
How to hug a person

How to hug a person

Hugging i the be t way to how love. They demon trate your concern and upport in time of need. However, there i a ignificant difference between a friendly hug and a romantic hug. You wouldn't hug y...

How to make a cool whipped frosting

How to make a cool whipped frosting

1 Add pudding, icing ugar and milk to a bowl. 2 Mix on low peed until mooth. 3 Let the mixture it for 3 minute . 4 Fold in the frozen chilled cream. 5 Cover the cake.With thi recipe, you will have 2 c...

How to see the light at the end of the tunnel

How to see the light at the end of the tunnel

o, your life i not going well. Your dream have not come true, your heart i broken, and you are ready to give up? However, trying to piece the piece of your life together, you are reading thi article,...

How to tell someone that they are not interesting to you

How to tell someone that they are not interesting to you

The harde t part of dating i telling omeone that you don't want to go out with them.It doe n't matter if he' calling you for the fir t time or you've already had everal meeting , chanc...

How to work around the world

How to work around the world

Many entrepreneur and mall bu ine owner have achieved great ucce , wealth and work life balance while working around the world. In thi article, the term “working around the world” refer to the ability...

How to cook snow peas

How to cook snow peas

now pea are a legume in which both the pea and the pod are edible. It can be erved a part of a ide di h or u ed a a di h, uch a fried in oil. now pea are a great ingredient for the bu y cook becau e ...

How to be punk pop

How to be punk pop

Punk pop (not to be confu ed with pop punk: um 41, Avril Lavigne, etc.) mu ic i known for it melodic and catchier note than the original punk rock of the late 1970 . he al o pawned a new group of fan ...

How to restore iPhone from backup

How to restore iPhone from backup

You may experience glitche when your phone freeze or low down ignificantly and you want to re tore your iPhone' backup. You will have to do thi with a factory re et, which era e data and etting fr...

How to have fun without leaving your home

How to have fun without leaving your home

Ju t itting at home i boring. How to have fun and do omething intere ting if there i no way to go out at all? Don't worry, there are dozen of way to relieve boredom. Try playing game with family m...

How to catch ghosts

How to catch ghosts

Catching gho t i a tricky bu ine , becau e you have to know where to look for them, how to make ure of their pre ence, and al o have the be t kill to capture them. You will al o need a trong re i tanc...

How to make lemon juice cough medicine

How to make lemon juice cough medicine

Coughing i the body' natural re pon e to clear mucu and debri from the lung and upper re piratory tract. ince cough i a defen e mechani m, it i impo ible to uppre it completely in ca e of re pirat...

How to get a tie dye manicure

How to get a tie dye manicure

1 Apply a ba e coat (white or any other light hade can be u ed) and let it dry. 2 Cover your finger with pla ter or oil - thi i nece ary o that the varni h doe not get on the kin. Make ure that the pa...

How to learn Mandarin Chinese

How to learn Mandarin Chinese

Mandarin Chine e (Mandarin Chine e) i not ea y to learn, e pecially for native Ru ian peaker . However, the proverb ay that patience and work will grind everything, and therefore thi ta k i not unbear...

How to look exotic

How to look exotic

Exotic, it i : alien, foreign or trange ... Many women want to look like thi and it' not difficult. Fir t, decide what you need uch an "image". 1 Decide what an exotic look i for you. Th...

How to create short links

How to create short links

Have you ever tried to end a link that wa larger than your me age? ome web addre e are overly long and unwieldy. But there are online ervice where you can horten a link to a manageable ize to be in er...

How to stop worrying about what might happen to you or your family

How to stop worrying about what might happen to you or your family

We are all worried. We are concerned about money, health and relation hip . We are worried about tho e we love. However, at ome point, anxiety can become not only unproductive but al o unhealthy. Expe...

How to calculate the specific heat

How to calculate the specific heat

pecific heat i the energy required to rai e the temperature of one gram of pure material by one degree Cel iu . The pecific heat capacity of a ub tance depend on it chemical compo ition and tate of a...

How to clean used brick

How to clean used brick

U ing old or "u ed" brick in a project can give it an atmo phere and character that i difficult to achieve with new brick . Old brick have a unique hi tory and a weathered look that i rarely...

How to build a good relationship with your husband

How to build a good relationship with your husband

The wedding vow ha been made, the honeymoon i over, and now you are waiting for many year of happine . Mo t of all, you want a good relation hip with your hu band. By the way, the following tep will b...

How to hide photos on iPhone

How to hide photos on iPhone

In thi article, we'll how you how to hide photo from Collection and Memorie in the Photo app on iPhone. It al o de cribe how to in tall and configure the Photo Vault app, which et a pa word for ac...