How to become an expert

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become an expert in anything you do.
Video: How to become an expert in anything you do.


If you become an expert, then you will become a real authority in your field. What does it do? More respect, more prestige, more salary or consultation costs. A lot of practice, study and ... competent self-marketing can make you an expert.


Part 1 of 2: Building Experience

  1. 1 Choose an area of ​​human knowledge that interests you. For example, you can choose physics, journalism, sports, or online marketing if you feel motivated enough, both personal and professional.
  2. 2 Choose a profession for which you think you have talent. Talent is a kind of inclination towards a particular occupation, it is the ability to develop skills over time. It's hard to believe that anyone can become an expert at anything, is it?
    • Practice is a big part of the equation, it's a fact. Nevertheless, a person deprived of a musical ear is unlikely to become a virtuoso pianist, and this is worth accepting.
  3. 3 Practice, practice, practice! Such an approach to business requires you to constantly set yourself more and more new tasks, whose difficulty and complexity should increase in increasing order, and not freeze at the same level forever. If you want to become an expert, then you have to spend at least 10 thousand hours on this or that business before you can call yourself a master of the chosen business.
  4. 4 Do your chosen business. Few people manage to devote these same 10 thousand hours to a chosen business in less than 10 years. Work hard or pursue your chosen hobby for 10 years and you'll have enough experience to call yourself an expert.
    • However, all this strongly depends on the industry you choose. For example, you can become an expert in yoga in about 700 hours. It takes a little more to become an expert in neurosurgery ... 60 times that, or about 42,000 hours. In general, you can read a lot of industry literature on this topic, from which it will become clear how long you still have to reach for perfection.
  5. 5 Read industry and professional publications. Back up your experience with study and research, and stay tuned to the latest industry trends.
  6. 6 Learn from those who are already an expert. Sign up for courses, conferences, and classes to learn from the best.
  7. 7 Get confirmation of your experience. Get an advanced degree if you plan to pursue a business or academic career. Learning, both self-taught and academic, is an important part of any expert's self-marketing.
    • If you play sports or some kind of music, then this is overkill.

Part 2 of 2: Marketing Experiences

  1. 1 Consult with people from your contact list or company. Tell them that you would like to write articles for the blog or company newsletters. Become the face of your company!
  2. 2 Start your own blog. Share your advice, expert advice in it! Above all, make sure your blog posts are aimed at professionals and not a general audience.
    • Become a so-called. "Guest author". Subscribe to thematic blogs and offer them your services as an author of articles.
    • Optimize your blog for social media. Be present on social media so people can find you and read you.
  3. 3 Lead classes, teach people. Look if you are looking for a teacher in the discipline in which you excel. Learning to pass on your own experience is an important step towards becoming a true expert.
  4. 4 Become a mentor. Help startups by acting as an expert in one area or another - of course, in one for which you have enough experience. This line will adorn your resume, along with your experience and education!
    • You can also transfer your experience via the Internet - no one canceled video tutorials.
    • You can upload your own video tutorials to YouTube or Vimeo. Promote them as “expert advice”.
  5. 5 Speak at conferences. Lead classes or speak at industry conferences. If you are invited to speak at such conferences without waiting for your application, you can be sure that you are considered an expert.
  6. 6 Become an expert consultant. Monetize your experience and knowledge with a website and b2b consulting. You can become a so-called. A “coach” - an expert educating young people taking their first steps in your industry.
    • Check out the legal aspects of such work - you may need a license or something like that.