How to hug a person

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Give A Good Hug
Video: How To Give A Good Hug


Hugging is the best way to show love. They demonstrate your concern and support in times of need. However, there is a significant difference between a friendly hug and a romantic hug. You wouldn't hug your friend or relative the way you hug your boyfriend or girlfriend, would you? Read on for some tips on how to best hug people you love.


Method 1 of 5: Hugging a loved one

  1. 1 Walk up to your significant other, smile, say something nice or compliment. Make sure your loved one doesn't mind hugging at the moment. You will look strange if you suddenly go up to a person and suddenly hug him, especially in the city, among people.
    • Usually, people hug each other during holidays such as birthdays, graduation from school, or after a long separation (the best time to hug a loved one).
  2. 2 Lean over to your loved one and hug him with both hands, pressing your chest firmly against his chest.Lucky!
    • If you are a man, her arms should be around your neck, and you, in turn, should be around her waist. Remain in this position for a few seconds, then relax your hug. Look her in the eye and continue your early conversation.
    • If you are a woman, hug your man with your hands on his shoulders and gently press against his chest. Let go of your arms as soon as your loved one stops hugging you. Don't drag out the hug, as it can look extremely hopeless.

Method 2 of 5: Hug a friend

  1. 1 Approach your boyfriend / girlfriend with a genuine smile.
  2. 2 Hug your boyfriend / girlfriend.
    • Girls: Close your eyes and think about how much you love this person as you hug. Cuddle him / her as much as you want, but do not crush him / her in your arms. Do not slap this person on the shoulder, some girls think that this is a sign of dislike.
    • Guys: hug each other with a pat on the back. If this is a stressful moment, hold the hug for a few seconds, but don't slap each other on the back.

Method 3 of 5: Hug your loved one

  1. 1 Walk up to your loved one and place your hands on his / her shoulders. It's very romantic, no matter who the initiator is.
  2. 2 Look your loved one in the eye and say: "I love you". Then you can tell how dear he / she is to you, that you appreciate every minute you spend together.
  3. 3 Enjoy each other. Hug your loved one as much as you like.
    • Men: Slowly lower your arms off her shoulders, sliding down her back and slightly lower. Place your head on her shoulder and lean her against you, feel her body.
      • You can gently pat her back or massage her.
      • You can also lift it up and spin. The girls love it.
      • Look into her eyes, smile and if the situation allows, kiss your beloved.
    • For girls: reach out your arms to your beloved and gently hug him by the shoulders or neck. Lean as close to him as possible and press your torso against his.
      • In a situation of intimacy, you can put your legs together.
      • Do not hug your lover below shoulder level and do not use force, even if you are the same height.

Method 4 of 5: Hugging a Family Member

  1. 1 Walk up to a family member. Of course, your feelings will differ from those that you have for a loved one or a close friend (unless, of course, you and your relative are close friends).
  2. 2 Hug your relative while continuing to talk. This is quite natural.
    • It doesn't matter where your hands are, because the relative will not attach much importance to this.
    • You don't need to have close contact. Be moderate.
    • Give the person a gentle pat on the back and smile as you let go of him / her.

Method 5 of 5: Tips you can apply to any hug

  1. 1 If you want to hug a person, look at his reaction, is he in a positive mood? If you see that the person is not ready or willing to reciprocate you, back off.
  2. 2 Be kind when you hug. Make the person you are hugging feel safe. At the moment there is only you, and nothing else matters.
  3. 3 Don't hug the person too tightly. The best way to learn how to hug someone is to feel how they hug you. If his hug is weak, follow the same example; if the person squeezes you hard, respond in kind.
  4. 4 Wait a couple of seconds before letting go of the person. Hugs are the best way to say that you care about this person, that they are dear to you, because they bring warmth and good mood.
  5. 5 If the person is upset or feeling unwell, hug them longer than usual. If you feel comfortable, hold the person in your arms until he or she wants to loosen them up.


  • Girls love tight hugs, so don't forget to hug your loved one, but don't overdo it.
  • Guys tip: Girls love it when you come up from behind and gently hug their waist.
  • If you are going to hug someone close to you, do it with a smile and warmth.
  • Hugs with a loved one should last at least a few seconds longer than platonic hugs.
  • First, ask the person for permission if you want to hug him (if this is the first time). Rely on your experience on how and when to hug the person. In some situations, hugging can put you in an awkward moment.
  • Always smile. Smiling shows that you are worried about the person, rather than just hugging a passer-by. But don't overdo it with a smile and joy on your face. A light smile is more than enough.
  • If you're a guy and your relationship has grown into more than just friendships, place your head on her shoulder and kiss her neck gently.
  • An effective approach in all respects is to approach the person you want to hug, before that you reach out to him.
  • In a circle of men, it is customary to pat on the back twice.
  • Hug her gently by the shoulders. If she is tall, then around the waist and place your head on her chest. It looks very romantic.


  • If you want to look the person in the eye while hugging, place your hands on his / her shoulders and make eye contact.
  • Do not try to hug someone if you are sweating and smell bad. Also, make sure you have fresh breath before hugging someone.
  • First, make sure the person you want to hug is ready for it. You don't want to confuse the poor fellow!