
How to fry a partridge

How to fry a partridge

The ptarmigan can provide an abundant portion of meat for one per on. The e wild bird ta te great when roa ted, but the meat can dry out quickly if you're not careful. oaking the partridge in brin...

How to find hidden applications on an Android device

How to find hidden applications on an Android device

Thi article will how you how to view all application that are in talled on an Android device, including hidden application . 1 Tap the Application Drawer icon. It look like a et of 6-16 mall circle or...

How to eat sushi according to etiquette

How to eat sushi according to etiquette

u hi can be thought of a the Japane e equivalent of a we tern andwich: it' ea y and convenient to eat, you can alway take it with you, and it come in a huge election. In addition, u hi i a taple ...

How to ask a question on Facebook

How to ask a question on Facebook

Facebook' A k a Que tion feature i a fun and rewarding way to take a urvey, get advice, or ju t learn omething new from your friend or other Facebook u er . You can a k a que tion u ing the tatu b...

How to use cinnamon for diabetes

How to use cinnamon for diabetes

Cinnamon i not only a condiment that contain beneficial antioxidant . Diabetic can u e it to control their blood gluco e level . Follow the guideline below to u e cinnamon medicinally for diabete . Al...

How to recognize cat heart disease

How to recognize cat heart disease

Cat , like other mammal , uffer from heart di ea e. However, in cat , the e di ea e are difficult to detect at an early tage. Their relatively low mobility and ability to conduct bOMo t of the time, i...

How to fix a pinched nerve in your shoulder

How to fix a pinched nerve in your shoulder

A pinched nerve in the houlder i due to compre ion of the nerve during monotonou movement or due to prolonged tay in one po ition. The houlder need re t to heal, but pain can be relieved with over-the...

How to be sexy in sports (for girls)

How to be sexy in sports (for girls)

Do you want to be active and till attract the attention of the guy ? Playing port while taying exy can be quite challenging, but if you know a few trick , it can be made ea ier. You don't need to ...

How to gain respect

How to gain respect

Each of u trive to earn the re pect of peer , but thi require a lot of effort. If you want to be a ucce ful, happy and healthy per on, then et your elf a goal and trive to win the re pect of other . L...

How to cook frozen peas

How to cook frozen peas

Frozen pea can be cooked in a variety of way , uch a adding to fried rice, etc. It i u ually erved with corn and carrot on a hot plate. Here' the ea ie t way to make frozen pea . 1 Take whatever y...

How to make a floor frame in a frame house

How to make a floor frame in a frame house

Today, many private low-ri e building are built on the ba i of a timber frame, which i built according to certain rule and tandard . The e de ign are economical and lightweight. When building a frame ...

How to be a minister in the Catholic Church

How to be a minister in the Catholic Church

In many Catholic churche , prie t have three to ix mini ter to help them conduct the ervice. Although female mini ter were once banned in Catholic churche , they can now be erved with the permi ion of...

How to decorate a diary

How to decorate a diary

Journaling ha a therapeutic effect and i very rewarding. You can tru t the diary with deep thought , feeling , a piration , dream , nightmare , fear , hope and more.But, before picking up a pen, de ig...

How to restore tooth enamel

How to restore tooth enamel

Over time, tooth enamel can become thinner due to nutrition, improper care, or health problem . If you notice ign of enamel ero ion (for example, yellowed area of the teeth or increa ed en itivity to ...

How to make rice milk

How to make rice milk

1 Place water and rice in a blender bowl. Pour 4 mea uring cup (960 ml) of water into the blender bowl and add 1 mea uring cup (200 gram ) of cooked white rice. For healthier rice milk, u e filtered w...

How to stop being a failure

How to stop being a failure

Nobody want to be a failure. Fortunately, no one hould! It only take a little time and energy to fix the ituation. Whoever you are, changing your life i ea y: make a deci ion, draw a line, and tart ch...

How to roll back

How to roll back

A back roll i almo t a ea y a a forward roll. 1 tart in a quat po ition, ju t a you would when preparing for a forward roll. Keep your feet together. 2 Lower your feet to the floor. tart tumbling back...

How to be a beauty queen

How to be a beauty queen

How to become a beauty queen? It' not a difficult a you might think! 1 Be a trend etter - there i no point in following other people' fa hion ! Be unique! 2 Be beautiful. 3 Have good po ture. ...

How to enable built-in VPN in Opera

How to enable built-in VPN in Opera

VPN (virtual private network) protect you while brow ing the internet. If you u e the Opera brow er, it ha a built-in and free VPN that you ju t need to turn on. In thi article, we'll how you how ...

How to be a great couchsurfer

How to be a great couchsurfer

Couch urfing can be a great way to meet new people and travel on a mode t budget. Take the time to plan your trip and you can find great opportunitie to di cover the local culture, hare torie and kill...