
How to maintain long-distance relationships during adolescence

How to maintain long-distance relationships during adolescence

Di tance can make a relation hip difficult, e pecially during adole cence. It i not ea y for people to maintain long-di tance relation hip , but thi ituation ha it advantage . If both partner under ta...

How to cook cod

How to cook cod

Cod i a very common, ver atile fi h that can be prepared in many way . Here are ome ba ic method you can u e to cook both fre h and frozen cod. erve 4 450 gr.cod fillet, fre h or thawed, cut into 4 pi...

How to wash your face with rice water

How to wash your face with rice water

Rice water tighten and clean e your kin without the u e of har h chemical . 1 Rin e the rice once to get rid of any dirt in the water. 2 After the fir t rin e of the rice, filter the rice water into a...

How to write a secret note

How to write a secret note

There are many way to create a ecret note. Depending on the ecrecy of what you want to ay, the e method can vary con iderably. Here are ome way to create a ecret note ea ily and practically indecipher...

How to clean cartilage piercings

How to clean cartilage piercings

Thi article will guide you on how to clean your piercing. 1 Mix hot water with ea alt. Mix 1/4 tea poon of ea alt with 235 ml of water. More alt will irritate the piercing. 2 oak a cotton wab in water...

How to restrict Internet use in Internet Explorer

How to restrict Internet use in Internet Explorer

Internet urfing regulation can block acce to inappropriate content on the Internet for children and worker , or eliminate phone call complaining of inappropriate chatting. To re trict acce to certain ...

How to master football freestyle

How to master football freestyle

Have you ever een out tanding footballer perform incredible ball trick ? Hard training and patience will help you ma ter the art of football free tyle! 1 Learning football free tyle take long and hard...

How to promote your music

How to promote your music

Promoting your mu ic i far from the ea ie t job, given that there are o many talented performer and band in the world. But if you are able to adverti e your elf on the Internet, and al o know how to d...

How to prepare an analogue of herbal spices

How to prepare an analogue of herbal spices

Don't be di couraged if your kitchen run out of herb or pice mixe . how a little imagination, and thi will help you find worthy replacement option . In the middle of winter there i no way to pick ...

How to deal with prolonged periods

How to deal with prolonged periods

Mo t women lo e 35-40 ml of blood during men truation in 4-8 day . ome people lo e more blood every day for a longer period of time, which i called menorrhagia (heavy, prolonged men truation). With he...

How to write a play

How to write a play

The text of the play i the replica of the character and the author' remark . The author i required to think over the character and work with the language. If you want to join the rank of playwrigh...

How to solve riddles

How to solve riddles

Riddle help keep your brain toned and trengthen your thought proce e . Practicing puzzle daily will help you think more ea ily, improve your memory and cognitive abilitie . Even tricky riddle can be o...

How to fix iPhone 3G screen

How to fix iPhone 3G screen

If you happen to damage your iPhone creen, the following tep will help you fix it your elf. Before proceeding with the repair, carefully read all the recommendation . 1 Back up your iPhone data. Conne...

How to take a chemistry exam

How to take a chemistry exam

To pa the General Chemi try exam, it i important to know the ba ic of the ubject, be able to count, u e a calculator for more complex problem , and be ready to learn omething new. Chemi try tudie ub t...

How to create Google search history

How to create Google search history

Google earch Hi tory i the creation of a 60 econd Youtube video that con i t of creen hot of Google earch re ult . The e video can be u ed to educate viewer about omething. U ually, video are created ...

How to talk to the dead

How to talk to the dead

Do you really want to talk with a loved one who died, or learn more about an ancient ance tor? Perhap you want to mingle with a pirit that eem to be living in your home? People have poken to the dead ...

How to make her want your kisses

How to make her want your kisses

Well, you want your girlfriend to ki you more often, but you don't know how to do it? Do you want to make your ki e more intere ting and enjoyable? Here' the an wer! 1 how affection for your g...

How to bypass Vista activation

How to bypass Vista activation

Don't have a valid Window Vi ta product key? Don't worry, you can till bypa tho e annoying pop-up reminding you to activate the y tem. Vi ta allow you to extend your activation period to 120 d...

How to get rid of fleas

How to get rid of fleas

Flea infe tation can be very difficult to get rid of, e pecially if flea need to be removed from pet , in the home and in the garden. Fortunately, you can get rid of flea your elf and prevent them fro...

How to add text to Photoshop

How to add text to Photoshop

Adobe Photo hop i the program mo t often u ed to create illu tration and edit photograph , although it al o allow you to add text to image and change the font, ize, or color of text. With thi function...