How to avoid a hand trap while cuddling in a dream

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If This Happens in Your Sleep, Don’t Open Your Eyes
Video: If This Happens in Your Sleep, Don’t Open Your Eyes


Hugs are one of the main benefits of sleeping with your sweetheart. However, sleeping in the "spoon" position can often cause your arm to "fall asleep" while your betrothed peacefully travels through the dream world. Instead of yanking your hand out from under your sleeping half and shaking him or her out of sleep, there are secret techniques that can be used to release your tingling, enslaved hand without waking your co-pilot out of sleep.


  1. 1 First, try to gently pull your hand out from under your partner. If your hand is under your partner's neck or waist, you can gently withdraw your hand and free yourself without waking your love by pushing your grasped hand into the mattress and gently pulling it out from under him or her. If your arm is in the correct position (under the neck or waist), you should be successful.
  2. 2 Use a pinch-and-roll technique if you can't free your hand so easily. If your hand is truly trapped, use the pinch and roll method, which will make your love think that you just decided to hug him or her again (when you actually save your pricking hand):
    • Draw your partner closer to you. Your partner will be closer to your body than the arm itself.
    • Gently roll your partner away from you in the direction he or she is facing. This will help you take your hand out without waking him / her.
    • As you roll, gently pull your hand out from under your half and gently move your hand under you.
  3. 3 Use the shoulder-to-shoulder method. If the traditional spoon position does not work for you, pull your partner close to you, leaving him or her lying on their side. Lie next to your partner in the classic spoon position. Gently place your upper hand on his or her body and your lower hand behind you. This method also makes it easy to change position throughout the night without waking the other person up.
  4. 4 Try the open hand technique. Your partner will need to be involved for this hugging technique to work, but it may be a win-win for everyone involved. Before going to bed, place pillows about one foot (30.48 cm) below your headboard. Your legs shouldn't be hanging off the bed, but the extra headroom will serve as a "landing pad" for your arm. Press firmly against each other instead of placing your forearm under your partner; gently drag it under the pillow so that it is extended - kind of like a flight pose. Place your upper hand gently on your darling.
  5. 5 Consider the chest-pillow position. Another way to keep your hand from cutting off the blood supply is when your partner is resting their head on your chest. This method usually works well for those with broad pectoral muscles or curvy breasts:
    • Both you and your partner should lie on your backs in bed.
    • Ask your partner to move over to you and place his or her head on your chest.
    • With your arm under your partner, hug him or her so that your partner's body is above your underarms.


  • Use a lot of deodorant or shower before bed, especially before using the breast-pillow method. Smelly armpits can confuse a non-smelly partner!
  • Communicate openly about sleeping positions - find one that works for both of you.
  • To get the most out of a cuddle, leave your dog, cat, other pets, and children in their own beds.
  • Buy new pillows and possibly a full body pillow if you're still struggling to find a comfortable position.


  • If the pain of numbness in your hand after falling into the trap does not subside within a few minutes, consult your doctor.