How to be in good shape

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The ONLY 3 Things You NEED to Get in Shape!
Video: The ONLY 3 Things You NEED to Get in Shape!


Many people want to get in shape and improve their health, but not everyone is ready to follow the optimal regimen. The following simple guidelines will help you start a training program that is easier to follow with visual results. If you have no desire to go to the gym, then you can always do the exercises yourself.


Part 1 of 3: How to Exercise Properly

  1. 1 Stay active. If at work or school you have to sit, then periodically stretch your legs and body, but you do not need to swing like a pendulum. Get up and go out to the board, or look into the adjacent office. Leave the premises at lunchtime and walk down the street. If you want to get in shape, but you do not have time for the gym, then at least try not to sit still and lead an active lifestyle. Walk. So, you can always park your car at the far end of the parking lot. There are many ways to start moving more without wasting a lot of time or money.
    • Give up the elevator and start walking up the stairs at home and at work (use the elevator if you need to climb more than ten floors).
    • Buy a table for standing or treadmill work, or use a fitness ball instead of an office chair. Feel free to watch your favorite TV shows, but you don't have to sit idle on the couch. You can cook, clean up washed linen or dishes, exercise on a stationary bike. If you have a platform, do step aerobics.
    • Do squats while you wait for food to cook. Walk on tiptoes, squatting, or arching in your back.
  2. 2 Do aerobic exercise. They increase your heart rate, which can improve your health and your ability to endure exercise. Aerobic exercise can help you lose weight if that's your goal.They are also essential if you want to get in shape.
    • Cycling is a great way to exercise outdoors.
    • Jog or walk at a fast pace, because such exercises do not require financial costs!
    • Swim to exercise all the muscles in your body.
  3. 3 Exercise regularly! If you want to get in shape, then you need to practice at least every other day. Irregular rare activities will not bring the desired result. You need to make a plan and follow it.
    • You don't have to train every day. You must leave at least 2-3 days of rest per week. The body needs time to relax and build muscle! Don't forget to rest.

    Laila Ajani

    Fitness Trainer Laila Adjani is a fitness trainer and founder of Push Personal Fitness, a personal training center in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specialist in competitive sports (gymnastics, powerlifting and tennis), personal training, long distance running and Olympic weightlifting. Certified by the National Strength and Endurance Association (NSCA), the United States Powerlifting Federation, and is a Remedial Education Specialist (CES).

    Laila Ajani
    Fitness instructor

    Schedule your workouts to follow a clear plan... A timetable is one of the most effective ways to practice regularly. For example, you can schedule three strength training and three cardio workouts each week. At the same time, you do not need to beat yourself up if you had to skip one of the workouts. One or two classes a week is still better than none.

  4. 4 Find a partner! Research shows that having a workout partner can help you stay on track and move towards your goals.

Part 2 of 3: How to eat right

  1. 1 Create a calorie deficit. This is a prerequisite if you need to lose weight and get in shape. This means that you need to consume fewer calories than is required to maintain your current weight, as a result of which the body will begin to burn fat. Calculate the number of calories you need at your current weight, and then determine how many calories you can consume per day (usually 2000 calories).
  2. 2 Eat less sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Sugar, salt and unhealthy fats make it difficult to get in shape. Avoid sugary drinks and foods high in saturated or trans fats (partially hardened and hard fats, margarine). Eat more fruits and foods with healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, olive oil, and nuts).
  3. 3 Create a balanced diet. The diet should consist of a balanced amount of proteins, carbohydrates (grains), fruits, vegetables and dairy products. About 30% of your diet can be whole grains (if you are not allergic), another 30% - fruits and vegetables (with a predominance of vegetables), 15% - dairy products, and another 15% - very lean protein (or up to 40% if get fewer calories from carbohydrates). Bad fats, fast carbs and sugars should make up no more than 4% of your diet.
    • There are different types of fats. Some are helpful and some are harmful. It's important to avoid trans fats (found in industrial baked goods and snacks) and limit your intake of saturated fats (ground meats, sausages, sausages and wieners, fried foods and butter). At the same time, monounsaturated fats (olive oil, avocado) and polyunsaturated fats (fish, walnuts) are good for the body.
    • Healthy whole grains include wholemeal flour, whole oats, quinoa, and brown rice.
    • Healthy fruits and vegetables include chickpeas (used to make hummus), beans, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, lemons, and pears.
  4. 4 Eat small meals. Meals should be reasonable portions so as not to consume too many calories.The plate does not need to be full, and small plates can be used if necessary. Drinking a glass of water with your meals and taking your time will help you feel full faster and avoid overeating.
  5. 5 Eat lean protein. Protein energizes and energizes us. However, processed foods high in protein often contain high amounts of unhealthy fat. Eating lean protein foods can help reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in your diet. Prefer a small amount of hard cheese that is low in fat and carbohydrates.
    • Lean protein is found in chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, lentils, and beans.

Part 3 of 3: Sample Diet and Exercise Plan

  1. 1 Start with breakfast. A balance of protein, dairy and carbohydrates helps you recharge your batteries in the morning. Alternate these breakfasts:
    • A glass of vanilla yogurt, 2 cups of melon pulp, and ¾ cup of cooked oatmeal.
    • A glass of low-fat cottage cheese, one banana, and one whole grain bagel.
    • Scrambled eggs made from 2 eggs, ½ cup blueberries and 2 whole grain toast.
  2. 2 Always have lunch. This is a great opportunity to replenish your protein supply (to recharge), as well as eat fruits and vegetables so as not to feel heavy in the stomach. Alternate between these lunch options:
    • Arugula salad with salmon, onions and tomatoes. Use Italian dressing.
    • Lavash with chicken, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber and feta cheese.
    • Rye bread sandwich with spinach, mozzarella, hummus and tomatoes.
  3. 3 Don't forget about dinner. Eat small amounts of food well before bed (the body will not have time to burn enough calories if you have dinner before bed). Examples of a healthy dinner:
    • Fried chicken with lemon, steamed broccoli, small salad and mashed potatoes.
    • Quinoa with bits of bacon, peas and carrots, and steamed cabbage.
    • Grilled salmon with fried asparagus, spinach salad with cherry tomatoes, carrot rings and vinaigrette dressing.
  4. 4 Refresh with light snacks. Snacks can help you wait for lunch and dinner without feeling hungry or weak, and avoid overeating during your main meals. Examples of healthy snacks:
    • carrots and celery stalks;
    • 1/4 cup hummus and 3 slices of broccoli
    • apple slices with a handful of almonds.
  5. 5 Drink water. Drink three glasses of water with meals and at least the same amount of water throughout the day.
  6. 6 Move. Walk up the stairs, work at your computer while standing, and walk around the building in the afternoon.
  7. 7 Get exercise. Make it a goal to do a variety of exercises for at least an hour a day. You can divide the time into several approaches. During exercise, you should increase your heart rate by at least 10 minutes each time. Examples of exercises (try to do all three every day):
    • Hold the plank for 2 minutes, swing jumps for 4 minutes, and hip squats parallel to the floor (but not deep lunges) for 4 minutes immediately after waking up. Do multiple sets with as many push-ups as possible.
    • If you have time before work, walk at a brisk pace or jog for half an hour.
    • Cycle or exercise bike for half an hour after work or school.


  • Every minute of intense exercise counts. The result will not be long in coming.
  • Use your TV, computer, and smartphone less often to help you spend more time away from work or school.
  • If you do not have the ability or desire to train with a partner, then listen to podcasts or audiobooks with headphones. This way you will not have the feeling that you are “wasting time” while exercising. Listen for fun or learn new knowledge.
  • Long distance running should not be started at a high pace. Save your energy for the last laps or stretches of the distance.
  • Remember to drink water while exercising to stay hydrated.
  • Set yourself a goal: "getting in shape" does not always mean losing weight. For example, your goal might be endurance or strong muscles.
  • Eat lean protein, as little carbohydrates, sugar and fat as possible.
  • During your workouts, remember to do exercises to warm up and cool down your muscles.
  • Set goals with partners. For example: lose weight by three centimeters at the waist, wear a dress or trousers one size smaller. If successful, you can have dinner together, spend the day at the spa, or go shopping. This will create additional motivation for yourself.
  • Understand what fat is. Any dish or product consists of various components (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins). The value of food is measured in calories - these are units of energy stored in the body in the form of fat in case of unforeseen situations. Depending on the genetic predisposition, fat can be deposited in certain parts of the body (most often the thighs and buttocks or the abdomen, chest, arms; in some people, fat can be deposited evenly throughout the body).
  • Create a fitness blog. Describe your successes and plans to keep you motivated. Your story will attract followers who will help you stick to your goals.
  • Find like-minded people at school, work, or in your neighborhood. This support will be positive peer pressure for you. It will be easier for you to follow the plan if other acquaintances are working with you. Choose a time and place to practice (this could be a park, a gym, or someone's home).
  • Drink a glass of water before meals to help you feel better and avoid overeating or falling asleep.
  • Celebrate success with salad or fresh strawberries with unflavored yogurt and stevia.
  • Record calories burned, your weight, and exercise plans in a journal.
  • Exercise before you eat (healthy food!) So you don't be tempted to eat snacks and gain weight you just lost.
  • Take breaks. Excessive effort can be harmful to health and destroy motivation, so you need to know your limits. Every person needs rest.


  • Never go to bed right after a meal.
  • Always warm up before exercising.
  • Any training regimen should be started slowly and gradually build up in intensity. If you overdo it, soreness and excessive fatigue can lead to burnout.