Cheating on a test using school supplies

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
How to Survive School || Top Secret School Hacks and Cheats
Video: How to Survive School || Top Secret School Hacks and Cheats


It's never a good idea to cheat on an exam. Not only are you kidding yourself, but you're also ruining your future. If you can't help it, at least try to do it right.

To step

Method 1 of 28: Using a draft version

  1. Bring a draft of the test with you to class. You can of course only do this if your teacher allows you to bring a draft version or first draft. Arrange in advance with a classmate that he or she will ask for your draft version.
  2. Make sure to write down the numbers of the questions you don't know the answer to.
  3. Have your classmate write down the answers and return the draft to you when the teacher isn't looking.
    • This method works best for subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Method 2 of 28: Using Reflection

  1. Scratch your notes into the cover of a folder with a reflective surface. You can do this with a sharp metal tool such as a compass. Make sure to keep writing small.
  2. During the test, place your folder somewhere close to you so that you can look at it inconspicuously. Also, make sure the folder is at the correct angle so that you can read your notes.
    • Tell your teacher the folder is for a different course so it doesn't look suspicious. Make sure you have notes and papers in your folder.

Method 3 of 28: Hide your cheat sheet under your test paper

  1. Cut the top edges of a piece of paper from your notebook. Make as many notes as possible on this sheet of paper.
  2. On the day of the test, fold the paper so that it fits under your watch.
  3. Unfold the paper during the test and hide it under your test. Since you cut the edges of the paper, it should be able to lie safely under your test without anyone seeing it.
    • Make sure you don't leave your notes under your test when your teacher comes to pick up the tests.
    • Always dispose of your notes as soon as possible.

Method 4 of 28: Using your backpack

  1. Put your cheat sheet in an open backpack.
  2. Cover your cheat sheet and your backpack with your leg.
  3. When your teacher isn't looking, move your leg so you can read your cheat sheet.

Method 5 of 28: Prepare a sheet of paper

  1. The day before the test, write all the answers on another piece of paper. This sheet of paper will be the paper that you will hand in later.
  2. The next day, sit in the back of the classroom and take out the sheet of paper you prepared yesterday, as well as another sheet of paper.
  3. When the time is running out, quickly change the 2 sheets of paper and leave the sheet you prepared on your table. Give it to your teacher when he or she comes to pick up the tests.
  4. When the bell rings, take the other sheet of paper and crumple it. Throw it in the trash when you walk down the hall to the next class. If you are concerned that your teacher will check the trash can, you can flush it down the toilet as well.
    • Do not mix up the papers when your teacher is nearby. If you don't want to mix up the papers, put the prepared sheet on the floor and pick it up when you want to return it. This makes it look like you dropped the paper on the floor. Hide the other sheet of paper after that.
    • Know that there are always clickers, as well as people who are the teacher's darling. They just want the teacher to like them and try to do that by clicking. It is recommended that you sit somewhere away from others.

Method 6 of 28: Using a rubber band

  1. Grab a wide rubber band, stretch it a lot, and wrap it around a few books to keep it from getting small again.
  2. Write your notes on the stretched rubber band with a black ballpoint pen. Make sure to put the letters as close together as possible as you stretch the rubber band.
  3. Let go of the rubber band and the notes will just look like black squares instead of notes.
  4. Wear the rubber band as a bracelet when you have your test. When you want to look something up, just stretch the rubber band and when you're done let it go.

Method 7 of 28: Using a school pass

  1. The day before the test, write small notes on a piece of paper that you will use for the test.
  2. Stick the paper on the back of your school pass if you don't have a cover around it. Just make sure it is not clearly visible.
  3. Hang your school pass around your neck on the day of the test. That way, your pass will automatically fall into your lap.
  4. Make sure you don't turn the card to the side with the notes on it or else the teacher will see it.
  5. After the test, crumple the paper and put it in your purse or pocket until you reach the next classroom.
  6. Dispose of the paper in the trash.
    • You can also write on the back of your school pass with a pencil. This is difficult to see, but with the right light, only you will be able to read it. When you're done with the test, you can easily erase your notes with your thumb.

Method 8 of 28: Using the back of your paper

  1. The night before the test, write your notes and formulas on the back of a piece of paper.
  2. Make sure to write lightly and use a pencil.
  3. Always turn the paper over when you want to know a formula.
  4. Erase your notes and formulas and hand in the test.

Method 9 of 28: Using index cards

  1. Make notes on the front and back of some index cards. Learn half of the material and make notes of the other half on the cards.
  2. Wear a long-sleeved sweater on the day of the test. Slip the index cards up your sleeve.
  3. During the test, slide the index cards with your hand onto the second or third page of the test. When you look at the cards it will look like you are looking at the next pages of the test.
  4. Slide the index cards back into your sleeve when you get to the page they are on. Then slide them to another page. At the end of the test, slide the cards back into your sleeve.

Method 10 of 28: Using a water bottle

  1. Grab a water bottle and gently peel the label off the center of the bottle.
  2. Write your notes on the back of the label if it is thick enough. This is the white part that is glued to the bottle. You can also stick the label on a thin sheet of paper using a glue stick or tape.
  3. Stick the label back on the bottle.
  4. Look through the bottle at the right angle. You will be able to read your notes through the clear water in the bottle.

Method 11 of 28: Using a tissue

  1. Write the information you need on a tissue.
  2. Before the test starts, put the tissue in a box of tissues in the classroom. This works best if the box is at the back of the room.
  3. During the test, go to the box and pull out the tissue.
  4. Stand with your back to class and pretend to blow your nose, when in reality you are looking for the correct answers.
  5. Put the tissue in your pocket if there are many people who use tissues during class. Blow your nose in the back of the room. Dispose of the tissue in the trash can.

Method 12 of 28: Use scrap paper

  1. Prepare your own scrap paper at home if you are allowed to use scrap paper for the test. Write down your notes, formulas, equations, and symbolic functions so that you can simply look at them during the test.
  2. Make sure you during the test you lightly trace notes that have already been made so that your teacher does not notice them.

Method 13 of 28: Using a dictionary

  1. Write the necessary formulas and notes in a dictionary and remember the page numbers.
  2. Take your dictionary with you to the test. Your teachers won't be able to view all the pages of your dictionary, so the chances of getting caught are slim.
  3. Be careful not to crack the back of the dictionary when writing your notes on the pages, or else the book will fall open on those pages when a teacher flips through them. If you are really smart, open the dictionary on pages that are not close to the pages with your notes and crack the spine.

Method 14 of 28: Make a printout

  1. Place two sheets of paper on top of each other.
  2. Make your notes on the top sheet and make sure to press hard on the paper with your pen. If you remove the top sheet you should be able to read your notes on the bottom sheet.
  3. Use the sheet with the printout of your notes to peek at your test.

Method 15 of 28: Using a transparent folder

  1. Use a transparent folder if you have a test that allows you to use a folder.
  2. Slide the answers under the transparent area and press firmly to read them.

Method 16 of 28: Using scratch paper

  1. Make some notes on a piece of paper from your notebook if you have a test that allows you to use scrap paper. Gently slide your cheat sheet under the scrap paper.
    • It helps if you can hide your cheat sheet under a jacket.
  2. Take the paper and pretend to write on it.

Method 17 of 28: Using a folder

  1. Write your notes and formulas on a lined sheet of paper.
  2. Put the sheet of paper in the front of your folder so that it is the first sheet of paper.
  3. Put your folder under your table when the test starts. If you look down you should be able to see your map.
    • Make sure you don't put your folder upside down.
  4. Now just put your foot on the map and you will be able to see the answers. This method only works if you have a transparent folder.

Method 18 of 28: Using two directories

  1. Place two small folders upright on your table.
  2. Pretend to play with the folders and hide your cheat sheet or notes between the folders or under your table. This method is difficult to implement if you have a strict teacher.
  3. Try to look confused and lay your head on your table to look at the cheat sheet. Only try this if the teacher stays at the front of the room.

Method 19 of 28: Put a cheat sheet in your calculator

  1. Make notes on a small piece of paper and put the paper in the protective sleeve of your calculator.
  2. Just take the cover off the calculator when you need the notes during the test. Review your notes and pretend you're using your calculator. You will probably use it for a test on formulas and the like.
    • Pay attention to how often you take your calculator out of its protective case and put it back in. Your teacher may notice if you keep opening and closing the cover. To avoid this, you can always put your cheat sheet on your table, your chair, or between your legs. However, there is no going back when you do this.

Method 20 of 28: Using small pieces of paper

  1. Make notes on the smallest pieces of paper possible.
  2. Crumple the pieces of paper and tuck them under your leg or put your hand flat over them when asked to clear your table.
  3. When the test starts, take out the pieces of paper. Slide them under your paper and make sure you can read only one answer at a time.

Method 21 of 28: Using a bookmark

  1. Bring a bookmark with your notes when your teacher asks you to bring a book for the test. Some bookmarks already contain useful things.
    • Make sure to hide the bookmark completely in the book. When you're done, you can discard the bookmark if you don't need it anymore or erase your notes.

Method 22 of 28: Tearing pages from your book

  1. Tear out the pages with the information needed for your test at home from your textbook.
  2. The next day, tell your teacher that your brother, sister, or pet tore pages from your book.
  3. When the test starts, place the torn pages under your feet under the table.
  4. Look under your feet under the table if you don't know something. Don't look at it too much or your teacher will catch you and you will be punished.

Method 23 of 28: Stick paper on your hand

  1. Grab a small piece of paper slightly smaller than your palm. Make your notes on that piece of paper.
  2. Stick the piece of paper on the hand you are not writing with.
  3. During the test, simply hold your hand to your head and look at it secretly, or do this in another way. Make sure you don't move your hand too much and don't turn it over.

Method 24 of 28: Using a correction roller

  1. Make notes on your paper with a pen.
  2. Use a correction roller with tape and make all your notes white.
  3. On the day of the test, use an eraser to wipe the tape off the paper.
  4. When you're done, correct your notes again with the roller. Write over it or draw a picture so it doesn't look suspicious.

Method 25 of 28: Using correction tape

  1. Make notes on a piece of correction tape and roll the tape back into the roller.
  2. Pretend to correct a mistake when you need your notes and read what you wrote down on the tape.

Method 26 of 28: Using a ruler

  1. Make notes on the back of a ruler.
  2. Turn the ruler over to read your notes.

Method 27 of 28: Using test paper

  1. Write your name, date, etc. on a piece of test paper or plain paper.
  2. Write down all the answers you need for the test.
  3. Hide the paper when you are in class.
  4. Swap the sheet of paper you get with the sheet you prepared.

Method 28 of 28: Using a card holder

NOTE: you can only use this method if you normally also bring a card holder with you to class and / or the teacher or invigilator allows this.

  1. Put a piece of paper in your card holder. You leave one side blank or you write something inconspicuous on it. On the other side, you write your notes you need to cheat.
  2. During the test, leave the card holder on your lap and read your notes. It helps if you have taught yourself to read sideways.
  3. Keep an eye on where the teacher or invigilator is. If possible, remember the way he or she walks so that you know when the teacher or supervisor is approaching.
  4. Sit with your legs wide when the teacher or proctor approaches, so that the card holder falls vertically between your legs and the other person cannot see what is written on it. If you are very nervous or the teacher or supervisor is watching, push your legs together with the card holder in between. However, this can be more noticeable.


  • Cheating is a form of cheating. It often has serious consequences if you are caught. You may automatically fail your test, be suspended or even expelled from school.
  • The best cheat method is to learn for your test. Many people know this well-functioning method. This method is allowed and even encouraged. This article describes many methods of cheating, but the best method is to simply learn.