How to focus on just one task

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester
Video: How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester


Sometimes it seems that every time you sit down to work, as luck would have it, a new letter arrives or a roommate is once again arranging a local disaster. Busy people face many distractions that can be difficult to master. However, all problems are solvable. Learn to prioritize tasks and determine which ones are most urgent, then deal with the most important ones while minimizing distractions.


Method 1 of 3: How to prioritize tasks

  1. 1 Make a list of everything you need to do. If you are nervous, feel like you can't handle everything, or can't concentrate, make a list of tasks to make your life easier and plan your actions. To understand what needs to be done now and what to postpone, make a list of all the things you need to deal with.
    • Short-term goals can only be urgent matters. What needs to be done today or by the end of the week? You yourself determine the deadline for completing the case, but you should deal with it as soon as possible.
    • Long-term goals are also important, but only if you break them down into a few concrete steps that can be completed soon. If your list of long-term goals includes an item like "becoming a doctor" and it makes you nervous, remember that this is not a task to be completed before lunch. However, you can start by looking for information on medical universities.
  2. 2 Prioritize tasks. How you prioritize and prioritize tasks is up to you and your list, but there are several ways you can make the task easier. Don't spend too much time studying the list. Just trust your intuition and arrange the order of tasks so that you can start doing something. All tasks can be broken down into three categories:
    • 1. An urgent and imperative matter that needs to be dealt with today. For example, prepare a report today by 16:30.
    • 2. A business that is not urgent, but sooner or later will become. For example, collect paperwork for the tax office.
    • 3. Tasks that are not very urgent or important, but still need to be completed. For example, put unnecessary papers into the shredder.
    • Arrange tasks in descending order of priority. Determine which tasks will be the most important and put them at the top of the list in descending order of priority. That is, if you have an important homework assignment to finish today, don't do the laundry or watch the movies you want to watch. Homework will have priority.
    • You can also categorize tasks by difficulty. Some people find it easiest to deal with the hardest tasks first and forget about them, while others prefer to start small and move on to something bigger. You may find it easier to read the history paragraph if you do your math homework first.
  3. 3 Decide how much time you need for each task. It will be helpful to write in front of each task how long it will take to complete it. Don't waste too much time thinking or worry about this task. No need to write the exact number. You can simply write “fast” or “slow” in front of the task.
    • If you know you can't write a history paper in 10 minutes, put it aside and do something else. Start the washing machine, sign a postcard for the person with whom you have long wanted to chat. This will help you manage your time more intelligently.
  4. 4 Decide where you start. After considering the importance of the tasks and the amount of time you need to set aside for each task, decide which task should be placed first on the list. Determine what needs your attention right now. This may be the most important task or the task that will take the least amount of time. You decide. It is important to start doing it and see it through to the end.
  5. 5 Remove the list. Feel proud that you've made the list and put it away for a while. If you know what to do now, you shouldn't keep the list in front of you all the time, because it will distract you. Hide the list on a table or somewhere else you won't see it. Nothing matters now, except for the task that is at the top of the list.
    • If you usually use electronic stickers on your computer desktop, hide them if you need to focus on something. Don't worry about the party you have to throw if you have a lot of homework to do today. In order not to keep all these things in your head, just do not look at the list.
  6. 6 Make a list of things you don't need to do. Put together a list of things you don't need to do right now. It may seem wrong, but if you don't keep everything in mind, it will be easier for you to focus only on what needs to be done.
    • You will have to work until night. Therefore, you will not be able to cook dinner today.
    • Your trip overlaps with the conference. You cannot get there and there.

Method 2 of 3: How to Reduce Distractions

  1. 1 Choose a quiet place to work. If you are not distracted by the TV, conversations, and other noise, it will be much easier for you to concentrate.Sometimes it seems more comfortable to work in the living room with roommates or family, but doing so will spend twice as much time on work and make it twice as bad. If you need to do something that requires your attention, do it in a quiet corner of your room or library.
    • If you can't work in a quiet place, buy noise canceling headphones that will let you drown out conversations and focus on the task wherever you are. If you don't want to buy expensive headphones, try using white noise generators that are available on the Internet, including background music or white noise on your TV.
  2. 2 Turn off your phone and put it away. You can be distracted not only by calls and messages, but also by news on social networks, emails, games and various notifications. There is nothing more distracting than a cell phone. Turn it off and hide it if you need to focus.
    • It is not enough to put your phone in silent mode, because that is how you will think of it anyway. Better to hide it in a hard-to-reach place. If you work in one room, charge your phone in another.
    • If your phone constantly distracts you, uninstall apps that are taking a lot of your time. Facebook or Twitter are optional and sometimes distracting applications.
  3. 3 Allocate a certain amount of time that you can spend on the task. When you get to work, look at your watch. How long do you need to go to work? How quickly can you complete the project? How much time can you set aside for this task today? Decide how long you will work today and get down to business.
    • Plan regular breaks. The best way is to work for 50 minutes, and then take a break for 10 minutes to get up, walk, have a drink, and do something else. You won't be so anxious to watch a funny cat video on YouTube if you know you can do it in 20 minutes without feeling guilty.
  4. 4 Deprive yourself of the opportunity to waste time on the Internet. Many people work in front of a computer, which can be quite dangerous. Your homework is open on your computer just like Facebook, Wikipedia, and a news site, which means no matter how hard you try to focus on work, writing or researching information, you are constantly threatened with procrastination in the form of an endless chain of YouTube videos. ... Know what you are usually distracted by and deprive yourself of the opportunity to do other things.
    • The easiest way is to turn off the internet. Turn off Wi-Fi so you don't have the opportunity to do useless things.
    • There are special applications (StayFocused, Anti-Social, LeechBlock, Cold Turkey) that restrict the user's access to some sites while they are working. You will be able to block certain sites or the entire internet connection at the time you want. If you find it difficult to control yourself on your own, the application will help you with this.
  5. 5 Optimize your social media and email filters. Sometimes, even with the right mindset, social media is stronger. You can decide to take a break and look at the VK feed for 5 minutes, and wake up only an hour later in a folder with photos of strangers.
    • Unsubscribe from people you are not interested in, or hide their updates. If you're distracted because your childhood friend is constantly posting huge anti-war posts on Facebook, don't waste your time on them. Hide the person's updates, or (even better) just remove people from your friends that you don't need to keep in touch with. Focus on more important things.
    • Turn off email notifications and sort your work and personal emails into folders or individual accounts to keep everything in order. You don't have to answer a letter from your grandmother while you're busy if you don't see it right away.Emails shouldn't be grabbing your attention.
  6. 6 Find out what emotional distractions you have. Not all distractions are related to the internet. Perhaps you are reading a novel that you have been asked in literature, and suddenly you think of your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. Everything, work has stopped. If you are often distracted by anxiety or other unpleasant feelings, learn to admit it and get rid of them if they arise at the wrong time.
    • If you are constantly jumping from one thought to another, do not try to force yourself to stop. Just relive this moment. Remember - if you say to yourself, "Don't think about the pink elephant," you can only think about the pink elephant. Allow yourself to think about abstract topics for a while, let yourself be distracted, and then get to work. Discard the distraction.

Method 3 of 3: How to do all of the to-do items on the checklist

  1. 1 Meditate daily. Set aside a couple of minutes a day to sit quietly and think. This will allow you to feel less nervous, focus on yourself, and get rid of thoughts that distract you while you work. If you are often distracted by your thoughts, try meditating several times to get used to the process, and then do it in a mode that suits you.
    • Meditation does not have to involve repetition of trite phrases and incense. It doesn't have to be difficult. Make a cup of coffee or tea and drink it while watching the sunrise every day. Go for a walk in the park and sit on a bench. Just sit. Don't think about what you need to do. Take this time just to sit quietly.
  2. 2 Work in the same place every day. For some people, a routine allows them to work more efficiently. If you always go to the same coffee shop or always work on the same couch, you will be more productive. You will be able to concentrate and not be distracted by what is happening around you. Pick a place and make it your place.
    • If, on the contrary, you feel that you are tired of your workplace and you are distracted, choose another. Try working in a different coffee shop every day and let the white noise of conversation and the smell of new baked goods fill you up.
  3. 3 Wait for your productivity to drop and go for a walk. David Carr, author of articles for The New York Times, says that he usually writes until he feels slow, stuck, and distracted. It will be ineffective to continue working in such conditions.
    • Don't bang your head against the wall. Just put off work for a couple of minutes. Go outside. Take the dog for a walk. Walk aimlessly around the area for 10 minutes. Buy a coffee and think about the problem you are facing, but don't try to do anything or come up with anything. After the break, you will return to work with fresh energy.
  4. 4 Move during your break. It is impossible to sit at the computer without moving for 10 hours. When you have a break, try to move. Walk. Get up and take a walk, even if you don't need to go anywhere.
    • While it sounds corny, try holding small dumbbells on your desk and use them occasionally while reading. This will help you remember what you are reading about. Research results indicate that gentle exercise improves memory.
    • Have a snack. Low blood sugar prevents the brain from working properly. This means that a handful of nuts or fruit will be enough to replenish your stamina. You will be able to return to productive work and focus.
  5. 5 Celebrate every achievement. After doing something from your list, congratulate yourself. Even if you can only mentally praise yourself and cross the task off the list, pause for a minute and take a break. You deserve it.
    • Praise yourself for all the things you've done. Once you've finished your project, cross the to-do list and pour yourself a glass of wine.Or rip the piece of paper and burn it. You're done!
    • Reward yourself for great accomplishments. When you go to medical school or complete a long and difficult project, go to a good restaurant.


  • You may be surprised that by working with a pure mind and giving your full attention to just one task at a time, you can get things done faster. The task will also seem easier to you. This is the secret of concentration.