How to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Do I Find the Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Video: How Do I Find the Light at the End of the Tunnel?


So, your life is not going well. Your dreams have not come true, your heart is broken, and you are ready to give up? However, trying to piece the pieces of your life together, you are reading this article, hoping to return everything to square one. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel if you look for it, so keep going!


Method 1 of 5: Inconsistency of Current Failure

  1. 1 Try to understand that whatever you are going through right now is temporary. Life is like the tides of the sea. Ups and downs can happen, but they are all not constant. At some point, everything will work out. The sun always comes out from behind the clouds.
  2. 2 Be patient. Despair can seem to last forever, especially if you're used to being successful when you get what you want. Sometimes the path of life slows down so that you have time to understand the meaning of life. By being patient, you can give yourself time to ride out the unhappiness.

Method 2 of 5: Stay Positive

  1. 1 Try to realize that this type of suffering is your state of mind. Thus, by thinking that you are not suffering, you will not actually be suffering. It depends on your attitude (your perception of the situation), which may look like deep despair or as a desire to correct the situation in which you find yourself.
    • Use this time to get to know yourself better. Difficulties temper us and change our character. However, this is not at all the time when you can show your true feelings. Do you like what has opened before you? If not, then you can use this time constructively by getting rid of your shortcomings.
  2. 2 Be positive. Thinking positively will help you live a happy life. But this does not mean that you need to look at things through rose-colored glasses. This means trying to see good in bad and being grateful for the things that happen in your life. For example, after experiencing a loss, you can learn to appreciate what you have. For example, health, family, friends, home, support. This does not mean that you have to deny that you are desperate. You just need to find a step to help you climb up again, but this will be gradual.
    • When other people see a positive person, they follow their example. This can be especially important if you have difficulties in your family, community, or elsewhere. You can inspire each other to cope with difficulties, instead of falling into despair.

Method 3 of 5: Removing Obstacles

  1. 1 Find the cause of what makes you unhappy and do your best to fix it. You can try to stay away from people who upset you, spend your money, don’t pay rent, or cook unhealthy food. You can also stop watching TV or reading the news. There are many ways to help you save time, money, and start over.
    • If you are stumped, stop and think. It can be as simple as asking yourself if you will regret what you did after 10 years, or wondering what advice you would give to a friend who is in the same situation.
  2. 2 Control what is within your control. How do you feel when you realize that you can no longer control this failure? Don't give up! Your reaction is what you are always you can control. If you, sighing, say that everything is bad, then it will be so. Instead, look at things objectively, telling yourself that nothing can stop you from getting things right!
    • For example, your boss yells at you, then you can't put up with it just because you think that "everything is as usual."Of course, you need a job, but you shouldn't feel the fear and anger that gets in the way of your goal in life. To cheer yourself up:
      • Tell yourself: "This person will not be able to upset me!" Smile to let him know that he hasn't been able to offend you. This will put an end to the confrontation (on the other hand, if you react too emotionally, it will look like you are succumbing to pressure).
      • Second, try to do your job well, using all the methods that can help in this. For example, study more, read more, practice.
      • Third, decide what you really want. It may turn out that this is a different field of activity. In this case, you will need to find another job. Perhaps it's the boss and you need to find a way to move to a different department. Or maybe you just don't want to work anymore. If so, find a way to retire / do freelance / consulting / vagrancy / idleness. You are still free to choose.
  3. 3 Know that deadlines, responsibilities, and injustices (and now long days of sitting out) have replaced the wild animal fears of our ancestors and act as stressors of our time. If at work you are accused of making a mistake, then clench your jaw and say, “I'm sorry. I'll take care of that. " You have to endure the confrontation. You stack up with stressors every day. Stress that does not stop acting is potentially dangerous: on the one hand, it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and on the other hand, digestive disorders, as well as the occurrence of many other diseases triggered by a jump in stress hormones. Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol can kill you. Avoid the damaging effects of prolonged stress in two main ways:
    • Eliminate exposure to stressors, change your reaction, department or job.
    • Minimize the stress response in this way: take more breaks, get good relaxation and get enough sleep (sleep deprivation is one of the main sources of stress). Eat well to ensure that your body is properly nourished, and also, get regular, vigorous exercise.

Method 4 of 5: Plan

  1. 1 Make plans for life. Act as if you are already living the life you want, and you will be surprised how soon everything will change.
    • Be persistent and loyal to your plans while remaining flexible. It is necessary to set goals that correspond to your personality, but do not forget that you are constantly changing, which means that your goals will change with you.
  2. 2 Move towards the light at the end of the tunnel, planning to go beyond what is oppressing and possibly killing you at the moment. Plans will allow you to gain a sense of control over your own life, even if you cannot control external events (in fact, accepting this inability to influence events is a vital part of the rediscovery of light at the end of the tunnel). You cannot control the tunnel, but you can move in the direction where you expect to find light. At the level of intuition, you should feel and believe that he is there and try to get to him!
    • Strive for self-realization. Do what makes your life better. Do not give up and do not give up what you want to achieve, but which is difficult for you. On the other hand, do not cling to what has already become obsolete. Knowing when to continue an old business and when to take on a new one will help you get to know yourself better and listen to your inner voice that tells you how to do the right thing.
    • Take steps forward gradually if you are afraid to take the jump. Change your plans a little so that the process does not seem intimidating to you. Be open and flexible, ready to enter the doors of discoveries and new events.Perhaps a new employer, a new degree, a new career, or a new home awaits you. Start slowly moving forward until you see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Method 5 of 5: Be in good physical and mental shape

  1. 1 Focus on your self-esteem. Any bitter experience in life, be it an accident, the loss of a family member, the loss of a job, the loss of a home, or another tragedy, can make you feel like you no longer need to worry about yourself. It is necessary to fight this feeling, as it is necessary to take care of yourself despite any difficulties.
    • You cannot devote all of yourself to caring for others. This is one form of self-denial and distraction from the grief that gnaws at you. The truth is, you can be a good parent, colleague, friend, etc. only when you learn to take care of yourself.
  2. 2 Start a course of exercise that suits your physical development. Exercise will help you feel better (it burns the stress hormone), be healthy, and live longer by being strong.
    • Choose the exercises that you like. Don't go to the gym, jog in the park, surf, or row just because your coworkers are doing it. Choose what you like and what will motivate you to keep going.
    • Sports are not necessarily paid. Gym memberships and expensive equipment are certainly great, but only when you have the money. Walking, jogging, swimming and hiking are affordable and even free ways to keep fit.
  3. 3 Find a healthy escape from reality. One such technique is called sublimation. This is a kind of defense mechanism, which is based on the intentional implementation of negative impulses into positive childbirth activities. For example:
    • Anger sublimates into studies, writing, art, music. Also, this technique can help turn a hobby into an activity.
    • If you are in a situation where you cannot get rid of the problem, then you should try to find salvation in reading, watching movies, meditation. These activities can help you get a little flying in the clouds.
  4. 4 Laugh, have a good time and keep each other entertained. Think of a funny story or joke that makes you laugh. Make sure it is understandable if you decide to share it with people younger than you or children.
    • Laughter, fun and loving friends are what you need! Show friendliness and love for loved ones, in return for receiving compliments and joy. If you are smart, but not “smart”, kind and thoughtful, then you are moving towards the light.


  • Unless you are a magnet, the positive attracts the positive.
  • Choosing joy and bliss is the secret to success in life.
  • Find your bliss and your joy. Smile and enjoy the calm serenity. Breathe normally.
    • Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Hum your favorite song in your mind. Feel positive by reassuring yourself that you will succeed and this is a fresh start.
  • Laughter is the best medicine. Watch a good comedy.
  • “Play another round, even if you think you can't, that's the main thing,” - Rocky.


  • Never try to find solace in alcohol or drugs. In the long run, this will do you more harm than good.
  • Negativity causes boredom and headaches. Frowning brows (worry, hate) cause wrinkles in your thinking and blemishes throughout your life.
  • Suffering attracts suffering, and unhappy people go to the bottom together.

What do you need

  • Positive plan