
How to create a Jabber account

How to create a Jabber account

Jabber (XMPP) i a me enger (me aging y tem) imilar to What app, Telegram and Facebook Me enger. Thi me enger offer different domain name for the addre , which provide more choice for u er (compared to...

How to use the waffle iron

How to use the waffle iron

1 Prepare waffle batter. You can prepare the dough your elf, or you can u e the ready-made mixture. Don't tir the dough for too long; ye , there hould be no lump in it, but if you tir it for too l...

How to become successful

How to become successful

While there i no ingle ecret of ucce , ucce ful people hare many of the ame trait and habit . Adopt the habit of ucce ful people and under tand the theoretical foundation for becoming more productive ...

How to make kokedama

How to make kokedama

Kokedama i a hanging garden. Making kokedama for your home i a fun DIY project. To make a kokedama, you fir t need to prepare an earthen ball of mo and earth. Then place the plant in the ball and hang...

How to measure resistance

How to measure resistance

Re i tance i a phy ical quantity that characterize the propertie of a body (object) to prevent the pa age of electric current. To ome extent, the re i tance i imilar to the frictional force that occur...

How to cut glass

How to cut glass

1 et up your workplace. You will need a large, flat urface to cut the gla on, preferably lightly oft to prevent cratching your gla . Work in an area that will be ea y to clean later. Due to the ri k o...

How to upgrade your network to Gigabit Ethernet

How to upgrade your network to Gigabit Ethernet

Today' network are fa ter than ever, dramatically expanding our connectivity potential. To improve your peed for ure, you need to be ure that your hardware and oftware meet the new tandard . Gigab...

How to recognize a fake Coach bag

How to recognize a fake Coach bag

There i nothing wor e than howing off your new "de igner" bag to your friend and hearing one of them ay, "You know thi i n't an authentic Coach, do you?" Keep reading point by ...

How to use a female condom

How to use a female condom

The female condom i u ed during intercour e to prevent unwanted pregnancie and to protect again t exually tran mitted di ea e .The female condom i available in mo t pharmacie and ome upermarket and i ...

How to make a hemp strand bracelet

How to make a hemp strand bracelet

Making a bracelet from hemp thread with your own hand i not at all difficult. The e bracelet are perfect for any tyle and clothing, and can al o be a meaningful gift to a friend. With uch a gift, you ...

How to close apps on Samsung Galaxy

How to close apps on Samsung Galaxy

Thi article will how you how to clo e recently launched or background app for am ung Galaxy martphone . 1 Click the Recent App button. It i located to the left of the Home key on the front of the devi...

How to make a jewelry appraisal

How to make a jewelry appraisal

There are variou rea on for evaluating jewelry. You can do an apprai al of jewelry for ale or to determine the value of your jewelry during a homeowner' in urance or real e tate tax a e ment. You ...

How to create an Amazon account

How to create an Amazon account

Amazon i one of the large t online retailer and offer a wide variety of book , electronic , furniture, clothing, and more. You can al o u e Amazon Mu ic, Fire TV, Kindle, Audible, and Alexa with Amazo...

How to refuse an offer to drink

How to refuse an offer to drink

There are ituation when alcoholic drink create a pecial atmo phere in the company. If you don't drink alcohol, chance are you will feel peer pre ure to turn down the offer omehow.You may be worrie...

How to make a laboratory report

How to make a laboratory report

A laboratory report i a clear and con i tent de cription that you make a you record information. Thi article will give you a hort de cription of laboratory report that are commonly u ed in high chool....

How to tell if a dog is dreaming

How to tell if a dog is dreaming

Ever wondered if dog can dream? They can! Having tudied thi i ue a little, you will be able to determine that the dog i dreaming, and what exactly it i doing in it. 1 Try to notice eye movement. If yo...

How children can help protect the environment

How children can help protect the environment

Currently, there are very, very many environmental problem , but if everyone begin to contribute a little bit, thi will ignificantly affect the health of our planet! Children today have many more oppo...

How to look fresh

How to look fresh

Fre hne and brightne in appearance i a natural look that i ea y to acquire and even ea ier to maintain. 1 Bru h your teeth and tongue. Bru h around twice a day u ing peppermint toothpa te. If your goa...

How to keep ice cream from melting in a portable refrigerator

How to keep ice cream from melting in a portable refrigerator

What' better than going to the beach or park with a portable fridge full of goodie ? If it' hot out ide and you want to eat ice cream, but don't know how to keep it from melting, do not ru...

How to make your hips wider

How to make your hips wider

tar uch a carlett Johan on and ofia Vergara have brought back hourgla figure . Ye , a thin wai t i important, but in order to achieve thi look, you need to increa e the ize of your hip . If you are l...