How to run 5km

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To RUN Your First 5K | Running Tips For Beginners
Video: How To RUN Your First 5K | Running Tips For Beginners


A lot of people do 5K runs at every opportunity, and if you start running and would like to run a run like this, the idea may seem a little daunting at first. However, by exercising at your own pace and overcoming psychological obstacles, you will be able to achieve your goals. You can run 5 km during your workout, register for a race, or run 5 km on race day at your own pace.


Method 1 of 3: 5K Workout

  1. 1 Assess your shape. If you are in good shape, then perhaps you just need to get into the habit of running.
  2. 2 To get started, take advantage of the resources or support available. Many organizations offer 5km training programs for people with no running experience.
    • Start slowly, alternating between walking and running. Most programs involve walking for 90 seconds and then running for 60 seconds until you can run 5 km.
  3. 3 Train every day. Even if you run every day, it is extremely important to exercise every day to prepare for your 5K run.
    • On days when you are not running, choose some other exercise. This could be swimming, tennis, basketball, or aerobics at the gym.
  4. 4 Train with others. In preparing for the 5K, many people are helped by the support of another runner.
  5. 5 Eat well. Eating lean proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals from fruits and vegetables can help you prepare your body better for a 5K run.
    • Drink plenty of water. During exercise, the body needs more fluid. Drink water throughout the day.
  6. 6 Overcome psychological barriers. You may worry that you are fat, slow, unable to run the entire distance. Overcome these barriers and become stronger not only physically, but also spiritually.

Method 2 of 3: Registering for a 5K Race

  1. 1 Find out about upcoming 5K races in your city. In most places, these races are held all year round.
    • If this is your first run, it's best to run in the spring or fall. Then extreme temperatures will not cause additional discomfort while running.
  2. 2 Time it right. You need at least 8 weeks to prepare for your race. Find out about such races that will take place no earlier than in 2 months.
  3. 3 Choose a suitable 5K run. Many races are run for charitable purposes, so if you support an organization or cause, sign up for the race to support it.
  4. 4 Register yourself and your team members prior to race day.
    • Pay the required fee. Usually this is something in the range of $ 10 to $ 35 (400-1300 rubles, although it may be more).
  5. 5 Read the rules in advance, from them you will find out what time to come, where to check in and what else to do on the day of the race.

Method 3 of 3: 5K Run

  1. 1 Get a good night's sleep. You may be nervous or aroused, but you need to get enough sleep to perform well.
  2. 2 Have a good breakfast. Breakfast should definitely contain proteins and complex carbohydrates. Eggs and whole grain toast are great breakfast options.
  3. 3 Wear comfortable jogging clothing. Most run in shorts or leggings and T-shirts or tops.
    • Check if your shoes are comfortable. Do not wear new shoes on race day. Running shoes should support your foot, be comfortable and fit.
    • Wear a hat, sunglasses, or something else that will help you feel comfortable and focus on the race.
  4. 4 Run at your own pace. This is a race and no one wants to come last. Run at the same pace as in your workout.
  5. 5 Set yourself a goal. For example, if this is your first 5K run, the goal should be to simply finish the run. If this is the second race, you can try to set a personal best.
  6. 6 Pay attention to the path, especially if you haven't run this path before.


  • If you need additional support, direction, and advice, work with a coach.


  • Safety should be a priority. Always warm up before and after your run, you don't have to run hard. If something starts to hurt, stop and listen to yourself. Talk to your doctor before starting exercise.