How to clean a room in five minutes

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Clean a Room in 5 Minutes! (Speed Cleaning Routine)
Video: How to Clean a Room in 5 Minutes! (Speed Cleaning Routine)


When your friends or family arrive in five minutes, and while a good impression counts, your room is a mess, what should you do? Get her in order as quickly as you can. It won't be flawless or even clean, but if you tidy it up as best you can, it'll probably look pretty decent.


Method 1 of 4: Use music to speed up the cleaning process

  1. 1 Turn on the music. Music with a good beat will help you stay focused and enjoy cleaning. Any music is fine, but usually more exciting music such as techno and rock is better.
    • If you turn on the lullaby, you will most likely fall asleep!
    • Turn off any distractions like your computer or TV.
  2. 2 Make sure you take everything out from under the bed, from the dresser, etc.etc.
    • Take whatever you've collected and place it on the floor to pick it up later.

Method 2 of 4: Quick cleaning

  1. 1 Move any large items, such as a chair or storage boxes, against the wall. This will clear the floor and quickly increase the walk-through area. It takes about a minute and makes your room visually spacious.
  2. 2 Make your bed. This changes the overall look of the room in less than two minutes. If you don't think you have time to tuck the sheet, at least straighten the duvet or throw the duvet on the bed so it looks very neat.
  3. 3 Collect all of your clean clothes from the floor, chairs, bed, etc.e. Throw it in the basket, your dresser or wardrobe. Close the lid or door. Just take her out of sight. Later, you can fold and hang this garment properly.
    • Be sure to close all doors well; they look sloppy if they are ajar.
  4. 4 Put all your dirty clothes in a lidded basket, washing machine, or empty laundry basket.
  5. 5 Pick up whatever is left on the floor. Or, sweep it under the bed with your feet or a broomstick. You can tidy it up later. At this point, this is your best bet.
    • Shake out the rug or discard all the rubbish from it. If it's all stained it's better than full of rubbish.
  6. 6 Remove any dirty dishes from the room. She looks ugly, so make sure there is no trace of her left in your room. Place it in the laundry basket if you are filling it.
  7. 7 If you have time, quickly dust off the surfaces of the dresser, table and tables.
    • If you have a pet, remove the cage. If she has some kind of coverlet, throw it over the top of the cage.

Method 3 of 4: Cleaning the Room

  1. 1 Take the laundry basket and trash and take them out of your room.
  2. 2 Take the dirty dishes to the kitchen.
  3. 3 Take the laundry basket to a place where you wash your clothes.

Method 4 of 4: Finishing Touches

  1. 1 Finish with a little decoration or candles and scents. This is only if you have the time. If not, try at least spraying something fresh around the room.


  • When you walk around the room, in a frenzied cleaning state, pack your things if you pass them. Make sure you have at least something in hand at all times. When you get to where this thing should be, put it away and grab something else. This is a tip that really works! Use it!
  • Be yourself while cleaning. Put things where you will not forget about them, as well as where you want to put them!
  • Make sure nothing is hiding anywhere.
    • If you have things that you never use, but they take up space, don't be afraid to get rid of them. There are garage sales or donations.
  • To keep your room clean, clean or tidy up the room for 5-10 minutes every day.
  • Place the trash in a plastic bag and hang it over the doorknob. You can add trash to it and remember to grab it and put it in the basket when you leave the room.
  • Try not to get distracted from the task and don't stop until you're done.
  • Stash all your electronics in a drawer so you don't get distracted while cleaning.
  • Hang all of your coats on your doors or hangers so your friends think you are folding your clothes the right way.
  • If you have a little free time, spend it cleaning. It may not sound like the most exciting thing, but it will help if you need to get down to these "harvesting frenzy!"
  • If your books are scattered all over the floor, collect them and put them in a neat pile. Then, when you have a minute or two throughout the day (or the coming days), put a book or two on the bookshelf.
  • Usually, parents are aware of all the tricks while cleaning the room. So, putting your stuff under the bed isn't such a good idea, because when your mom checks your room when your friend comes, she'll probably look under the bed and poof! No friend receptions for you! You will have to stay at home and clean the room properly. So when you put things down, put them in the right place! You don't have to tidy up the whole room though.
  • Open your windows. It is a good idea to ventilate the room. It even helps you breathe better.
  • When walking around the room, pick up things when you walk by. Move them a little closer to where they should be:

    • Take your extra shoes closer to the closet.
    • Move your books and pencils closer to your desk.
    • Take your combs, mirror and hairpins closer to the dresser.
    • After all your dirty items have been collected in small piles, lift them up and put them in an empty laundry basket.
    • After all your unwanted coats and hats are put together, take them all at once and put them in the closet.
  • Use these methods at any time, not just in a difficult situation.
  • Turn on the music and have fun. This works well for a little motivation.


  • Large furniture.

What do you need

  • Music
  • Storage boxes, etc.