Stop thinking about scary things

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Are you a kid who gets scared at betime? (Let me help)
Video: Are you a kid who gets scared at betime? (Let me help)


Fear is your brain's pre-programmed response to something scary. It is completely natural for a ghostly thought or image to get imprinted into your head that makes it difficult for you to sleep. A little fear is positive for your health, but when it takes over it can disturb your peace and happiness. Whether you're afraid of a movie, a natural disaster, or even spiders, there are ways to deal with it.

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Method 1 of 3: Distract yourself

  1. Watch a comedy. The human brain will best remember recent images. A good laugh can help by "overwriting" the memory of scary thoughts.
    • You can also watch a lighthearted television show.
  2. Do something relaxing. Paint your nails, give yourself a day off or just hang out with your friends. A big part of getting rid of fear is relaxing your mind. Take a relaxing bath. This will immerse your mind in a state of meditation. Try to set the mood with candles and bath soap for better relaxation.
  3. Read a light book. Focusing on the lighter topics of the book, even for a while, will take your mind off what scared you. You could even read a book "intended" for a younger audience.
  4. Do something creative. If you like colors, start drawing! Make something you like. Being creative can even help channel your scary thoughts into something expressive. It is known that the creative process can make you feel happy.
    • You could even write a poem if you enjoy writing.
  5. Listen to music. You can listen to anything you like. Classic rock or the latest pop song should get you started. For even better results, you can dance to the music for fun.
  6. Treat yourself. Go out and get a takeaway or have a pizza delivered to your door. Good food releases serotonin in your brain. This is a chemical process that happens in your brain that causes happy feelings.
  7. Think about something mundane. Think about the funny thing that happened today. Think about how small you are in this world. Try to zoom in outside of yourself in the space where you are just a small dot on a series of larger dots. Your fear may be irrelevant after that.
  8. Imagine a place where you feel safe. Free your mind from unwanted images by filling it with images you do want. Think about the last time you went to a beautiful place. If you still have photos from any of these moments, look at them and think back to that environment. Consider the sights, sounds, smells and the warm feeling of security.
  9. Make sure you are not alone. Ask if you can sleep with a parent, brother or sister so that you don't feel alone. It helps if there is someone close by whom you love and feel comfortable with.
    • Discuss your scary thoughts and concerns with someone you trust. They can give you an outside perspective on your thoughts. Sharing your thoughts is also a healthy way to express them, so that you no longer think about them all the time.
  10. Keep your pet with you. Animals can help you forget scary thoughts. Dogs mainly have a therapeutic effect on the human brain. Play with them. Their happiness will radiate on you.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise

  1. Do light exercises. A good way to cleanse your emotional state is to exercise physically. You don't have to go to the gym. Just do a quick exercise without weights:
    • 10 push-ups
    • 30 crunches
    • 20 jumping jacks
    • Rest for five minutes and repeat the exercises
  2. Go for a run. One of the most therapeutic activities you can do is running. If you get your cardiovascular system going, some of your scary thoughts will disappear.
    • Run outside! Spending time in nature lowers your anxiety and your tendency to dwell on your thoughts.
  3. Play a sport with friends. This activity should help you twice as much. You surround yourself with people and you move. Choose a sport that you enjoy playing with friends, be it rugby, football, basketball or something else.
  4. Do yoga. Yoga requires you to control your breath and send it to different parts of the body. This can be very therapeutic as a way of dealing with scary things. Going to a yoga class will improve your technique and help you center yourself in a calm environment.
    • If you are unable to attend a yoga class, try some simple yoga poses at home.

Method 3 of 3: Managing your anxiety

  1. Don't read too much negative news. The news often contains negative or scary stories, because those are the ones that stand out. They are better remembered than positive events. Avoiding the news can help you shake off these fears.
  2. Examine what scares you. Take the time to find out exactly what scares you. Often people know exactly what scares them, but sometimes this is not so clear. List thoughts of concern.
  3. Take a deep breath. Relaxing yourself is an important step in achieving a more peaceful state. Hysterical moods are not healthy and can add to your anxiety even more. A good way to unwind is to take a deep breath. You have to be calm to better cope with what scares you.
  4. Ask yourself questions. Write down a few questions, think about them, and try to fill in an answer. Try these questions:
    • What am I afraid of?
    • Is this realistic?
    • What's the worst that could happen?
    • Where do I feel fear in my body?
  5. Draw what scares you. If you have a tangible fear, like a character from a horror movie, a spider, or whatever, try drawing it. You can print an image from the internet and try to draw it. Spending a longer period of time with your phobia may help you let go of the fear of it.
  6. Expose yourself to the fear. Avoiding what is scary can produce a worse outcome than your initial anxiety. Before seeking outside help, you must resist and welcome the fear. It will be challenging, but this can help you put things in perspective.
  7. Be patient. It can take a long time to really overcome your fear, but with a little persistence, you can do it. Rely on a few simple exercises to solve your problem: patience, persistence, learning, and commitment.
  8. Seek professional help. If you find these thoughts persist, you may need additional help from a professional. Some fears aren't caused by a scary movie, but by an unknown source or something irrational. This type of fear can be better treated with the support of a therapist, or possibly with medication.


  • Watch TV. It will distract your mind.
  • If you are concerned that there is something in the hallway or in a dark place, look straight at it and smile. It will help you feel confident and safe.
  • If none of these things work, talk to someone about something happy or sad to take your mind off the scary things.
  • Dealing with fear is part of being human.
  • Play a game on your Xbox or computer.
  • Sleep with a teddy bear - it will be your bodyguard and make you feel safer.
  • If you can't sleep with your parents, bring a stuffed animal to bed.
  • Play or talk to your parents, siblings for a while.
  • Think of a song when it's quiet at night, it will divert your attention.
  • Turn on a night light when it's dark.


  • If you have this problem repeatedly after watching scary movies, horror movies may not be the right kind of genre for you.