How to win at the "Hvatayka" soft toy grab slot machine

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 23 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to win at the "Hvatayka" soft toy grab slot machine - society
How to win at the "Hvatayka" soft toy grab slot machine - society


It is fun to play on the Hvatayka slot machine, but winning a prize is even more fun. However, if you already have experience with the game, you probably know that getting the coveted toy can be difficult! Having studied some of the nuances of the work of machines and adhering to the correct strategy, you will significantly increase your chances.


Method 1 of 3: Choose a Good Vending Machine

  1. 1 Select a vending machine that is not completely full. In other words, you need a slot machine that people have played enough on after filling it out. If the machine is jam-packed, it makes it difficult to capture.
    • Look for a machine that is no more than half full of toys.
    • Avoid vending machines where all stuffed animals are facing outward and appear to be packed very tightly. It will most likely be very difficult to get a prize from such a machine.
    • In addition, an incomplete slot machine is a good sign, since it means that before you people have successfully won it, which means that your task is feasible.
  2. 2 Try to choose a machine with a three-prong claw. It is usually easier to win on the machine with such a claw than with two or four prongs. While the four prong claws are good at gripping stuffed toys, the three prong claws improve your chances with most prizes.
    • The four-pronged claw is great for gripping soft toys in the chest area. If you are playing a slot machine with such a claw, try to position it so that the prongs are above and below the toy's paws, and the central part is in the region of its neck or upper chest.
  3. 3 Watch how others play on this machine. While the other person is playing, observe how the slot works and how difficult it is to win on it. Also count how many seconds the player has after he puts money into the machine.
    • For example, when a player grabs a prize, look at how tight the claw is. If the grip is very weak and the toy holds poorly, you most likely should not play this machine, as it will be very difficult to win.
    • Also notice how easily the claw moves. It will be helpful for you to know in advance if it moves smoothly or jerkily.

    Advice: some pincers move left or right when moving up and down. Pay attention to how the claw behaves in this machine when the player lowers it for a prize.

  4. 4 Decide what kind of prize you want before putting money into the slot machine. This way you will not waste precious seconds making decisions during the game. The best prizes in terms of the ability to get them lie in the middle of the machine in the upper layers.
    • Keep in mind that round prizes (such as balls) are usually more difficult to obtain than those with complex shapes (such as stuffed animals).

Method 2 of 3: Position the Claw Correctly

  1. 1 Get a friend's support. Ask him to watch from the side of the slot machine and tell you when the claw is directly over the toy. This way you can quickly set the claw in the desired position and save time.
    • If there is no assistant, evaluate the position of the claw using a mirror inside the slot machine.
  2. 2 Spend the first 10 seconds positioning the claw over the prize. Start doing this as soon as you put your money into the machine. Try to position the claw over the prize as accurately as possible.
    • This advice is based on the fact that you only have 15 seconds before lowering the claw. If you have 30 seconds, take about the first 20 to install the claw.
    • Be sure to look at the position of the claw from the side to position it as accurately as possible.
  3. 3 Use the last 5 seconds to adjust the position of the claw. Adjust its position with small movements so that it is positioned exactly over the prize. Let your assistant stand to the side of the machine and tell you where to direct the claw.
    • Adjust the claw very carefully during these 5 seconds. Don't push it too far or it won't end up over the prize at all.
  4. 4 Lower the claw when positioned perfectly. Hurry up to press the claw release button before the time runs out. Otherwise, the claw will return to its original position, and you will have to start all over again.
    • Keep in mind that in some machines the claw drops automatically after a time has elapsed, wherever it is.
  5. 5 If you miss a prize, repeat the process to try again. It is possible that you will not win the prize on the first try. On subsequent attempts, try to move the toys in the vending machine so that the one you want is in the best position.
    • For example, if there is another on the toy that you want to get, push it to the side with a pincer to free the one you need.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Common Mistakes

  1. 1 Set yourself the amount you can spend on the game. Since you will likely need several tries to win a prize, you risk spending too much money. Decide how much you want to spend on your game and stop trying as soon as you run out of it.
    • It is best if your gaming budget does not exceed the actual value of the prize. If the same toy in the store costs 200 rubles, do not spend more than 200 rubles trying to win it.

    Keep in mind: some machines are set so that the claw is compressed to full force only after a certain interval. Most often it is equal to 10, that is, in every tenth launch, the claw is compressed more than usual.

  2. 2 Avoid slot machines where the prizes are too good to be true. If the prizes look very expensive, the machine is more likely to be set up so that it is impossible to win on it. In this case, the game will only result in a loss of money.
    • For example, you should not play on slot machines where modern gadgets like smartphones serve as prizes or banknotes are tied to the prizes.
  3. 3 Do not try to get a prize that lies at the very bottom or near the wall of the machine. Prizes near the wall are the hardest to grab with a pincer. Deep prizes are hard for the claw to reach. If possible, aim at toys that are closer to the prize tray.
    • The good thing about the prizes near the tray is that if the prize falls out of the claw, then you have a better chance that it will fall into the tray.
    • If the toy is very deep, it is more likely to fall out of the claw when you pick it up.