How to fix your life

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fix Your Life - Jordan Peterson
Video: How to Fix Your Life - Jordan Peterson


If you have come to the conclusion that you need to fix your life, there are practical steps you can take in this direction. Your thoughts, emotions and behaviors are closely related, they constantly define and feed each other. You can directly control your thoughts and behavior: by changing them, you can improve your life. The steps in this article can be applied to any aspect of your life that you want to fix.


Part 1 of 4: Make a plan

  1. 1 Define your purpose. Find an empty spot where you will not be disturbed for at least 30 minutes. You will need a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. If you do not live alone, then politely ask not to disturb you for a while. Turn off your music, TV, and other electronic devices. Put your phone in silent mode.
    • If you are not sure what your goals are, first assess what your values ​​are and what is important to you. Then find a goal that aligns with those values.
  2. 2 Think about what you mean by the words "fix your life." What will your life look like when you fix it? How will achieving your goal affect your life? Who will be the first to notice that your life is getting better? Answer these questions to determine which aspect of your life needs to be changed.
    • You can start with a general introduction. Gradually narrow down the idea of ​​what you want out of your life.
    • For example, you might think about the questions "what do I want to offer this world?" or "what do I want to be better at?"
  3. 3 Write down a clear and concise goal. It will be too difficult for you to achieve a vague goal like "I want to be happy" or "I want to lose weight." Your goal should correspond to the so-called SMART characteristics: be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound.
    • A goal like this will allow you to track your progress and stay on track. Therefore, instead of “I want to lose weight” write “I want to lose 0.5 kilograms a week until I lose weight before x kilograms ". Only you decide how to fix your life.
    • It's okay if you have to rewrite your goal several times until you get a clear and concise statement. Write down your thoughts if it makes them easier to digest. So you can look at them from the outside and be more objective.
  4. 4 Develop a plan. Break your goal down into smaller, convenient steps that you can take one at a time or at the same time.Don't forget about specificity and timing. For example, if your goal is to “find a job with a salary x thousand rubles a month ", then you can break it down into the following actions:
    • Find vacancies on job classifieds and corporate websites (day 1, 2 hours).
    • Create a resume (day 2, 1 hour).
    • Ask a friend to reread the resume and make corrections (days 3-4).
    • Submit resume (day 5).
    • Track responses one week after submission (day 12).
  5. 5 Stick a piece of paper in a prominent place. Keeping your goals and plan in front of your eyes can help you stay motivated. Pin the list to your mirror or refrigerator, take a photo, and save it to your lock screen - keep it wherever you see it regularly.
    • Reread your goals every morning. This will help you maintain your sense of purpose and desire to achieve those goals. It's not enough just to look at the list: read it carefully each time. Start each morning with a sense of purpose and commitment. It is an integral part of your journey towards achieving your goals.

Part 2 of 4: Find Solutions to Problems

  1. 1 Take responsibility. Recognize the role that you have played, knowingly or not, in achieving the position in life that you are in right now. Taking responsibility doesn't mean you have to blame yourself for anything; it means taking responsibility for your actions. When you see where the quality of your life depends on you, you will understand that you can fix your life. Remember that you only control yourself: you can influence your actions and other people, but you cannot control those around you or the consequences of your actions.
  2. 2 Investigate the problem. A clearer understanding of how you ended up in a disadvantageous situation can help you avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Think about the lessons you've learned from the mistakes of the past. Consider your social circle, personal circumstances, what you say, and what you do. Think about how you feel about the situation and whether you are trying to avoid something. This will come in handy for the next step.
  3. 3 Identify possible obstacles. Make a list of all the obstacles you may encounter or prevent you from reaching your goal. Consider your own behavior, the people you interact with, the apology or reconciliation you may face, the things you need to acquire or get rid of. Think about the kind of people you are associating with and what you are doing together. The obstacles will depend on the specific situation.
  4. 4 Come up with solutions. Make a list of solutions for each obstacle. What's the best approach to use? Will you have to change your schedule? Do I need to ask for help? If you encounter an obstacle, think of several different ways to overcome it. Consider the pros and cons for each option.

Part 3 of 4: Understand Behaviors and Habits

  1. 1 Determine what behavior is preventing you from achieving your goal. This allows you to make changes and adjust to behaviors that, on the contrary, help you achieve what you want. Your actions are the key to fixing your life.
    • On another sheet of paper, list all of your actions that prevent you from realizing your goals and making your life better. It can be habits or routines. Perhaps you watch TV late and then be late for work. Or you eat three servings of dessert after every meal and this negatively affects your diabetes.
  2. 2 Identify patterns of behavior. Establish when and under what circumstances you are most likely to engage in unwanted behavior. Identify situations or places that trigger this reaction. For example, if you want to “lose weight by x kilograms per y weeks to weigh z kilograms ”, but during stress you constantly eat donuts, then stress is just the trigger that you need to watch out for.
    • Think about what pushes you towards certain behaviors or leads to undesirable situations. If you have a habit of spending a lot of money and accumulating debt, is there a particular thought, emotion, or reason that prompts you to go shopping? Sometimes the root of the problem is hidden deep enough, and sometimes the answer lies on the surface. Give yourself time to introspect. Ask yourself when a particular problem or pattern of behavior occurred - perhaps this is where you will find the answer. Is there a feeling or thought that you are trying to avoid? Did someone close to you behave this way when you were growing up?
  3. 3 Make a list of alternative, productive behaviors. Now that you understand what behaviors are holding you back from getting things right, think about what you can do to get there and achieve your goals. So, during times of stress, you can try breathing exercises or another relaxation method next time. Or, instead of spending two hours on Facebook before bed, you can devote only half an hour to this, and devote the remaining one and a half to activities that contribute to the achievement of the goal (for example, write a draft resume).
    • Alternative behavior does not have to be fundamentally different from habitual behavior. You can simply reduce the amount of time you devote to a certain activity and devote it to another.
  4. 4 Replace unproductive behaviors with productive ones. The next time you feel like doing something that is detrimental to your life, try doing something else that will help you achieve your goals. To do this, you will need to consciously prioritize one behavior over another, which will require discipline.
    • Consider asking friends for help.
    • Remember, you don't have to love something to stop doing it. It’s enough to want to do something different.

Part 4 of 4: Take Action

  1. 1 Get started now. Don't put off things until tomorrow or until something happens. Procrastination arises from the fear of failure. The longer you put off change, the longer it will take you to fix your life.
  2. 2 Surround yourself with people who influence you positively. The environment has a strong influence on the achievement of goals. Look for friends that will inspire you and help you become better. Tell someone you trust about your plans and ask for assistance. These people can help you with valuable advice or resources that you never thought of.
  3. 3 Track your progress. A previously drawn up plan will help you stay on track. You will have to stick to the schedule as the goals you set have a time frame. Sometimes unforeseen events occur that can delay the implementation of the plan. Shifting deadlines does not mean that you are not making progress. It just means that you are faced with an unforeseen obstacle. Don't use it as an excuse to give up and give up. Find a solution and make changes. Do not forget about the reasons that initially prompted you to change your life.
  4. 4 Do not give up. Change doesn't happen overnight. It takes time to break old habits, get used to new behaviors, and see results. You may find yourself criticizing and reproaching yourself. Remind yourself that negative thoughts lead to negative behavior. Reverting to old habits does not mean that you have failed and returned to the starting point. Think about your goals and why you decided to fix your life.


  • This article does not imply that your life is necessarily ruined and needs to be fixed. In its context, “fix” is synonymous with “change”. Your life is moving forward and changing.
  • You don't have to want change to start changing. For example, you don't have to want to quit smoking to do this.It is enough to want something else (say, have healthy lungs) more than smoking.
  • We all criticize ourselves, sometimes more and more than others. You are not alone in this.
  • Try to get support to help you achieve your goal. It could be your one and only best friend, or your entire family and friends. Find someone you can trust and who will help you stay on track with your goals.
  • Remind yourself constantly of your goals.