How to have fun with friends

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You
Video: The One Thing That Will Make Everyone Like You


Having fun and spending time with friends is always fun, but sometimes the same activities can get boring. If you are unsure of what to do with friends, this article will help you. Read on to discover some fun things to do for yourself and your friends!


Method 1 of 2: Outdoor Activities

  1. 1 Go to the park. It doesn't matter how old you are. Take your friends with you, play sports, frisbee or just take your kids to the playground. The park is a great place to relax, and at no great expense!
    • You can play football or basketball. If any of the passers-by wants to join, you will have a great chance to make friends with new people.
    • Go jogging in the park with a friend. If you are a very busy person, this is a great way to spend time with your friends. Add this activity to your schedule. Plus, jogging will be much more enjoyable if your friend keeps you company.
    • If you have children, going to the park with the whole family will be a pleasure for both you and your loved ones. Take some food with you and go for a picnic. You can chat with your friends while the children play outdoors.
  2. 2 Have dinner or lunch together. You can go to your favorite cafe, and if you don't want to spend money or don't like public places, you can have lunch at home.
    • If you do decide to go to a cafe, make sure that lunch will be affordable for you and your friends.
    • Dinner at home will not only serve as a good reason to pack, but it will also save you money. Invite your friends over and offer them a glass of wine while you cook dinner. It's even better if your friends bring their favorite food with them!
  3. 3 Go to your favorite coffee shop or bar. You will look cool when your friends see that all the waiters know you by name and know what you love. There you can relax and chat with friends.
    • Make time to meet with friends at least once a week / month. For example, you might get together on the first Friday of the month and share news from your life. If you agree on a meeting schedule ahead of time, chances are most of your friends will be able to come.
  4. 4 Volunteer together. Volunteering is more fun when you do it with your loved ones. You can not only enjoy the time spent together, but also help other people.
    • Dedicate several hours a week to volunteer work.You can work in the humanitarian aid department or help out at an animal shelter.
    • Join volunteer organizations, such as Big Brothers or Big Sisters, and invite your friends and their children to join.
    • You can visit a local food distribution point for the poor with your friends. If you have the opportunity, you can do your bit and offer your products ..
  5. 5 Go to a concert or festival with your friends. Many cities host various concerts, outdoor cinema, various games and festivals. Read the news of the city to be aware of all the events in advance.
    • Find out if you can bring your own products to these events. Some festivals allow you to bring your own food and drinks and have picnics.
    • If possible, bring a blanket or folding chairs with you.
  6. 6 Go to the fair. There you can find inexpensive, but very funny things, it is especially interesting to go there with a friend. Read the news and keep abreast of all events, especially in the summer.
  7. 7 Organize a hike. Hiking is a great way to have fun with friends and enjoy nature. You don't have to go anywhere far, you can go hiking in the nearest forest.
    • If you are going on a hike with friends, arrange everything in advance so that everyone takes food and necessary things with them.
  8. 8 Take part in competitions. In the warm season, various competitions and races are organized throughout the country. Take part in a marathon. It's a good way to spend time with a friend, even if you don't really like running. Most marathons are divided into groups according to physical ability, you can just walk with friends and do some exercises.

Method 2 of 2: Having fun at home

  1. 1 Watch your favorite movies or TV shows with your friends. Find some free time and get together to watch an interesting movie. After watching, you can discuss the film, as well as talk about what's new with you.
    • Prepare something to eat in advance. Make snacks and buy a drink for more fun watching.
    • Take breaks from time to time to warm up or take a walk outside.
    • Entertain yourself with an extraordinary movie, such as a cult classic. You can also find a poorly written or stupid book, take turns reading it aloud and compete in who will last longer and not laugh. You can turn this activity into a real game (for example, playing drinking if you are 18, or playing with sweets).
  2. 2 Think back to the old days. This is especially nice if you've been friends for many years. Remember what you did a few years ago, remember different funny incidents from your life. Your friends can tell you stories that you had no idea about! You can take turns exchanging stories about the past.
    • Try to find things that will remind you of the past. Look for old notes or diaries you kept together. Maybe you played football together or made dolls? Things like this will help you remember some of the past.
  3. 3 Have a game night! Games are great fun for both adults and children. Cards, board games, video games - choose what you like best.
    • The best option is card games, because almost everyone knows how to play cards. In addition, there are a huge number of card games for every taste. The Spoons game is suitable for a large company, and the Speed ​​game is suitable for a small company. You can play poker using pieces of chocolate or candy as money. It will be even more fun!
    • Here are some board games that you will surely enjoy: Colonizers, Scrabble, Bananagrams, and Clue. The game "Clue" is the easiest and most fun, because the essence of this game is to accuse someone of the crime.
    • Video games with multiple players are fine too. You can play Super Mario or GTA.
  4. 4 Throw a party! There are many ways to throw a fun party, even if you have a very small company. A little creativity and the party will be great!
    • Arrange a disco. Turn on your iPod, turn off the lights and dance! You can copy some movements from a famous clip. You can dress up in some funny or themed costumes and learn a few dance moves.
    • Throw a theme party. Themes can range from Murders in the Troubled 1920s to the Ascot Tea Ceremony. It all depends on your imagination! Ask what your friends like best and follow their tastes.
    • Throw a food party. The best part about a culinary party is the delicious food! Gather your friends and try new recipes. You can laugh at your mistakes and enjoy your success.
  5. 5 Go to a museum or art gallery with friends. You can admire the exhibits together and discuss them in detail. Museums and art galleries often host various events, such as lectures, film screenings, musical performances. You can visit them with your friends.
  6. 6 Go to the mall with your friends. You can buy yourself some new clothes or just go shopping with your friends. If you don't want to spend money, you can just walk around without buying anything. Take a walk, look at the windows and have a chat.
  7. 7 Make a movie. Come up with a script, collect the props and start filming! You can try taking a few shots and then editing them together. It will be even more fun to watch the resulting movie!
  8. 8 Have a spa day. Invite your friends and head to the beauty salon, or get manicures, facials and massage at home. Make masks with tea, fresh fruit, cucumber and lemon. Play quiet relaxing music and light candles to create a relaxing atmosphere.


  • When meeting with friends, be yourself and have fun!
  • Before scheduling a meeting, ask your friends what they would like to do.

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