thicker and dark sauce, heat the milk for ten hours.
  3. Turn off the slow cooker and take out the can. Use tongs or a slotted spoon for this. Let the can cool on a wire rack to room temperature before opening it.


  • The leftover dulce de leche should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Chilled dulce de leche will thicken. Slowly heat the dulce de leche in a double boiler to make the mixture as thick as a sauce that you can pour or drip over anything.