Disinfect your smartphone

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to clean your smartphone safely - BBC News
Video: How to clean your smartphone safely - BBC News


All kinds of bacteria, viruses and other germs quickly accumulate on the outside of a smartphone. To clean your phone in an easy way, you can simply wash it with soap and water. If you want to make sure to kill any bacteria, viruses, and other germs that can accumulate on your phone, an alcohol disinfectant solution is most effective. Just keep in mind that alcohol can damage your phone's screen over time, so don't use it too often. On the other hand, it is very important that you disinfect your phone, and with a special protective layer you can limit the damage to the screen. A special smartphone cleaner with UV light is also very effective, but that is a bit more expensive. Either way, don't forget to keep your phone safe and virus-free by disinfecting it regularly!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Quickly clean your phone with soap and water

  1. Turn off your phone and unplug it. Press and hold the power button on the side of your phone until you see the power off notification on the screen. Wait until your phone is completely off before cleaning. That way, you are less likely to damage the electronics inside. If you have connected your phone to a charger, be sure to unplug it while cleaning so that you don't get an electric shock.
    • Never clean your phone while it is on. That can cause a short circuit.
  2. Take your phone out of the case first, if it is still on it. Always remove the case from your phone before cleaning it, because there can also be all kinds of bacteria on the inside of a phone case. If your phone case has multiple parts, separate them so you can clean each part individually. When cleaning, keep your phone and case away from each other so that you don't contaminate them again.
    • Be careful with your phone when you take it out of the case. Without a cover, your smartphone can be damaged more easily.
  3. Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Grab a small bowl or container and fill it with water from the tap so hot you can barely touch it. Then add one or two drops of dish soap and stir well until the soap is completely dissolved and the suds foam thoroughly.
    • If possible, use antibacterial soap, as it may be more effective at killing harmful bacteria and viruses.

    Variant: If you don't have dish soap on hand, you can also use liquid hand soap.

  4. Wet a microfiber cloth with the soapy water and wring it out completely. Dip a so-called microfiber cloth in the soap suds and remove it quickly before it is completely soaked. Squeeze the excess water from the cloth with your hands, so that your phone does not get too wet.
    • Do not use paper towels or scouring pads for this, as this could damage the screen of your phone.
  5. Rub the cloth firmly on the front, back, and sides of your phone to remove any bacteria, viruses, and other potential pathogens. Start on the screen and work through your entire phone in circular motions. Use caution around the speakers, jacks, and buttons, as water can enter your phone through those openings and damage the electronics inside. After cleaning the front, turn your phone over and start wiping the back.
    • If you have a water-resistant phone, it is not much of a problem if a little water gets near the buttons or the inputs, because a water-resistant phone is more resistant to that.
  6. Dry any residual moisture on the phone with a clean towel. Place the phone on a dry microfiber cloth and pat it dry on all sides. To prevent water damage to your smartphone, make sure to remove all visible water droplets.
  7. Clean a leather or rubber phone case with the soapy water. Dip the microfiber cloth in the soapy water again and then wring it out again. Wipe your phone case inside and out to remove any dirt or dust that has accumulated there over time. Concentrate on completely disinfecting the case, especially on all the small nooks and crannies, as bacteria and possibly viruses can easily collect there.
    • Never completely submerge the phone case in water, otherwise you could damage the material.
    • If you have a leather phone case, use a special leather conditioner afterwards to keep the case soft.

Method 2 of 4: Kill bacteria with alcohol

  1. Turn off your phone and unplug the charger. Unplug your phone from the charger so that you don't get a shock when cleaning. Press and hold the power button on the side of your phone until you see a notification on the screen. Wait until your phone is completely off before cleaning.
    • Cleaning or repairing your phone while it is still on can cause a short circuit in the electronics.
  2. Remove the case from your phone and set it aside. Push the edge of the case away from your phone to release it. Take your phone out of the case and set it aside while you clean your phone. If you have a multi-piece phone case, take it all the way apart so you can thoroughly clean each one.
    • When cleaning, keep the case and phone separate so they don't accidentally get re-contaminated.
  3. In a bowl, mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and warm water. Choose rubbing alcohol with an alcohol content of at least 60-70% so that it is strong enough to kill the bacteria and the bacteria. Add the rubbing alcohol and warm water to the bowl and stir the liquids together well.
    • You can buy rubbing alcohol at the drugstore.

    Warning: Rubbing your phone with alcohol may cause you to rub the screen's protective film off over time. This layer prevents fingerprints from getting on the screen and also protects against water damage. So use rubbing alcohol in moderation.

  4. Dampen a microfiber cloth in the cleaning fluid. Choose a microfiber cloth that is lint-free, so that it doesn't scratch your phone's screen. Dip the microfiber cloth in the alcohol solution and wring it out so that it is not too wet. If the cloth is too wet, you run the risk of damaging your phone with it.
    • Do not use paper towels or scouring pads for this, as they can scratch your phone.
  5. Wipe your phone from top to bottom on all sides with the damp cloth. Work the entire front of your phone in circular motions while applying a little pressure. Slowly wipe around the inputs, buttons, and speakers so that the cleaning fluid doesn't accidentally get in there. The alcohol can damage the electronics inside. Turn your phone over and clean the back in the same way.
    • Always wash your hands before cleaning your phone, otherwise you'll get dirty again right away.
  6. Clean your phone on the go with special disinfecting wipes. Try to find cleaning wipes specifically designed for cleaning electronics, as they are less likely to damage your smartphone. Wipe your phone on all sides with the cloth. Pay special attention to the narrow grooves and crevices where bacteria and other debris can accumulate more easily. Make sure you don't get into the sockets with the cloth, otherwise you could damage the electronics inside your phone.
    • You can buy special cleaning wipes at most electronics stores. Such wipes usually kill up to 99% of the bacteria and viruses on your phone.
    • Always have a few cleaning wipes with you when you go out so you can clean your phone on the go.

    Pat your phone dry with a second microfiber cloth. Spread a dry microfiber cloth on a table or other work surface and place your phone in the center of the cloth. Gently press the cloth onto your phone so that it can absorb any moisture. Make sure your phone is completely dry to avoid water damage.

    • If you used cleaning wipes, you don't have to dry your phone.
  7. Use the alcohol solution to clean wood or plastic phone cases. Dip the cloth one more time in the cleaning fluid and wring it out. Wipe the inside and outside of your phone case with it and make sure you really wipe every spot. Pay extra attention to any small tears or grooves in the case, as they can easily harbor all kinds of bacteria and other dirt.
    • Avoid using alcohol on leather phone cases, as alcohol can dry out leather.
    • If you find it difficult to clean the crevices, try to intervene with a stiff toothbrush.

Method 3 of 4: Using a smartphone cleaner with UV light

  1. Buy a special smartphone cleaner with UV light online or at an electronics store. Find a model that fits exactly around your phone, otherwise the cleaner will not be able to do its job properly. Compare the functions and ratings of different models and choose a model that is well rated and not too expensive.
    • Smartphone cleaners with UV light are small closed cases with UV lights that can kill up to 99.9% of the bacteria and viruses on your phone.
    • A smartphone cleaner with UV light costs about EUR 60, but the more effective models are usually a bit more expensive.
  2. Put your phone in the cleaner and shut it off. Open the lid of the cleaner and place your phone face up in the bottom part. Make sure the phone is not over the insert or you will not be able to close the cleaner properly. Slowly lower the lid of the cleaner so that the UV lights come on and you can begin disinfecting your phone.
    • You can leave the case on your phone, but you can also take it off. The UV light will also kill any germs on and in the case.
    • Always read the instructions for use of the cleaner very carefully, because depending on the model you may have to do something extra to clean your phone properly.

    Tip: Many smartphone cleaners with UV light have inputs to which you can connect your phone so that you can also charge it while cleaning.

  3. Let your phone sit in the cleaner for five to ten minutes. Check to see if the light on the outside of the cleaner is on to make sure it is working. Leave your phone in the case with the lid on so that it can effectively kill the bacteria and viruses on your phone. After five to ten minutes, the light turns off, so you know when to take the phone out.
    • If you open the lid at any time while sanitizing your phone, the UV lights will automatically turn off.
    • If you take your phone out of the cleaner too quickly, it may still have bacteria or viruses on it.
  4. Always wash your hands before removing your smartphone from the cleaner. Wet your hands with warm water, put some hand soap on it and let it lather for 15 to 20 seconds. Rinse the soap with water and dry it before opening the UV cleaner. Now take your phone out and use it until it's time to clean it again.
    • Only use an antiseptic hand gel with alcohol if you really can't wash your hands with soap and water.
    • If you don't disinfect your hands, you risk re-infecting your phone as soon as you pick it up.

Method 4 of 4: Keep your phone free of bacteria

  1. Wash your hands regularly to avoid contaminating your phone with bacteria and viruses. If possible, always wash your hands with warm water and soap, as this will kill most bacteria and other pathogens. Let the soap lather on your hands for at least 20 seconds and scrub the backs of your hands as well as the spaces between your fingers and under your nails. Rinse the soap from your hands with warm water and dry with a clean towel.
    • Always wash your hands before cooking, nursing a wound, or caring for someone who is ill. Always disinfect your hands after going to the toilet, blowing your nose or putting the garbage bag outside, for example.

    Warning: Try not to cough or sneeze into your hands, otherwise there is a good chance that you will spread all kinds of bacteria and viruses.

  2. Use hand gel if you really can't wash your hands anywhere. Buy a hand gel with at least 60% alcohol, otherwise you will not be able to effectively kill the bacteria and viruses on your hands. Squeeze or pump a dollar-sized amount of hand gel onto your palm and rub your hands together. Make sure the gel gets all over your fingers and under your nails. Keep rubbing the sanitizer on your hands until your skin has completely absorbed it.
    • Hand gel probably won't kill all bacteria and viruses on your hands.
    • Always wash your hands with soap and water if possible, as this is a more effective way to disinfect your hands anyway.
  3. Use earplugs to keep your phone away from your face. Choose earbuds with a built-in microphone so you can still have a conversation. Leave your phone in your pocket during the day or leave it on your desk so you don't have to use it as often. When answering a call, put on the earbuds so you don't have to hold the phone screen near your face.
    • If you don't have earplugs, keep your phone away from your mouth or use the speaker to reduce the spread of germs.
  4. Never take your phone into the bathroom. When you go to the bathroom, leave your phone in another room. If you want to take your phone with you anyway, leave it in your pocket or purse all the time. Don't touch your phone until you're done in the bathroom and have washed your hands properly.


  • Try to disinfect your phone at least once a week to reduce the risk of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens spreading.


  • Never touch your face when you've just cleaned your phone or you risk spreading bacteria or viruses or infecting yourself.
  • Do not use too much rubbing alcohol to clean your phone, or you risk damaging the protective film on the screen, which prevents the screen from becoming clogged with fingerprints.
  • Do not use vinegar to disinfect your phone. Vinegar is not a disinfectant approved by the Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG) or the American EPA, and it is not effective against viruses and bacteria (80% and 90% respectively). So vinegar does not kill all pathogens.


Clean your phone quickly with soap and water

  • Microfiber cloths
  • Dish soap or hand soap
  • Come on

Kill bacteria with alcohol

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Come on
  • Cleaning wipes for electronics
  • Microfiber cloths

Smartphone cleaner with UV light

  • Smartphone cleaner with UV light
  • Disinfecting all-purpose cleaner
  • Hand soap