How to catch ghosts

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
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Video: GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA! The Sacred Riana Terrifies Mel B on America’s Got Talent | Got Talent Global


Catching ghosts is a tricky business, because you have to know where to look for them, how to make sure of their presence, and also have the best skills to capture them. You will also need a strong resistance to stress! If this sounds fun to you, keep reading after the joyous jump.


Part 1 of 3: Finding a Ghost Habitat

Before you can catch a ghost, you first need to know where to look for it. Fortunately, most places will be teeming with an abundance of hunting trails - from ancient cemeteries and abandoned schools to ancient battlefields and former insane asylums.

  1. 1 Look for ghosts in old houses. Older homes (for example, those that are 100 or 200 years old, not from the 1970s) are great places to look for ghosts.
    • Sometimes, after a person's death, his soul returns to the place where he died, or to the place that she cannot leave. This is often home.
    • These spirits tend to be harmless (unless, of course, their death was violent), so ghost house owners are a good place to start for a newly minted ghost hunter.
    • Be sure to get permission before entering someone's private property for ghost hunting.
  2. 2 Look for ghosts in cemeteries. The cemetery is another great place to catch ghosts, even if the activity seems a little creepy at night!
    • Sometimes, a soul cannot leave its physical body after death, while other souls (in particular, those whose souls cannot move) come to visit the graves of their loved ones and friends.
  3. 3 Look for ghosts in old schools. Some of the best places for ghosts are places where a large number of tragic deaths have occurred, such as the old school, the prison, and the insane asylum.
    • Not all schools have ghosts, but your area may have an old school building where students or teachers died due to tragic incidents such as fires or smoke inhalation (this was more common in the days when classrooms were heated with iron stoves) ...
  4. 4 Look for ghosts in old prison buildings. Old prison buildings are located in places where many prisoners may have died due to old age, disease, murder or death sentences.
    • Even if the prisoners did not die there, the prison could act as a place of excessive loneliness, fear and anger for some people, causing their spirits to return there after death.
  5. 5 Look for ghosts in former insane asylums. The lunatic asylums were famous for their mistreatment of patients, the use of inhumane treatments such as shock therapy, drowning in water and lobotomy, which caused a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering for the unfortunate victims. This makes the grounds of the old insane asylum a lucrative place for ghosts.
    • However, keep in mind - these spirits can be evil and violent in search of retribution for mistreating them in life.
  6. 6 Look for ghosts in the places of former battles. Places with a large number of deaths are popular locations for ghosts, especially if those deaths were violent. This feature makes the sites of former battles (even if they were later built up) the most important territory for ghost hunters.
  7. 7 Look for ghosts at murder or accident sites. As noted, people who have died a tragic or violent death are more likely to return to our world as spirits.
    • So if you know about a location where a murder or tragic accident (such as a car accident, drowning, or fatal fall) occurred, keep in mind that it can serve well to test your hunting skills.
  8. 8 Hear stories of local folklore The most frequently visited locations in a particular region will depend on the history of each region and the amount of paranormal activity reported by the locals.
    • So it's a good idea to listen and talk to people and do some research at your local library to figure out where to start looking.
    • Many cities and towns have their own special bridge, road or tunnel, where paranormal activity lasts for decades.

Part 2 of 3: Confirming the presence of a ghost

Even if you find the most haunted place in the city, the spirit isn't going to show its presence in any way (well, most of the time). Thus, you need to assemble a set of special hunting equipment that you can use to confirm the presence of the spirit and pinpoint its location in order to catch the ghost.

  1. 1 Use a handheld camera. A handheld camera is better than a digital camera because you can better control the exposure, which gives you a better chance of catching the ghost as quickly as possible. The ghost may appear as a blur or streak of light in the finished photograph.
    • In addition, it is common for paranormal activity to interfere with electrical equipment, making the digital video camera unreliable.
  2. 2 Use a camcorder. A video camera can also be used to take a detached look at any unusual shapes or processes in your chosen ghost hunting location.
    • Make sure that you record from the beginning and that the camcorder is turned on until the very end. It will be easier if you mount the camcorder on a tripod for the entire recording session.
    • If your camera has night vision, make sure it is turned on, this will make it much easier to spot the ghost.
  3. 3 Use a tape recorder. Sometimes a tape recorder will record sounds that you would normally not be able to hear. These sounds can only be heard when listening to the finished recording.
    • Keep in mind that you may have to slow down or speed up playback, or find headphones to decipher the meaning of what you hear.
  4. 4 Use an EMI detector. An EMF (Electromagnetic Field) detector measures changes or disturbances in the surrounding electrical fields that may indicate the presence of a spirit.
    • Good EMI detectors can get you in trouble over a wide range of frequencies.
    • EMI detectors can be purchased online for $ 20-100.
  5. 5 Use other specialized equipment. Other specialized equipment that can come in handy for the serious ghost hunter includes:
    • An infrared heat sensor that is used to detect hot or cold spots caused by the absorption of energy by ghosts.
    • Air ion counter that measures the amount of positive and negative ions in the air. It is believed that ghosts give off a large number of positive ions.
    • However, these things are expensive and require a certain amount of specialist knowledge to decipher the results.
  6. 6 Download the ghost hunting app. There have been many ghost hunting apps for your phone released in recent years that serve as all that expensive specialized gear.
    • More advanced applications include EMI detectors, audio detectors and EGP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) instruments, and other gadgets for detecting spirits.
    • The reliability of these applications is at the center of a heated debate, but it is definitely worth trying these options if you are not willing to invest in more expensive hardware.
  7. 7 Pay attention to any paranormal activity. In addition to operating electrical equipment, you should be alert for any physical indication that a ghost might be present.
    • Beware of falling objects or movement, seemingly without human intervention.
    • Keep your ear sharp and pay attention to unusual and unexplained noises, such as bumps or knocks.
    • Pay attention to any sudden temperature fluctuations, general feelings of anxiety, or a feeling of being watched.

Part 3 of 3: Catching Ghosts

For some people, just detecting the presence of the ghost is enough, while others want to go even further and catch the ghost. Think long and hard before deciding to catch a ghost - you don't want hunting to become life-threatening! If you decide to go further, use one of the two methods described below.

  1. 1 Use a box and burial method. If you want to put a restless spirit to rest, you need to use this method.
    • Take a metal container with a tight-fitting lid and cover the bottom with a layer of consecrated soil from a church or cemetery.
    • Leave the container open where you found the spirit. Consecrated land will attract the spirit.
    • After using your perfume detectors to confirm that the perfume has entered the container, close the lid slowly and carefully and sprinkle it with a pinch of salt.
    • Bury the container in the blessed ground.
  2. 2 Use the candlestick method. This method is good for capturing annoying spirits that are causing problems throughout your home.
    • Take a large glass jar, open the lid and place the candle inside. Light a candle at midnight and place the jar in the center of the spirit's dwelling place.
    • The ghost will be attracted by the energy from the burning candle, which will serve as a trap for the spirit inside the jar.
    • After making sure the perfume is in the jar, close the lid tightly. The candle will go out on its own.
    • Keep the jar tightly closed for as long as you intend to keep the spirit captive. If the can opens or breaks, the spirit will free itself and may want to take revenge on its invader!


  • Always take one of your friends with you! Your imagination can overwhelm you, so you need a friend who can calm you down.
  • Keep a diary. Now, when you are talking to the spirit, use your body language like a hand wave to say hello. Never talk about something important with a ghost, because it might not be kind.


  • If more and more paranormal events are happening to you, stay at home, or in a part of your house where nothing bothers you.
  • Paranormal activity may increase. In such cases, call the professionals.
  • Evil spirits can cause concussions and fractures. Be careful when you find a strong spirit.