How to get a job in the construction industry

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024


Construction is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of any developed economy. It is a vast and multidisciplinary industry that requires collaboration between workers, skilled industry professionals, project managers, engineers, designers, municipal officials and others. If you are interested in getting a job in the construction industry, you should start by determining what positions you would like to occupy. Accordingly, you can explore educational and job opportunities to enter the industry.


  1. 1 Determine what positions in the construction industry you would like to occupy. There are many positions available, each requiring a different amount of experience.
    • Construction workers, sometimes called laborers, perform work that requires little training. Common tasks include: clearing debris, placing traffic cones and signs, digging trenches, loading and unloading materials. The fees are relatively low, but little formal training is required.
    • Trained specialist professionals carry out tasks that require specialized training, such as joinery, masonry, electrical work and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning). These jobs offer higher pay than unskilled jobs.
    • Supervising positions include foremen and foremen. While these positions are often filled by people with little formal training or education, work experience is highly prized in the position. Look for these jobs only if you have experience in construction.
    • Finally, the project management team includes those who work both on and off site, managing the budget, schedule, workflow, and other major aspects of a construction project. These jobs usually require a bachelor's degree in construction management or a related field.
  2. 2 Get the necessary training and education for the position you desire. Every job in the construction industry is best done by someone with the appropriate training. The cost, duration and intensity of training will depend on the desired position.
    • Aspiring construction workers should take appropriate courses at local community colleges or vocational schools. Many of these schools offer 3 month to 1 year programs designed to prepare for construction work. The training focuses on areas such as the basics of building safety and guiding traffic around clogged areas.
    • Qualified subject matter experts should consider either an associate's degree or a field trip. Many colleges offer 2-year degree programs in specific occupations - work will be done both in the classroom and in the workplace. There is usually a lot of competition for practice; such places are usually offered by local trade unions and students will be paid during their internship.
    • To get a job as a foreman or foreman, you will need to have accumulated years of experience as a worker or specialist. It can be helpful to enroll in management courses (especially construction management) at a university or college.
    • Project management jobs are almost exclusively held by people with a bachelor's degree or higher in construction management. If you are considering pursuing a bachelor's degree, be sure to use all of the school's career-building resources to find construction work.
  3. 3 Look for additional training and accreditation that will make you a more attractive candidate. In addition to continuing your studies for training in construction, you can apply for additional training.
    • In the United States, safety at all construction sites is overseen by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). It offers 10 and 30 hour construction safety certifications. Obtaining one of these certifications will make you a more attractive job seeker for any construction company.
    • If you are trying to get a job in project management, you can apply for LEED accreditation. LEED, or Guidelines for Energy and Environmental Design, is a program in the United States for assessing the sustainability of construction projects. Getting LEED accreditation can be a top recommendation on your resume.
  4. 4 Search and apply for construction work using all available resources. Finding vacancies can be difficult in itself, so you must rely on all resources when looking for a job.
    • The internet is quickly becoming the backbone of the job application process. Most construction firms post jobs on their corporate website - check the websites of the major contractors in your area. Also, browse the popular construction job classifieds sites.
    • If you are attending school (or if you are a graduate), use the resources of the school. Job fairs, resume workshops, mock interviews, and corporate events are all useful tools colleges offer to help you find construction work.
    • Consider joining a professional organization. Organizations such as the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the American Society of Building Professionals and Engineers (ASCPE) host networking events and other tools to help you meet potential employers.


  • Remember that most national and local governments employ construction professionals. In the United States, the General Services Administration (GSA) handles all government-funded construction projects and employs many construction professionals.