How to make money with Facebook

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Money With Facebook For Beginners 2022
Video: How To Make Money With Facebook For Beginners 2022


Of course, Facebook is not a chest of money, but this social network can be a reliable source of income if you do not spare your efforts and do everything competently. In this article, we'll show you how to make money with Facebook.


Method 1 of 5: The Basics

  1. 1 Post interesting posts. The backbone of financial success on social media is good content in large quantities. In the case of Facebook, this means interesting links, pictures and daily updates.
    • Find your niche and fill it with quality content. It doesn't have to be a vacant niche, but it needs to be pretty narrow for the reader to notice it. For example, you could create content specifically for young moms, for people with certain political views, or for cat lovers.If you intend to advertise a product using your account, try to associate that product with the topics of your posts.
    • Try to open another account and keep your personal page separately. Post something interesting on the first page, and then link to it on your personal page. You may need even more accounts. Remember that Facebook does not allow you to link multiple accounts to the same email and / or phone number. You may need to verify your new account by entering a code that will be sent to your mobile phone number.
    • Do not hurry. Your page should gradually grow into readers. Post something new and interesting every day.
  2. 2 Set a goal for yourself to make money. The only way to get paid with Facebook is to work hard. As with any job, it is important to develop a schedule and stick to it.
    • Plan your business. Whatever your strategy, you will need to do something on a daily basis. Make a schedule and set aside time for them in advance.
    • Take action. Making money with Facebook is all about chasing numbers. Since Facebook ads are only worth your time, you can spend as much time on your page as you want, even if at some point it starts to cost you dearly. Further, interest and statistics will begin to bring their own profit.
    • Add everyone in a row. One of the quickest ways to grow your followers is to add everyone in a row as friends. Many will not accept your request, but others will.

Method 2 of 5: Affiliate and other pay-per-link programs

  1. 1 Find an affiliate program or any program that allows you to link to your page. With an affiliate program, you are assigned a unique number and given out promotional materials, and then you are paid a percentage of the sales generated with your help. Try to find a good affiliate program and start making money.
    • Many sites that you are familiar with have such programs. Since the site does not charge you a fee, allowing you to advertise a product, virtually anyone can collaborate with any number of sites.
    • Start with famous brands. Amazon has an affiliate program whereby the owner of a social media page gets a percentage of every sale that comes from a link from your Facebook, even if you advertised something else. Apple's iTunes software also has such software.
    • Look for less common programs. This will most likely make you less money at a time, however, you can expand the number of products advertised and gradually earn a decent amount from advertising for different companies.
  2. 2 Become a member of the program. When you decide to advertise a company through an affiliate program, search the firm's website and fill out all the required forms. This usually costs nothing and takes a few minutes.
    • Don't pay for the opportunity to become a partner.
  3. 3 Create accounts. Create a Facebook account for each program or program group. This will allow people to subscribe to your pages based on what interests them, and not just read a page with a bunch of very different ads.
    • As mentioned above, you can use the main page for reposts from other accounts. This way, your ad will be seen by all people who subscribed to you.
  4. 4 Promote your programs. Post one entry for each program daily and follow your Facebook accounts. With a bit of luck and a good main account with a lot of subscribers, your other pages will also start subscribing. Every time someone clicks on a link on your page and purchases a product, you will receive money.

Method 3 of 5: eBook

  1. 1 Write an e-book. E-books are book-sized publications that are distributed electronically and are not printed on paper. Since it costs almost nothing to publish such a book, anyone can do it.
    • Don't be too strict on yourself. Unlike a regular book, an electronic edition can have as many pages as you want. As a rule, most e-books that are created just for money look more like brochures than full editions.
    • Take a topic that might be of interest to many. It is better to write something non-artistic than artistic. Ironically, e-books that teach you how to make money selling e-books are selling very well. At the very least, they pay off the writing costs.
    • Write about what you are good at. This will make your book more attractive. There is no need to flaunt all your merits, but it is always better to do something about which you know more than a common man in the street.
  2. 2 Decide how you will publish your book. There are several ways to do this.
    • The easiest way is to save the book as a PDF file and put a password on it, which you can send to those who buy the book. Anyone with a password can open the file.
    • Createspace is a service provided by that allows you to publish books on Amazon for free. These editions are better protected than PDFs, but they are not easy to distribute outside of Amazon. Createspace also has several paid services and options. To get the most out of your Facebook page experience, don't use them.
    • ReaderWorks types and publishes e-books in the Microsoft Reader format, one of the most widely used formats on the web. The basic version of the program does not provide data protection, but it is free and simple. There is also a paid version of this program that allows you to use digital protection (DRM). Buy this version only if you intend to publish a large number of books with it.
  3. 3 Submit your book online. If you use Createspace, the book goes online automatically. If you've published the book yourself on your computer, there are several ways to sell it:
    • Amazon allows you to download and sell books as a Kindle edition for free. (Kindle is the brand of Amazon's popular line of e-books.) This service is called Kindle Direct Publishing, or KDP.
      • It is a fairly fast and flexible service. You can publish a book in just 5 minutes and charge your royalties up to 70% (Amazon gets the remaining 30%).
      • At the same time, with this service, the book cannot be downloaded outside of Amazon. Readers who do not use Kindle eBooks will not be able to view and purchase your book.
    • You can list books on eBay at a fixed price. Selling copies of an e-book can make quite a lot of money.
      • The great thing about eBay is its simplicity. Anyone with access to the site can become a potential buyer of your book. This does not require any special hardware or software.
      • The downside is the price. eBay charges commissions for pretty much everything, and those fees go up when you set a fixed price. Some commissions are calculated as a percentage, while others represent a certain amount that can seriously damage your business if you do not think about it in time.
  4. 4 Sell ​​your book on Facebook. If you've done the right thing and wrote a book that will appeal to your homepage audience, you will already have the stage for sales.
    • Advertise your book multiple times a day, both directly and in disguise. Get creative and engage your readers. Let them want to read this book!
    • If you have other pages too (for example, for affiliate programs), advertise your book there as well.
    • Always link to the page where the reader can buy the book.

Method 4 of 5: How to Make Money on Your Facebook Page

  1. 1 Create a Fan page if you don't already have one. Don't have a fan page yet? Well, then you have to create it because it allows you to make money. Create a fan page about what you're interested in: fishing, humor, travel, and so on.
  2. 2 Create good content. Write interesting texts and invite as many people as possible. When your page starts attracting readers and gets a lot of likes, you can move on to the next step.
  3. 3 Link a website to your fan page. Create a site that is linked from your fan page if you can afford it.
    • You can make a website for free.
    • Submit interesting content on the site and publish links to the site on the fan page.
    • Add ads to make more money, and make sure your site looks decent and doesn't look like a copy of someone else's site.
    • In order for the flow of new visitors to grow, you will need to regularly publish useful information on the site.
  4. 4 Sell ​​posts on your fan page. So, you have a popular fan page, but you don't know how to make money from it. The easiest way is to start selling records.
    • Sign up at if you have a thousand likes.
    • Add your fan page to ShopSomething and go through the verification process.
    • Set prices for posts on your page. It is important to set reasonable prices as no one will want to buy ads on your page if the price is too high.

Method 5 of 5: How to Make Money with Facebook Market and Fanpages

  1. 1 Become a contributor to Facebook Posts Market or Facebook Fanpages Market. In both cases, you will find detailed step-by-step instructions on Facebook. If you are not proficient in PHP and / or HTML, you will still be able to use these services. No programming language is required to use Facebook Markets.
    • Facebook Posts Market
    • Facebook Fanpages Market
    • Combine Facebook Posts and Fanpages Market and you save some money.


  • There is a great demand for social media marketing services. If you are great at social media, you can make money easily.
  • Keep track of your business. Always read the small print! Many affiliate programs have additional requirements: for example, they have requirements for the minimum frequency of logins to an account, or they regularly send letters that require account verification. This allows them to keep track of inactive accounts. If you fail to do everything you need to do, you will lose your earnings.
  • Through your Facebook page, you can sell anything, not just e-books. Consider what else you could advertise with little or no cost.
  • Making money with Facebook takes a lot of effort. If you start attracting new fans and retaining existing readers, everything else will follow. If you just create a bunch of pages and wait, then you will not be successful.
  • Your task is to make the page interesting and useful for your readers. The larger the audience of your page, the more likely advertisers will take notice of you. Don't focus on making money - focus on growing your page audience and money will follow.

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