Lying without falling through the basket

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Offspring - You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid (Official Music Video)
Video: The Offspring - You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid (Official Music Video)


You can lie to spare someone's feelings, get out of trouble, or make fun of someone. Telling an effective lie takes a lot of effort. The consequences of lying and getting caught can be very serious. To be a good liar, you have to plan your lie, practice, and remember the lie you told.

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Part 1 of 3: Planning your lie

  1. Distort the truth. Lying requires a lot more mental effort than telling the truth. Eliminate as much of the mental effort as you can by knowing the lie well before telling it. Try to bend the truth instead of making up a whole new story. It is much easier for a person to believe something that could have actually happened.
    • For example, instead of making up a story about a party, you could have gone to a party but lie about some details, such as who else was there and what you did.
    • If you went to eat at a particular restaurant with your family, you can lie and say you went to the restaurant on a date, but tell the truth about what you ate.
  2. Tell a credible lie. Ask yourself if you would believe the lie you are telling. If it's hard for you to believe it, the other person probably won't believe it either. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and think of the questions he or she can ask. This will also help you spot any gaps in your story.
    • For example, lying about a party you would have probably wouldn't be helpful if your friend knows you rarely go there.
    • Also consider the personality and traits of the person you are lying to. You know what things you are likely to believe. What works for one person may not work for another.
  3. Practice the lie. Stand in front of the mirror and practice what you are going to say. If you are not well prepared, you will have to come up with something on the spot. If you make something up on the spot, it will be easier for the other person to notice that you are lying.
    • Consider making an audio and / or video recording of yourself while practicing the lie. This will help you notice any awkward pauses or mannerisms that may give you away.
    • The more you can practice the better. If you practice a lot, it should feel very natural when you talk to the other person.
  4. Don't try to involve other people. If possible, don't involve other people in your lie. The more people know you are lying, the more likely you will be caught. If you need someone else to confirm your story, only tell him or her what he or she needs to know. Don't tell your whole plan.
    • For example, if you're sneaking out of the house to go to a party, don't tell your friend what you're doing. Just tell your friend, "If someone asks where I was on Friday night, just tell them you have no idea."
    • If you're lying about who you dated, tell your friend where, but not who. That way, your friend can confirm your location without ruining your story.

Part 2 of 3: Telling your lie

  1. Keep the lie short. When you lie, there is a tendency to add a lot of extra information and details that you wouldn't normally add. The other person may wonder why you are talking so much. You may also start by providing details that make no sense.
    • For example, it is better to say, "I woke up late this morning" than to say, "I had coffee last night to stay up and work on this project and was unable to get to sleep. When I finally fell asleep it was so late it was so hard to get out of bed this morning. "
    • Only answer a question someone asks you.
  2. Be self-assured. If you don't tell the lie as if you believe it yourself, the other person won't believe you either. Believe that you can successfully deceive the other person. If you are insecure about yourself, it will show in your episode. The other person may be able to tell that you are lying.
    • If you get nervous while lying and the person starts asking questions, have your answer ready.
    • For example, if the person asks if everything is going well or why you are stuttering, say, "I'm really stressed out from school / work, sorry."
  3. Speak with a full bladder. Telling the truth is natural, but telling a lie requires you to control a natural urge and access your control system. When you have to go to the toilet, activate this control system so you don't have to. Exercising self-control in one area will make it easier for you to control your urge to tell the truth. You will be a more convincing liar if you lie with a full bladder.
    • Drink plenty of water 45 minutes before you plan to tell your lie.
    • This only works if you have to pee while telling the lie. Practicing self-control earlier in the day won't help you when it's time to lie.
  4. Move your body naturally. When you talk, you usually move your body and make small movements. If you stand still completely, the person will notice that something is wrong. If you usually move your hands while you talk, use your hands when you lie.
    • Avoid covering your mouth, throat, chest, head, or stomach when lying. These are all signs that you are not telling the truth.
  5. Watch your facial expressions. Don't make too much eye contact. You naturally look away and move your eyes when you talk. Staring at the person without blinking is an indication that you may be lying.
    • Don't make strange head movements. People tend to tilt their head to the side or bend their head forward when lying.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping the lie alive

  1. Write down what you said. Once you've told your lie, keep pretending it's the truth. This can be difficult if you don't remember what you said. After telling the lie, write down the details of the conversation you had with the person. Write down what you have said, questions you have been asked and your answers to them.
    • The person may come back and ask you about the lie you told. You have to keep the same story as you told before.
    • Telling the lie is often the easy part. Keeping it up is more difficult.
  2. Cover your tracks. Do not leave evidence that you have told a lie. Be extra careful with social media. If you lie and say you've done something, but your social media says otherwise, you're bound to get caught.
    • Avoid using a computer or mobile device to carry out your lie. These things are easy to control and can get you in a lot of trouble.
    • If you've written something down, cut the paper and throw it away.
  3. Don't tell any other lies. Lying requires a good memory. The more lies you tell, the harder it will be to keep up. If your brain has to keep up with multiple lies, you could end up falling through the basket.
    • To limit the amount of lies you tell, don't lie to multiple people.
    • In time, it will be easier for you to remember the lie you told.
  4. Don't get caught in other lies. If you get caught lying, it will be harder for people to believe you. You will have a reputation as a liar. People may even assume that you are lying, even if you are telling the truth.
    • Plan your lies and keep them to a minimum.
    • Make sure most of your story is true. It will appear more credible.
  5. Know when it doesn't make sense. If you get caught telling a lie, keep lying to cover it up. You will end up telling more lies than you initially intended. Instead of one, you have now told five or six lies. In that case, it is better to just confess.
    • If you confess, you can say something like, "I have not told the truth about ____. I am really sorry.'
    • If you feel guilty, confessing the truth will make you feel better.


  • Try not to smile or grin while lying, as that will likely make you fall through the basket.
  • Avoid squirming or looking away. Try to be as relaxed as possible.
  • Try to add the same emotion as if you were really telling the truth.
  • Try not to stutter or mumble. That can be understood as lying.
  • Try to add an embarrassing detail, because no one doubts a story that makes you look bad.
  • If you feel uncomfortable looking the other person in the eye, look at their forehead.
  • Give your voice a sharp edge to make it look like you just want the conflict to be over and annoyed for no reason to the other person.
  • Breathe normally. Do not deviate from your normal breathing pattern.