
How to cook fried chicken

How to cook fried chicken

Fried chicken i o popular becau e it ta te great. It can be eaten fre h or cold at a picnic or a a nack. Fried chicken i o popular that it i on the menu of almo t all fa t food and re taurant chain . ...

How to write a literary analysis

How to write a literary analysis

For literary analy i , you hould read the literary work very carefully to under tand how the author communicate hi key idea . Begin by taking note on the text and reading it with maximum concentration...

How to have fun with friends

How to have fun with friends

Having fun and pending time with friend i alway fun, but ometime the ame activitie can get boring. If you are un ure of what to do with friend , thi article will help you. Read on to di cover ome fun ...

How to be the perfect woman

How to be the perfect woman

elf-development i a lifelong project. What you do and how you do it will help you become “perfect”. Perhap you are in pired by a pecific woman or certain qualitie of different women, you can trive fo...

How to get rid of caterpillars

How to get rid of caterpillars

Caterpillar are larval form of in ect of the order Lepidoptera, which include butterflie , moth and moth . You can ea ily recognize caterpillar : the body of the e creature i oft and haped like worm ....

How to change a light bulb in a spotlight

How to change a light bulb in a spotlight

ince the lamp in the potlight are flu h with the ceiling or other urface, they cannot be imply gra ped and un crewed by hand. One of the imple t way to olve thi problem i to u e duct tape. If that do...

How to make a damaged Xbox disc work

How to make a damaged Xbox disc work

cratching an Xbox di c i very ea y, but getting it to work again i another matter. You can u ually fix thi problem with di c repair pa te, but it won't fix circular cratche . 1 Remove the di c fr...

How to choose a wedding dress for your body type

How to choose a wedding dress for your body type

Be ide the fact that a wedding dre hould fit the bride and fit well, the ideal wedding dre hould empha ize the figure of the bride. There are many tyle of wedding dre e , but not all of them look grea...

How to "smile with your eyes"

How to "smile with your eyes"

Eye mile i the ecret behind Tyra Bank ' tunning photograph . " mile with eye " i an external manife tation, which i characterized by a mile not only with the mouth, but al o with the ey...

How to upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7

How to upgrade from Windows Vista to Windows 7

Tired of Vi ta? If o, upgrade to Window 7. Thi article will guide you on how to upgrade from Window Vi ta to Window 7. The fir t 4 tep are optional but highly recommended. 1 Download Window 7 Upgrade ...

How to make money blogging

How to make money blogging

A blog i a web ite that pre ent information a a et of equential entrie . The entrie can be about anything; there may be comment from the author, de cription of event , photograph , video . Blog are u ...

How to avoid diverticulitis

How to avoid diverticulitis

Diverticuliti i a ociated with a bulging of the wall of hollow organ ( uch a the colon), which form pouche in the form of pouche (diverticulum ). When uch a bag become inflamed, diverticuliti develop ...

How to find out the total call time on iPhone

How to find out the total call time on iPhone

In thi article, we'll how you how to find out the total time you pent making iPhone call . You will need thi to monitor your call co t and martphone life pan. 1 Launch the etting app. To do thi , ...

How to create a PowerPoint presentation and include audio and video files

How to create a PowerPoint presentation and include audio and video files

1 Open PowerPoint by clicking tart - All Program - Micro oft Office - Micro oft PowerPoint. 2 Create a PowerPoint pre entation. If you are un ure how to do thi , read thi article. 3 Click In ert - Mov...

How to fix your life

How to fix your life

If you have come to the conclu ion that you need to fix your life, there are practical tep you can take in thi direction. Your thought , emotion and behavior are clo ely related, they con tantly defin...

How to get rid of an armpit rash

How to get rid of an armpit rash

An underarm ra h can be itchy and irritating and i often cau ed by a bacterial or fungal infection, or contact dermatiti . Armpit ra he are e pecially common in ummer due to heat and moi ture. Fortuna...

How to measure an outer door

How to measure an outer door

In talling an exterior door on the front of your home will not only increa e ecurity, but al o improve the appearance and add more light to the normally dark area of ​​the home. However, before you ru...

How to fix fogging on your windshield

How to fix fogging on your windshield

Wind hield fogging occur a a re ult of the colli ion of two air current of different temperature . In ummer, thi happen when hot air from the treet hit a cold wind hield. And in winter, conden ation c...

How to safely start a hunger strike

How to safely start a hunger strike

A hunger trike i a well-known but not very common form of prote t. A hunger trike can be dangerou , but once you decide, you need to take precaution to avoid eriou harm to your health. 1 Plan for abou...

How to draw a picture on a T-shirt

How to draw a picture on a T-shirt

De igning your T- hirt can be fun and entertaining, or even profitable if you decide to ell your creation . Whether you want to print a de ign on a T- hirt your elf or entru t it to profe ional , you ...