How to fix fogging on your windshield

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Never Get Foggy Car Windows Again
Video: Never Get Foggy Car Windows Again


Windshield fogging occurs as a result of the collision of two air currents of different temperatures. In summer, this happens when hot air from the street hits a cold windshield. And in winter, condensation collects when warm air inside the car meets the cold glass surface. Understanding how condensation forms will help you get rid of it at any time of the year. You can also take steps to prevent fogging of the windshield, which will save you time in advance.


Method 1 of 3: Removing condensation from the windshield during hot seasons

  1. 1 Turn off the air conditioner if it is warm enough outside. Turn off the air conditioner if the windows fog up in hot summer weather. This will allow the interior of the car to warm up faster, and the internal air temperature will approach the outside. You can also open the windows a little to allow more fresh air to enter (which will also help get rid of the choking atmosphere in the car).
  2. 2 Turn on the wipers. You can use wiper blades to remove condensation if the windshield is fogged up outside (as is usually the case in summer). Just turn on the wipers at the lowest interval and wait for the condensation to disappear.
  3. 3 Open windows. In this way, the temperature inside the car can be quickly equalized with the temperature outside. Lower the windows as far as possible to allow warm air from outside to enter the cool interior of the car.

Method 2 of 3: Remove condensation from windshield in cold weather

  1. 1 Try using a different air source. Most cars are equipped with a button for switching from recirculating the air flow inside the passenger compartment to drawing in fresh air from the outside of the car. If the windshield is covered with a white veil, select a mode in which air enters the car from the outside. Look for a button with a small car painted with an arrow that points to the inside of the car. Click it. In this case, a light next to it should light up.
    • You can also press the button with the car and the circular arrow inside it to turn off the light. This will deactivate the air recirculation mode that is already in the vehicle interior.
  2. 2 Reduce the temperature inside the car. Since fogging occurs due to temperature differences, it will be less if you reduce the difference between the temperature inside the cabin and outside. Turn on the car's interior fan to maximum and set the airflow temperature to the coldest temperature you can handle.
    • This is the fastest but also the coldest way, so get ready to get a little cold!
  3. 3 Turn on the air conditioner to blow cold air. The deflectors direct the flow directly onto the windshield, and the cold air around it equals the temperature of the outside air. This will help get rid of condensation on the windshield.

Method 3 of 3: Try to Prevent Condensation on Your Windshield

  1. 1 Use cat litter. Stuff a regular sock with cat litter. Tie the end with a piece of string and then place one or even a pair of socks near the front edge of the car dashboard. During the night, they will absorb moisture inside the car's interior, which will prevent condensation from building up.
  2. 2 Apply shaving cream to your windshield. Use a shaving cream that lathers when squeezed out of a vial or bottle. Spray a small amount of the cream onto a soft cotton cloth and spread it over the entire inner surface of the windshield.Then use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the glass dry. This will create a thin, moist film that will prevent fogging.
  3. 3 Lower windows if possible. Park your car in a safe place and lower your windows about three centimeters or so. This will allow some of the outside air to enter the vehicle and prevent the windshield from fogging up.
    • This method is best used in the summer, as ice or snow can enter the vehicle through the gap in winter.


  • Never lean out of the vehicle while it is in motion to try to clean the windshield. If condensation gets in the way and the wipers are not doing their job, stop and apply the parking brake.