How to clean wallpaper

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Clean Wallpaper - Spencer Colgan
Video: How To Clean Wallpaper - Spencer Colgan


Wallpaper very often does not re-stick for several years, so a lot of dust and dirt accumulates on them. While many wallpapers can withstand a single cleaning, you need to be very careful not to tear the paper. Check out these tips to find out how to clean your wallpaper and make sure the surface is cleaner and free from damage.


  1. 1 Remove dust. Use dry cleaning methods such as a dry sponge or highly electrostatic cloth.
  2. 2 Mix the cleaning solution. Mix some detergent in a bucket of water. Use colorless cleaners to avoid smearing dyes on the wallpaper. You can also buy special wallpaper cleaners from your local hardware store.
  3. 3 Dip a soft cloth in a bucket of detergent solution. You can use a sponge instead of a rag. Do not use harsh washcloths as they are too rough for the wallpaper.
  4. 4 Squeeze the rag into a bucket. Otherwise, the wallpaper will get too wet and start to tear.
  5. 5 Test the cleaning agent in an inconspicuous area. Apply the cleaner to a small, inconspicuous area to determine if it is safe for the wallpaper without damaging the entire wall surface. A good place to check is the wall near the baseboards, as few people pay attention to them.
  6. 6 Apply the cleaner to the wallpaper. Wipe the surface from bottom to top. Apply in the direction of the vertical joints. Brush one strip at a time.
  7. 7 Rinse off with warm water. After you've applied the cleaner, rinse each strip off with clean water.
  8. 8 Blot the wallpaper to dry it. Use a terry towel for this. Dry the surface immediately after you finish washing it to prevent the wallpaper from getting wet and tearing.
  9. 9 Use home care products to get rid of stubborn stains.
    • Use WD-40 to remove crayon marks. Apply it to a rag and gently rub over the stains until they disappear.
    • Fingerprints can be wiped off with a piece of bread. Gluten removes stains from wallpaper.
    • Apply talcum powder to remove grease stains. Apply talcum powder to a rag and wipe the wallpaper with it. Wait 10 minutes. Remove talcum powder from wallpaper with a dry washcloth or brush.


  • Vacuum or remove dust from the wallpaper regularly to prevent it from accumulating over time.


  • Do not try to remove mold from the wallpaper. Mold usually develops on the walls. You need to remove the wallpaper from the walls so that you can get rid of the mold on the walls.
  • Don't pour too much detergent into your detergent mixture. Too much detergent will make the walls sticky. Add just enough soap to create some bubbles.
  • Do not use solvents or bleaches that contain chlorine to clean wallpaper. These products are too aggressive and can dissolve or tear the wallpaper.

What do you need

  • 2 buckets of warm water
  • Dishwashing liquid or wallpaper cleaner
  • Sponge or soft cloth
  • Terry towels
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Talc
  • Slice of bread
  • WD-40