How to stop loving

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)
Video: How To Stop Loving Someone (How to Forget Someone You Love)


It can be very difficult to stop loving someone, whether you are going through a breakup with your boyfriend or want to forget your unrequited love. Emotions will overwhelm you. However, over time, the support of friends and loved ones, and self-love will help you overcome this stage. Here are some helpful tips on how to choose the right path.


Method 1 of 4: Unrequited Love

  1. 1 Ask yourself if you really love this person. Sometimes you may think that you love someone - a handsome guy from the nearest coffee shop, your best friend's sister, someone you met on the Internet, or your favorite musician or movie star - but this is just a hobby or crush. Yes, you can think about them constantly and imagine how you are dating, but if you never spend time with them, or they are not even aware of your existence, this feeling can hardly be called love.
    • True love should be mutual. You need to spend time with the person and learn all about their strengths and weaknesses.
    • If you have not experienced this, then you are most likely in love with the image of this person, and not with himself.
    • If you can convince yourself that this feeling is not love - in the true sense of the word - it will be much easier for you to move on.
  2. 2 Determine if there is a chance for a relationship. The next thing you need to do is analyze the situation and understand if there is a possibility that a relationship might arise between you. If there is a real possibility, for example, if he is a free colleague from work or a classmate to whom you have not yet dared to approach, then all is not lost, and you should get yourself together and ask him out on a date.
    • If you are in love with the girlfriend of your best friend, English teacher or, say, Leonardo DiCaprio, then you better step back. This is not destined to come true.
    • It can be difficult, but the sooner you accept the truth, the easier it will be for you to move on.
  3. 3 List the reasons why you won't succeed. A list like this, with specific reasons why you can't be together, will help if you are a little forgotten and need to remind yourself why you need to stop loving.
    • The reason could be anything - thirty years of age difference, the fact that he is homosexual, that you can never love a person with a Celtic cross tattoo on his left bicep.
    • Be as honest with yourself as possible - your heart will thank you again.
  4. 4 Focus on relationships with real people. Stop suffering for who you are not meant to be with, you will never succeed, and start thinking about more realistic options. You may have been so preoccupied with your feelings from a distance that you never noticed your significant other sitting right in front of you.
    • Do you know a guy who constantly helps you carry books? Or the girl who looks you in the eye and smiles every time she walks by? Think about her or him.
    • Even if you are not romantically involved, it never hurts to distract yourself and enjoy meeting new people.
  5. 5 Remind yourself that you deserve to be loved too. Unrequited love hurts and no one deserves to suffer forever, especially someone as good as you. You deserve to be with someone who adores you, who thinks the sun is shining for you, who wants to spend their life with you. Forget the idiot who didn't share your love, and give up anything that doesn't remind you of pure, real adoration.
    • Try to use positive affirmations to remind yourself how good you are. Look in the mirror and repeat five times: "I am a wonderful person and deserve love." It may sound silly at first, but later you get used to it.

Method 2 of 4: Former

  1. 1 Accept that it's over. When the relationship ends, don't try to deny the truth and hope. Don't try to convince yourself that he will accept you or change. Accept that the relationship is over. The faster you do this, the faster you can move on.
  2. 2 Allow yourself to suffer. If you're still in love, the end of a relationship can feel like a big loss. It will take you a while to mourn the love you have lost.
    • Try to deal with your grief correctly. Do not hide emotions or withdraw into yourself. You can cry now.
    • You can try to transfer your aggression to a pear in the gym, or watch your favorite movie on the couch, wrapping yourself in a blanket and eating ice cream. Do whatever you can to help you cope with the loss.
  3. 3 Stop communicating. This may sound rude, but it's best to get cold-blooded and cut off all contact with the other person. If you continue to communicate, it will be more difficult for you to stop thinking about this person.
    • Erase the phone number. This will help you get rid of the temptation to text or call, especially when you are feeling unwell and may say something that you will later regret.
    • Avoid places where you might meet. The meeting will overwhelm you with emotions and memories.
    • Stop communicating on social media. Remove him from friends on Vkontakte or on Facebook, unsubscribe from his Twitter. This does not have to be done forever, but it will help you a lot at first. It's hard to move on if you follow all of its updates.
  4. 4 Get rid of reminders. Remove any photographs, clothing, books, toys, or music that belongs to the second person. Destroy them if you think it will help you blow off steam (and if you don’t regret it!), Or put everything in a box and out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind.
  5. 5 Don't torture yourself. Don't think about what you did wrong or what you could change. You cannot change the past, and punishing your past (or fictional) mistakes will not lead to anything good. It may seem almost impossible, but try not to torture yourself with all the "if only."
  6. 6 Talk to someone. Talking to a friend, family member, or even a therapist can help you take a load off your shoulders. Cry, swear, shout. Think about any pleasant moments or bad thoughts you had about the other person - let it all come out. Expressing yourself can be amazingly cleansing.
    • Talk to people you trust and choose a place where you can talk privately. You don't want your innermost thoughts and feelings to reach your ex.
    • Don't overdo it. Most people love to empathize and will want to listen to you at first, but if you go limp for weeks, you will soon start sounding like a broken record, and people will start to lose patience.
  7. 7 Take time for yourself. It may sound pointless now, but time actually heals wounds. Understand that it will take you some time to become yourself, but be confident that it will happen.
    • Keep a journal to record how you feel every day. If you look at the records from two months ago, you will be surprised at how far you have come.
    • Don't pressure yourself into trying to stop loving your ex or forcing yourself to date someone. You will know when you are ready.

Method 3 of 4: Focus on yourself

  1. 1 Get enough sleep. The best way to take care of yourself is to make sure you get enough sleep. The quality of your sleep can affect how you feel every day. Sleep gives your brain a rest - you can wake up calm and look at life in a new way. This is why sleep is so important when you are trying to stop loving someone.
    • If you find it difficult to fall asleep, go for a walk before bed. Take a bubble bath or read a book. Drink hot cocoa or chamomile tea. Put aside the TV remote and all electrical appliances - they stimulate the brain, not relax it.
    • After a good night's sleep, you will feel refreshed and energized - ready for a new day. You will also look fresher and more attractive, and you can concentrate better throughout the day.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. It's tempting to lie on the couch and feel sorry for yourself if you want to forget someone, but it's best to do some exercise. It doesn't really matter what it will be, running, dancing, rock climbing, zumba, they all have the same positive effect.
    • Just 30 minutes of exercise several times a week will help your body produce endorphins, which are responsible for feelings of happiness and euphoria. Research has also shown that exercise can relieve symptoms of depression.
    • Try to exercise outside to get fresh air and vitamin D, you will feel happier and less stress.
    • Exercise will help you become more confident at the moment you need it. Regardless of weight, size, gender, or age, exercise can quickly raise self-esteem and a sense of attractiveness and worth.
  3. 3 Meditate. Meditation helps to relieve stress and forget about unpleasant sensations and thoughts. Even ten minutes of meditation a day can help relieve stress. Here are some tips on how to meditate effectively:
    • Create a relaxed and serene atmosphere. Choose a place where you will not be disturbed. Turn off your phone. Choose music and lighting that is relaxing and soothing.
    • Use accessories. A yoga mat or pillows can help you feel comfortable while meditating. If you place a small water fountain next to it, it will help you relax. Light a few candles to add a scent to the air, or simply "create a mood."
    • Wear comfortable clothes. It will be difficult for you to relax your mind and forget about the world around you if you are uncomfortable.
    • Sit cross-legged. Do not slouch, your back should be as straight as possible.
    • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Breathe in your usual rhythm, preferably through your nose.
    • Try to clear your mind of all thoughts, think only about your breathing. Gradually, distracting thoughts will recede into the background, and you will feel inner peace and relaxation.
  4. 4 Write. Writing can help you cleanse yourself. Just pour your words and emotions on paper, it will be easier for you. Try to keep a journal or write a letter to your ex (which you will never send) to understand your feelings. Reread your words and try to identify what worries you and what you need to consider in your future relationship.
    • Write a letter to yourself explaining why your relationship didn't work out, regardless of who ended it. (Don't just remember the good; remember the bad.)
    • If you are a creative person, you can try turning your thoughts and emotions into poetry or lyrics. The best works of art have been created by people with a broken heart.
  5. 5 Make yourself happy. Now is the time to pamper yourself. Do anything that makes you feel good. Organize a trip to the salon with your friends.Invite your friends over and have a beer. Eat what you want. Get drunk. To sum it up, just have fun.

Method 4 of 4: Starting a clean slate

  1. 1 Forget about the past. You need to set aside time to mourn the end of a serious relationship or unrequited love, but once enough time has passed, you need to be ready to start living again. Let go of the past and consider this moment a new beginning, a new chapter in your life. Remember, the best is yet to come!
  2. 2 Spend time with your friends. Now is the time to reconnect with friends you ignored while dating someone. Call your childhood friends, high school hangout, or dorm roommate. Start chatting with old friends, and soon you will have so many reasons for communication that you will only be surprised at what you have been doing in the last months or years of your life.
  3. 3 Try something new. Now that you no longer think about the other person, you have a lot more free time. Now is the time to find your new self and become who you have always wanted to be. Dye your hair red, sign up for Japanese courses, pump up your abs. Take the opportunity to try something new, and you may discover a hidden talent or previously unrecognized addiction in yourself.
  4. 4 Enjoy your freedom. Use your newfound freedom and all the delights of loneliness. Hang out with friends, meet new people and flirt. Didn't your ex like dancing? Go to the disco! Didn't like your best friend's sense of humor? Laugh heartily! You’ll start having fun so soon that you don’t remember that you couldn’t live without a relationship.
  5. 5 Start a new relationship. After a while, when you have already fully felt the beauty of a free life, you can start thinking about a new relationship.
    • If you've just ended a long-term relationship, take your time; relationships rarely end well after a breakup. If you start dating too soon, you will be comparing your partner to your ex, which is unfair.
    • Enter new relationships with hope and optimism - and who knows? He may be "that one."


  • Try not to be dependent on thoughts of the second person. (It's difficult!) However, it is possible to stop thinking about it and do something else.
  • Be confident in your decision.
  • Create a new look for yourself.


  • Breathe slowly and deeply as you meditate. Breathing too quickly can cause hyperventilation.