
How to deal with those who hate or envy you

How to deal with those who hate or envy you

Have you ever been in thi ituation: feeling jealou or angry with people toward them elve , a if they are moving away from you and aying bad thing ? Maybe your “clo e t” friend are not really real and ...

How to send a heart with symbols

How to send a heart with symbols

Chatting with a per on through text me age cannot convey your feeling at the moment. For thi , emoticon and other object uch a flower and heart were created. ince emoji are not available on all phone ...

How to make tempura

How to make tempura

1 Place about 250 ml of ice water in a bowl. 2 hake 1 large egg. Remove the egg from the refrigerator ju t before u e a it hould be well chilled. 3 Add flour and baking oda to the egg and water mixtur...

How to date someone with anxiety

How to date someone with anxiety

Anxiety di order are common and treatable. However, dating omeone who i anxiou can be challenging. upport and care in thi ca e, of cour e, i nece ary, but you till need to et clear boundarie and enfor...

How to get support from others if you have social anxiety

How to get support from others if you have social anxiety

ocial anxiety ( ocial anxiety di order, ocial anxiety di order) manife t it elf differently in different people. Of cour e, each of u , to one degree or another, experience anxiety in ocial ituation ...

How to create and edit a text file using the terminal in Linux

How to create and edit a text file using the terminal in Linux

Thi article will how you how to create a text file on Linux u ing the terminal. You can then u e one of the built-in text editor to edit thi file. 1 Open a terminal. Click on "Menu" and elec...

How to lock cells in Excel

How to lock cells in Excel

Locking cell in Excel mean preventing accidental change to the text that i in them. The lock can be removed at any time. Read on to learn how to do thi in Micro oft Excel 2010, 2007 and 2003. To learn...

How to remove eyeliner

How to remove eyeliner

When you wa h off the eyeliner, you may feel pain, a you are very clo e to the growth of the la h line, and the waterproof eyeliner will completely mear over the eyelid . In tead of giving up and walk...

How to prevent animals from entering the attic

How to prevent animals from entering the attic

The pre ence of animal living in the attic can cau e eriou damage to electrical wiring, plumbing and hou e tructure, a well a become a ource of illne . To prevent the appearance of animal , you need t...

How to create an astrological chart

How to create an astrological chart

An a trological chart, or, more preci ely, a natal chart, i a ymbolic de ignation of the planet , the un and the Moon at the time of a per on' birth. Each planet occupie a certain zodiac ign at a ...

How to use Wi Fi Direct on Android

How to use Wi Fi Direct on Android

Thi article will how you how you can connect your Android device to your mobile phone or per onal computer u ing Wi-Fi Direct. 1 Open the li t of app on your Android device. Thi i a li t of all applic...

How to hang out with guys (for girls)

How to hang out with guys (for girls)

ometime you will be in a ituation where guy and girl are hanging out together (at a party, in a club or any other informal ituation), and you want to tand out from other girl . Maybe you're going...

How to apologize

How to apologize

It' often very difficult to apologize, although we have to do it from time to time. Apologizing i an important kill in both your profe ional and per onal life. However, many live their live withou...

How to write a Christian song

How to write a Christian song

Thi article will how you how to write a Chri tian ong. In the tep-by- tep in truction below, you will find everything you need to write good Chri tian lyric for any genre of mu ic. Ready? Then let'...

How to provide first aid for skin wounds and abrasions

How to provide first aid for skin wounds and abrasions

One of the mo t unplea ant traumatic injurie that we often have to deal with are abra ion and wound of the kin. Wound are often accompanied by the eparation of large- ized flap of kin with expo ure of...

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Pakistani Mix Tea

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Pakistani Mix Tea

Paki tani mix tea i an integral part of the national culture and i con idered one of the mo t con umed drink in thi country.Although mix tea i the mo t popular type of tea in Paki tan, Ma ala, Dud Pat...

How to make green tea

How to make green tea

1 Decide how many cup of green tea you want to make. For one cup of tea, it i recommended that you take 1 tea poon (5 g) of green tea leave (or ball ) per cup of water. 2 Mea ure out the right amount ...

How to get rid of blemishes and pimples on the skin

How to get rid of blemishes and pimples on the skin

Unfortunately, each of u ha pot on our kin that we don't like. There are a large number of kin condition that lead to pigmentation imbalance , dark blemi he or blemi he . Thi article will how you ...

How to look like Angelina Jolie

How to look like Angelina Jolie

Who doe n't want to look like Angelina Jolie? Many believe that he i one of the mo t beautiful women in the world. In order to look like her, it i not enough to copy her appearance, you need to ma...

How to completely shut down iPad

How to completely shut down iPad

Thi article will how you how to turn off iPad completely, rather than ju t dim the creen of your device. 1 Find the leep / Wake button. Thi oval button i located on the right ide of the top panel (if ...