How to portray unavailable so that he wants you more

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
So You Want to Learn T.O.O.L. for The Sims 4
Video: So You Want to Learn T.O.O.L. for The Sims 4


Being unavailable is a great way to get a guy's attention and show him that you are worthy of his attempts to win your heart. But in all this, a very delicate balance must be observed. Your task is to look mysterious and difficult to reach, but not to overdo it, otherwise the guy will decide that a date with you is simply impossible for him. So, how can you portray the inaccessible so that he wants you even more? Read on to find out!


Part 1 of 3: Make him want you

  1. 1 Show him that loneliness suits you. Exactly. For a guy to appreciate you in all its glory, you must feel comfortable in the role of a single lady. Freedom is fun: you can meet tons of new people, throw explosive parties with your girlfriends, and go for a walk without knowing what the evening is in store for you. Let the guy see you laughing, dancing and enjoying the life of a free girl, instead of looking around desperately or getting upset that you don't have a loved one.
    • When a guy sees how you enjoy your lonely (or rather, free) life, he will even more want to become a part of your world.
    • Enjoy the time spent as a single lady - it won't last forever.
  2. 2 Flirt with him (a little). If you want a guy to want you, you should flirt with him at least a little. If it seems to him that you are the ice queen, whom he is not at all interested in, the guy will quickly lose his enthusiasm. Therefore, flirt with him, a little, at each meeting, but not too long - look eye to eye, smile and exchange a few playful phrases, and then tell him that it is time for you to run on business. Don't be rude to him, but being overly enthusiastic will also be inappropriate.
    • Play with your hair while talking to him.
    • Laugh and look at the floor - let him see that you are a little embarrassed.
    • If you know this guy well, you can playfully nudge him or pat him on the hand.
  3. 3 Flirt with other guys. If you want to give the impression of being inaccessible, you can't let the guy feel like the only object on your radar. You should flirt with a few guys, but you shouldn't use them; also, the reasons for your actions should not be too obvious; Show your boyfriend that you are wanted by the opposite sex, that other men want you too. This does not mean that you need to do something inappropriate or cheeky; just show him that you enjoy hanging out with other guys too.
    • See flirting with other guys as a way to keep multiple options open.
  4. 4 Amaze him with your self-confidence. Guys love girls with a certain amount of arrogance and self-confidence. No one wants to date an insecure girl who constantly needs help to overcome her feelings of insecurity and anxiety. It's okay to feel insecure. However, the more you work to love yourself and accept your looks and actions, the more attractive you become to a guy.
    • Your task is to show the guy that you are already a wonderful person and that he will be an addition to your amazing personality; the guy should not feel that only with him you will become an integral harmonious person.
    • If you want to feel confident, you must also look confident. Walk with your head held high and look straight ahead - no need to look at the floor and smile embarrassedly at every opportunity.
  5. 5 Be the life of the party. This does not mean that you have to dance on the table or laugh too loudly just to get the attention of men. But this means that wherever you go and whatever you do, you need to have fun, do all sorts of crazy things and enjoy every moment of your life, living it to the fullest. Guys are attracted to girls who attract fun, and if you are the life of the party, your likable young man will want to be with you even more.
    • And if you're in a bad mood or just not interested in what's going on, go home. It's better to allow yourself to be a little angry than to force yourself to have fun.
  6. 6 Don't give him your number when you first meet. If he asks for your phone number, pretend you're embarrassed first. There is no need to readily dictate numbers to him at his first command; make him work hard for it. Don't be rude, but you also don't need to show that you are ready to rush off into the sunset with him, if he just ask.
  7. 7 Don't settle for his first date. If he asks you out on Saturday, tell him you have something to do. Give him another opportunity to invite you.

Part 2 of 3: Keep the Mystery

  1. 1 Don't be intrusive. And without words, it is clear that under no circumstances should you behave intrusively if you are trying to look unavailable. Of course, the third date could have turned out to be fantastic, but that does not mean that you should now write or call him every hour and find out where he is and when you can talk again. If you know that the guy is interested in you, keep your distance and hold off on open expressions of affection - let the guy know that you are an independent person with your own interests and daily routine.
    • As soon as you start spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with him, he will immediately reconsider your first contact.
    • Your calls to him should be about something specific - do not call just to find out how he is doing and what he is doing. Call to make a plan or to discuss something significant, so you will not seem desperate.
    • Remember to give him Little what he wants. If he wants to see you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, try to meet at least once or twice a week. Don't let the fear of appearing intrusive keep you from communicating with him completely.
  2. 2 Don't be too approachable. If you want to remain mysterious, then you don't have to agree to a meeting every time a guy wants to. If on Tuesday or Wednesday he asks you about his plans for this weekend, say that you are busy but free for the next. If he suddenly writes to you and offers to meet in a few hours, tell him that you have business. You can't make him think that you are ready to rush to him at his very first call.
    • Try to find a balance. Don't pretend you're too busy and can't meet at all. Just make sure that your daily routine doesn't look too open to him.
  3. 3 Leave him wanting more. If you really want to look inaccessible, you don't have to lay all the cards on the table all at once. You have to walk with him, sleep or do whatever you want, but leave at a time when both of you are still having fun and pleasant to communicate with each other.This does not mean that you should leave the boy in the midst of romantic affection, but still, you should leave while there is still a spark between you, instead of dragging out the date, which will simply make you both bored.
    • If you are staying overnight, leave the guy after a minute of hugs in the morning or after breakfast; you do not need to spend with him all day until the evening.
    • It goes without saying: you don't have to jump into his bed right away. If you’re just starting out, you don’t want your boyfriend to think you’re agreeable anytime, anywhere, anytime.
  4. 4 Do not hurry. Don't rush into a relationship if you want it to last as long as possible. If you start telling a guy about how many children you want to have, or rush to introduce him to your parents or fifty of your closest friends, then very soon his heels will sparkle towards the horizon. Instead, start with one date a week and don't rush to text or call until there is a specific reason for it. Of course, put off compliments and expressions of affection until you get to know each other better.
    • When a relationship develops really well, there is a desire to speed things up a little. But if you want to maintain interest, you should keep the guy at a distance, at least until a certain point.
  5. 5 Don't neglect your own hobbies and interests. If you want to stay mysterious, you should keep doing things that make you happy, apart from your boyfriend. This will show you as an independent, confident person who knows what he wants and is not afraid to follow it. Don't quit your weekly yoga or painting classes just because they don't line up with your boyfriend's schedule; in fact, it’s even better if you tell him that you’ll be busy with your own business, so he will like you even more.
    • You need to have a fairly busy daily routine to be able to do what you love, but not so tight that you only meet with your boyfriend once every three weeks.
    • Don't be afraid to talk to your guy about what you love, no matter how far from current fashion trends. This will only increase his interest in you.
  6. 6 Have fun with your friends. Continue to keep the image out of reach and regularly spend evenings with your girlfriends, having fun with them in the city. You don't have to leave all your single friends and spend all your time with your boyfriend. Go to dances, dine, or whatever you like with your friends. When you go out to party with your friends, let your boyfriend know. So, you will cause him a drop of jealousy, making him wonder what you and your friends were doing there.
    • Even if you were just having harmless fun, a drop of jealousy will show him how much he loves you.
    • By keeping in touch with your friends, you will always have the ground under your feet and protect yourself from possible obsessive (painfully intrusive) relationships.
  7. 7 Keep your daily routine a secret from him. This does not mean that you have to lie or be completely silent about your weekend plans. But wait, if you are busy next Saturday because you are going to the 80th birthday of Katya's grandmother, just tell the guy that you have plans - let him wonder what you will be doing; it's not a lie, is it? If you open all your cards and let him know about everything you do, he will think you are in his pocket.
    • If you have a busy week planned, you don't need to give him a list of all your to-do's. It is enough for him to know that you have business.
  8. 8 Let him know that you are interested in him, but so that it is not a blow or a burden for him. Even when you remain mysterious, you need to make sure the guy knows how you feel about him. Compliment him, ask him how he is doing, and generally demonstrate that you care about him.If you want to keep it, you need to put in some effort.
    • Even one simple compliment can mean a lot. Try to praise him at least once every time you meet.

Part 3 of 3: Build a Lasting Relationship

  1. 1 Remember to tell your boyfriend how you feel. Vocalizing your feelings can be tricky, but once you get the hang of it, everything will go smoothly. While your goal may be to sound inaccessible and mysterious, ultimately, if you want to keep a guy, you must honestly tell him how you feel. There is no need to loudly and solemnly confess your love to him or list his top 50 qualities, but still, if you like a guy, a little honesty doesn't hurt. Tell him that you had fun with him, that you love your dates, that you love his subtle sense of humor, or whatever. If the guy is not spurred on, he will lose interest, and very soon.
    • And by the way, don't send him double messages. If today you tell him that he is handsome, and tomorrow you will keep aloof, this will only confuse him, but you certainly will not stir up interest.
  2. 2 Remember, the hunt never ends. Even if you say “I love you” and are ready to say “I agree”, you can also continue to play inaccessible. This means that in any successful long-term relationship, courtship never ends: both the guy and the girl continue to bring joy to each other, keeping what is happening exciting, interesting and free. Don't stop flirting, feigning shyness, and encouraging your man to win you over, provided he does the same.
    • While the hunt never ends, once you find yourself in a relationship recognized by both of you, you must not act unreachable. constantly... While maintaining a man's interest in you, try to minimize mind games.
  3. 3 Maintain your independence. If you started playing inaccessibility at the beginning of a relationship with a guy, then you can't just leave it all and let him think that for his sake you are ready to give up any of your interests. You should definitely adjust your daily routine to make room for love, but you should continue to make time for your interests, hang out with your friends, go to workouts, or do something else that you loved to do before you met this guy.
    • If you continue to spend time apart doing your own business, you will be able to maintain interest in each other. After some separation, the meetings will be more exciting and exciting.
  4. 4 Find a balance between playing the inaccessible and showing openness to love. If you're really ready for a serious relationship, you need to stop being too much mysterious. Your boyfriend should still see that you are wanted by other men, that you are an interesting person with a busy schedule; however, he shouldn't have the feeling that you might dream of other guys or that your heart is not with him.
    • Eventually, you will need to open up and become more approachable to him if you want your love to last. However, if you are not ready for this and just want to have fun - keep playing.


  • If you're in school, don't avoid him, but don't harass him either. Just navigate the school as usual.
  • At the party, spend most of the time with your friends, but wait for him so that he has the opportunity to come up to you. If you walk past him, give him a leisurely, sexy smile and walk away. If a guy comes up to you, just start chatting with him and see where the conversation goes. Use your usual tone to say something like, "My friends and I are going for a walk. If you want, join in."
  • Tumble your hair in passing, stare into the void, or listen to the teacher as if he is not there.
  • While on a date, talk to your boyfriend as usual, however, let him know that you want to take the relationship to the next level. Flirt with him, but talk about ordinary things like school or friends. If you feel the moment is right, take a step forward.


  • Disagree with every word he says - you must have your own opinion! Guys don't like girls who act like robots!
  • When trying to make him jealous by hanging out with other guys, don't overdo it - he'll think you've lost interest in him.
  • Do what feels natural to you. If you want to talk to him or flirt with him, do so. If you feel overwhelmed, stop and let it win you over. There is no specific formula; you need to be guided by both heart and head to do what you feel is right at any given moment.
  • Don't be overly compliant or act like you're desperate - that's repulsive.
  • Only tell your trusted friends about your boyfriend. Better yet, just tell one or two closest friends about it. If a lot of people are aware of your sympathy for a guy, sooner or later it will reach him, after which he will simply lose interest in you.
  • Never admit to him directly that you like him - the guy may lose interest. Although, if he asks you, tell him "Yeah, I like you" - look into his beautiful deep eyes, smile with your eyes, bite your lip, tilt your head to the side and just tell him the truth.
  • Don't be silly in his presence! You can have fun, but guys love mature girls, so you don't have to be deliberately crazy or stupid.