Ways to Break Up With a Girl

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Easy Ways to Break Up With a Girl Without Creating Drama
Video: 5 Easy Ways to Break Up With a Girl Without Creating Drama


  • Here are a few common reasons people break up with someone:
    • Lie. A relationship is only for two people. There is no room for a third person.
    • Not respect. Your partner doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be.
    • Abuse relationship. Your partner uses you to get what she wants.
    • no love. After a while, you realize that you don't have the same feelings for her as you originally did.
    • Range. The geographical distance between the two makes it difficult for the two to maintain a relationship.
    • Boring. When you feel uncomfortable around each other.

  • Find a quiet, secluded, and undisturbed place. Breaking up with someone can be difficult, but again you totally owe her an explanation. You can choose almost any location - in your room, in the park, in the school yard, as long as you don't get too disturbed when you say goodbye.
    • A quiet public place is convenient for two reasons. The first is that public arguing is harder to happen because so many people are watching you. And second, breaking up in public will take less time.
    • Never break up via text or email. Also try not to break up over the phone. These ways of breaking up will show you as a bad person, and your soon-to-be ex will tell every girl what you did.

  • Let's start with ease. This is not easy, but it is better for both parties to be decisive, despite the pain right then, than to let the bad situation prolong. If you can, go straight to the point and say:
    • For example: "I hate doing this because you used to mean so much to me, but I think we should break up.".
    • For example: "I'm really feeling really hard, so I'm sorry if it didn't come to a good end, but I think we should stop.".
    • For example: "Maybe this won't be too surprising for you, but I think breaking up would be the best for both of us.".
  • Give her an honest explanation. Speak the truth. Give her the reasons why you wanted to break up, and tell her why.Explain it fully, but don't bring out the ugly or bad aspects of your relationship - it can make her angry and aggressive.
    • For example: "I know this isn't what you want to hear, and if only I could change my feelings I would. But the truth is I don't know if we really get along. I can't get along. My friends, I don't like my friends either. I hate sports, you live for it. At first, I tried to ignore the difference between us but now I can't anymore. honestly think we'd be happier being with someone else ".

  • If possible, take responsibility for your mistakes. If your girlfriend cheats on you, takes advantage of you or disrespects you, then you have nothing to be responsible for or apologize for. But on the other hand, a relationship is a two-way street: her actions are influenced by your actions, which means you may also be held accountable for the reason for the breakup. Confess if you feel that is the right thing to do:
    • For example: "I knew you were to blame. I shouldn't have let you disrespect me or my friends, I should have told you that it made me unhappy, and that you could have changed. It has come to this point I don't think we can change anything anymore ".
    • For example: "Part of it was my fault too. I pushed you away when you really needed someone, I guess you can say I pushed you into his arms. I understand why you did it. So, but now I can't forgive you. Hope I can do it later. ".
  • Be calm and tough. A breakup can escalate or go wrong in many ways. The key is to stay calm, put yourself in the opponent's shoes, don't try to "win" the argument. She can object by mentioning other things; She might even offend you. (You might as well, right?) Think about what she's going to have to say, don't lose your temper, and try not to let her feel bad.
    • If you're really sad about breaking up, and you think it might comfort her a little, show some concern. Ask her if you can hold her, put your arm on her shoulder, look into her eyes, and smile warmly. These gestures can have a calming effect on her during this difficult time.
  • Talk to her, be brief. She may ask questions, answer honestly. She might want to talk about another side of this, listen to her. Let her vent what she wants to say in her heart.
    • If you find the argument has no way out, gently tell her: "I know this is very difficult, but I feel things are falling into a vicious circle. Will I let you think more about this?"
    • Give her a chance to discuss things next time. Say something like: "I know there are too many things that can't be resolved at once. Same with me. Do you want to talk about this after you've calmed down?"
  • Follow the "don'ts" list. This is not a parting "treaty", but there are things you absolutely do should not do when you break up with someone, no matter who they are to you. Include:
    • Don't convince her to believe that something is not true. If you don't think it's a good idea to continue to be friends after the breakup, say it. It is better not to give her false hopes.
    • Don't brag. There is a saying that "the mouth harms the body". Even though it's not so serious, what happens between you and her is not someone else's business. Talking to close friends is okay, but don't tell everyone every detail of the breakup.
    • Don't date someone else before you break up. That is called treason. Be patient and wait until you break up completely if you are in love with someone else.
    • Don't use the breakup as an excuse to mistreat the other party. No matter how they treat you, honestly it's not worth trying to make their lives hell. Be respectful and treat them the way you want to be treated. It will make the breakup easier for both of you.
  • Advice

    • Neither of the above parting reasons mentioned "You are so ugly", or "I found someone cuter than you", or "I found someone prettier than you". You have to find a reason not to be superficial, it should be a good reason to break up.
    • Don't let your friend or her friend break up with you. Not only does this hurt her, but it also makes her angry and might slap you if she happens to see you next time.
    • Don't avoid her after breaking up. Doing so will make her think that you are afraid of facing her and that you have some secret that you don't want to let her know.
    • Be sure to say goodbye to a girl in person. Breaking up online or over the phone can send the message that you are scared and that she may not fully understand what you want to say when you tell her: "We should meet others" on phone or via Facebook. She will understand better if you talk to her directly and you can still be friends.


    • Pay attention to your feelings if you feel bad whenever you see your ex in another man's arms. It may mean that you are not completely ready to break up with her and that you are being driven by false motives.