
How to borrow money from a friend

How to borrow money from a friend

It may eem that borrowing money from a friend i ea ier, afer, and more convenient than borrowing money from a bank or other organization . However, thi can lead to irreparable con equence if you do it...

How to do push-ups

How to do push-ups

1 Lie face down on the floor. Leg together. The weight hould be tran ferred to the che t. Place your hand on the floor with your palm , placing them about houlder-width apart. They hould be clo e to t...

How to tell the time without a clock

How to tell the time without a clock

Whether you are going on a backpacking trip or planning to take a break from modern technology, knowing how to tell the time without a clock will come in handy. Time can be e timated from the ky if it...

How to crash your computer using a batch file

How to crash your computer using a batch file

Whatever the rea on, you may be tempted to cra h your computer. U ing a batch file to perform thi action will not harm or cau e a irreparable damage to your computer a other method . In tead, it will ...

How to deal with melancholy after the end of your favorite TV show

How to deal with melancholy after the end of your favorite TV show

Depre ion after the end of your favorite TV erie i quite a dangerou thing. It may eem to you that nothing can replace it with your favorite erie , which ha come to an end. Recovering from o many hour ...

How to skip a gym class

How to skip a gym class

When it come to favorite chool le on , phy ical education i rarely among them. But phy ical education le on are compul ory in all chool and even in univer itie . However, there are everal way to kip a...

How to train a rabbit

How to train a rabbit

Rabbit are very intelligent and ociable, o they can be trained quite ea ily. Unfortunately, many people never manage to teach them anything, either becau e they u e the wrong training approach or beca...

How to cancel a job interview

How to cancel a job interview

You may find your elf in a difficult ituation if you have already cheduled an interview with a promi ing employer, and now mu t be in two place at the ame time, or if new opportunitie have opened up b...

How to make liquid algae fertilizer

How to make liquid algae fertilizer

eaweed i rich in trace mineral and pota ium, making it ideal for raw compo t, mulch or liquid fertilization. It' really ea y and your plant will thank you. Up to 60 nutrient can be obtained from ...

How to pin a boutonniere

How to pin a boutonniere

1 Place the boutonniere correctly. Flower hould be on your ide and on the oppo ite ide of the lapel. The leave behind the flower hould be farther away from you and clo er to the lapel. 2 Place the bou...

How to find an aneurysm

How to find an aneurysm

An aneury m i a condition in which a blood ve el enlarge due to injury or weakne in the ve el wall. Aneury m can occur anywhere in the body, but mo t often aneury m occur in the aorta (the main artery...

How to wear a jockstrap

How to wear a jockstrap

The u pen ion con i t of a belt, u ually ela tic, and a upporting pouch for the genital . It wa developed for cycli t almo t 150 year ago. They are now u ed for upport a well a convenience during a va...

How to give first aid

How to give first aid

Fir t aid mean a e ing the condition and fir t aid to a per on who ha been injured or uffered a a re ult of uffocation, heart attack, allergic reaction, drug u e or other emergency. Fir t aid involve ...

How to greet a person correctly

How to greet a person correctly

Whether you're meeting omeone for the fir t time or want to trike up a conver ation with omeone you know, a greeting can help et the tone. If you are meeting a per on or are in a profe ional ettin...

How to paint with sponges with children

How to paint with sponges with children

Painting with ponge with children i ea y and fun. Variou hape can be cut out of the ponge to timulate the child' imagination. Ma ter the ba ic and tart decorating a variety of urface from po ter t...

How to ask a girl out on a date if you've been friends for a long time

How to ask a girl out on a date if you've been friends for a long time

Every guy get very nervou before a king a girl out on a date, but thi ta k can be even more difficult if you've been friend with her for a long time. The trick i to get your friend to look at you ...

How to Activate a Verizon Cell Phone

How to Activate a Verizon Cell Phone

If you bought a u ed phone online or received it a a gift from a friend, you need to activate your phone before you can tart u ing it. Fortunately, with Verizon, the proce i very imple. Thi guide will...

How to pack a waste-free lunch

How to pack a waste-free lunch

Thi i a very ea y change you can make to the environment. By following our advice, you can avoid going to a re taurant or cafe and eat better. Try packaging your lunch without wa te. 1 U e a reu able ...

How to say Happy Birthday in French

How to say Happy Birthday in French

The ea ie t and mo t direct way to ay Happy Birthday in French i “joyeux anniver aire,” but it' not the only one. We will tell you how, whom and when it i cu tomary to congratulate you on your bir...

How to bathe a large dog

How to bathe a large dog

If you bought your elf a large breed puppy, then at a young age it' time to tart teaching him to bathing procedure . Neverthele , even adult large dog can really be taught to wim, but thi can be a...