
How to recognize and treat stingray or sea urchin stinging wounds

How to recognize and treat stingray or sea urchin stinging wounds

Although tingray and ea urchin are quite peaceful marine animal , if di turbed or frightened, they can cau e painful and potentially dangerou injurie and wound . Learn to recognize prick from tingray ...

How to dissolve gallstones

How to dissolve gallstones

The liver produce bile, which help the mall inte tine to dige t fatty food and ab orb e ential vitamin . Bile it elf i tored in the gallbladder. However, it can be over aturated with chole terol, whic...

How to say hello in Korean

How to say hello in Korean

In any language, being able to greet i very important. But in Korean, the greeting mu t ound right, or you might offend the per on. The tandard greeting in Korean i anyon ha eyo, but there are everal ...

How to brush your teeth without toothpaste

How to brush your teeth without toothpaste

If you are trying to avoid going to the tore or want to top u ing commercial toothpa te altogether, you will find it helpful to know that there are many imple and reliable alternative that can replace...

How to apply eyeliner

How to apply eyeliner

1 U e eyeliner for a more natural or well- haded makeup. U ing an eyeliner i pretty ea y, a the proce i almo t the ame a working with a regular pencil or pen. For natural make-up, the eyelid can be li...

How to get a job in the construction industry

How to get a job in the construction industry

Con truction i one of the large t and fa te t growing ector of any developed economy. It i a va t and multidi ciplinary indu try that require collaboration between worker , killed indu try profe ional...

How to pickle chicken in brine

How to pickle chicken in brine

oaking the meat in brine before cooking help to increa e it juicine and enhance the delicate flavor before baking. Thi i e pecially important for chicken, which u ually drie up in the oven. If the me...

How to become a spy (for kids)

How to become a spy (for kids)

pying i fun and challenging, but it' not that imple! It' hard to find a good py child. To become the next ecret agent, you need to complete training, create a team, tudy the mi ion protocol, ...

How to make a belly wave

How to make a belly wave

The belly wave i a very important movement in the dance. Thi movement aro e in the Middle Ea t, and ince then ha forever won the heart of viewer . By making wave with your abdomen, you alternately ten...

How to avoid people you don't like

How to avoid people you don't like

You have experienced a conflict with another per on, and now you want or need to protect your elf from thi per on. The rea on for thi de ire can vary, from minor irritation to life-threatening circum ...

How to sell homemade soap

How to sell homemade soap

If your homemade oap look good and mell good, it will be an adverti ement in it elf, but you till need to u e ome marketing technique and ale kill to pre ent your product to potential cu tomer . Learn...

How to deal with people you don't like

How to deal with people you don't like

Mo t people at one time or another find them elve in an awkward ituation when it i nece ary to deal with a per on who like them much more than he like them. Here are ome tip on how to deal with thi it...

How to cleanse your dog's anal glands

How to cleanse your dog's anal glands

A dog' anal gland are two grape- haped gland located ju t below the anu on either ide. The pheromone they relea e carry important information about each other for dog , including health tatu , age...

How to be in good shape

How to be in good shape

Many people want to get in hape and improve their health, but not everyone i ready to follow the optimal regimen. The following imple guideline will help you tart a training program that i ea ier to f...

How to apply BB cream

How to apply BB cream

BB Cream i a popular all-in-one co metic that often act a a moi turizer, makeup ba e and lightweight foundation. If you have never u ed it before, you may be applying too much. If you want to learn ho...

How to restore internet connection

How to restore internet connection

Learn how to trouble hoot internet connection problem in thi article. While ome internet connection problem can only be fixed by your I P, there are many tep you can take to re olve minor to moderate ...

How to lower estrogen levels

How to lower estrogen levels

E trogen i a natural hormone primarily re pon ible for the fertility of the female body; however, too much e trogen in the body can lead to exce weight, increa e the ri k of cancer, o teoporo i , thyr...

How to learn trigonometry

How to learn trigonometry

Trigonometry i a branch of mathematic that tudie trigonometric function and their u e in geometry. Trigonometric function are u ed to de cribe the propertie of variou angle , triangle , and periodic f...

How to recognize a heart attack

How to recognize a heart attack

With a heart attack, the heart doe not receive enough oxygen due to a harp violation of blood circulation. A a re ult, the heart mu cle cannot contract normally, and it ti ue begin to die off quickly....

How to stop loving

How to stop loving

It can be very difficult to top loving omeone, whether you are going through a breakup with your boyfriend or want to forget your unrequited love. Emotion will overwhelm you. However, over time, the u...