How to grow alfalfa sprouts

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Alfalfa Sprouts - 3 EASY Steps! (2019)
Video: How To Grow Alfalfa Sprouts - 3 EASY Steps! (2019)


Alfalfa sprouts grow quickly and germinate in 3-5 days. You can grow them in a glass jar or on a clay tray. You only need 1 tablespoon of seeds to make 1 1/2 cups of sprouts. These nutritious sprouts are high in antioxidants and make a great addition to salads and sandwiches.


Method 1 of 3: Using a jar

  1. 1 Buy alfalfa seeds. They are sold at health food stores, seed stores, and online stores. Organic seeds can also be purchased. The seeds can be packaged in sachets weighing 225–450 g and in sacks over 450 g. If you plan to grow and eat alfalfa sprouts in large quantities, buy more seeds for cheaper.
  2. 2 Measure out 1 tablespoon of seeds. 1 tablespoon of seeds will make about 1 ½ cup of sprouts, which is enough for 1-2 meals. Store the rest of the seeds in their original bag or in an airtight plastic container.
  3. 3 Rinse and sort out the seeds. Take the measured seeds, place them in a fine sieve or frequent weave gauze and rinse thoroughly. Throw away any damaged or discolored seeds.
    • If you rinse all the seeds at once, they will start to germinate earlier than you plan to consume them. Only flush the seeds that you intend to germinate at the moment.
  4. 4 Place the alfalfa seeds in a clear glass jar. A jar with flat sides is best because it can be laid on its side for better air circulation.
  5. 5 Fill the jar 5 cm with cold water. The water should completely cover the seeds.
  6. 6 Cover the neck of the can with gauze or clean tights. This will keep the seeds in the jar as you strain. Secure the gauze or tights with an elastic band.
  7. 7 Soak alfalfa seeds for at least 12 hours. Keep the jar in a warm dry place while soaking the seeds. Seeds do not need direct sunlight.
  8. 8 Drain the water. Without removing the gauze or tights from the can, turn it upside down over the sink. The water will drain and the seeds will remain in the jar.
  9. 9 Rinse the seeds and drain the water again. Make sure the water is completely drained from the jar, otherwise the seeds may rot.
  10. 10 Lay the jar on its side in a dark place. A closet or pantry will create a warm, comfortable temperature for the seeds to germinate. The seeds should be evenly spread across the bottom of the can.
  11. 11 Remove the jar every 8-12 hours to rinse the sprouts. Rinse the seeds with warm water, draining thoroughly each time. Do this for 3-4 days, or until the sprouts are 4-5 cm in length.
  12. 12 Place the jar in the sun. By exposing the jar of sprouts to a sunny window for 15 minutes, you activate important enzymes that make alfalfa sprouts so beneficial. Wait until the sprouts are green, then they are ready to eat. Store alfalfa sprouts in the refrigerator (this will also slow their growth) for no more than a week.

Method 2 of 3: Using a clay tray

  1. 1 Measure out the correct amount of seeds. Measure out 1 tablespoon of seeds. This will make about 1 ½ cups of sprouts. Store the rest of the seeds in an airtight plastic container or in their original packaging.
  2. 2 Rinse and sort out the seeds. Place the seeds in a fine sieve or cheesecloth and rinse thoroughly. Go through the seeds and discard any damaged or discolored seeds.
  3. 3 Soak the seeds. Take 1 tablespoon of seeds and place them in a glass jar. Pour 5 cm of water over the seeds so that the water completely covers them.Cover the jar with gauze and secure with an elastic band. Place the jar in a dark place and soak the seeds for at least 12 hours.
  4. 4 Drain the seeds. Drain the water through cheesecloth. The gauze will keep the seeds in place and prevent them from leaking into the sink.
  5. 5 Spread the seeds into the bottom of the clay pan. For this purpose, the pallet is suitable, which comes with a flower pot made of unglazed clay. Use a spoon to spread the seeds evenly over the tray.
  6. 6 Place the drip tray in a pot of water. Take a saucepan that is larger than the pan and place the pan in it. Fill a pot with warm water so that the water reaches the middle of the sides of the pan. Do not add too much water to overflow the edges of the drip tray.
    • Place the pot and tray in a dark room and let the seeds germinate.
    • This method works by allowing the clay pan to absorb as much water as needed to maintain moisture as the seeds germinate. When using this method, you do not need to additionally rinse and moisten the seeds.
  7. 7 Add water to the pot from time to time over a period of 4-5 days. Check the amount of water every day and top up as it evaporates. The clay pan will continue to absorb water and maintain the moisture level required for the seeds to germinate.
  8. 8 Expose the tray to the sun when the shoots are 1.5–5 cm long. Place the tray in the sun for 15 minutes every day. The sprouts are ready to eat when they turn bright green.

Method 3 of 3: Eating and storing alfalfa sprouts

  1. 1 Peel the alfalfa sprouts. The husk of alfalfa is edible, but some people choose to remove the husk for aesthetic reasons. To remove the husk, place the alfalfa sprouts in a bowl of water and rub them with your hands. The husk will easily fall off and float to the surface of the water. Drain the husk and water while holding the sprouts.
  2. 2 Eat alfalfa. Alfalfa sprouts are a great addition to any salad. The freshest sprouts taste best. Simply chop or add whole sprouts to your favorite salad.
    • Alfalfa sprouts make a great sandwich filling.
    • Alfalfa sprouts can be wrapped in pita bread.
    • Try to make your regular burrito more nutritious by wrapping alfalfa sprouts in it along with rice and beans.
  3. 3 Store alfalfa. Let the alfalfa dry completely after the last rinse. If you keep the seedlings moist, they will simply rot. Place dry alfalfa in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.


  • You can buy a seedling container so you can grow more than one batch of alfalfa at a time.


  • Be sure to drain the water thoroughly after washing the seeds. The seeds should only be damp, not too wet.

What do you need

  • Alfalfa seeds
  • Transparent jar with flat edges
  • Gauze or clean nylon tights
  • Tablespoon
  • Water
  • Wardrobe, pantry or closet
  • Sunny place