How to be nocturnal

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Be Nocturnal
Video: Be Nocturnal


Humans have a circadian rhythm that makes us sleep at night and stay awake during the day. But what if you wanted to reverse this natural order and become a night owl (nocturnal)? Maybe you have to work the night shift and need to stay awake while working or you just want to be a dark creature, with a little effort you will be able to train your body to continue. receive nocturnal habits.


Part 1 of 4: Stay up all night

  1. Practice yourself gradually. It would be difficult to go from a normal person living during the day to someone sleeping during the day while the whole world is awake. Doing so will likely make you completely sleep deprived, meaning you will force yourself to stay up all night and not be able to sleep well during the day. Instead, gradually practice getting up late at night and waking up later in the morning. Take time back little by little, and in about a week or so, you won't have much trouble waking up or sleeping as you wish.
    • On the first day of training, stay up as late as you can without trying to force yourself. Stay awake until you feel like you can't keep your eyes open for any longer, then go to sleep. Don't set the alarm, and close the windows so you won't be awakened by daylight. Sleep as late as you can, then get up and do your day job.
    • The next night, try to stay up an hour later than the night before, and get up an hour later.
    • Continue this process until you are sleepy and wake up when you want.

  2. Keep your mind busy. It is easier to stay up at night if you do things that keep your mind active. Watching TV shows or movies is one way, though there are times when you'll fall asleep while watching. Try something that keeps you active, like reading a book or playing a game.
    • Some people find themselves more creative at night. Try drawing, composing music, writing essay in the middle of the night. Try not to go to bed until you feel like you can't focus. Maybe you won't notice when it dawned.

  3. Exercise at night. This is a great way to help circulate blood and make you more alert instead of sleepy. Go outside for a run or a walk, and the fresh air will make you more alert. If you don't want to go outside, do push ups and bends indoors to stay awake.
    • Bathing after exercising, preferably with cold water, will also help you get rid of sleep.
    • If you don't feel like exercising, when you start to feel tired, stretch out and take a few deep breaths. The change in temperature will make your body more alert.

  4. Eat dinner. Your body will wake up for a while to start digesting what you eat. Cook some dishes and eat them in the middle of the night. Don't eat the usual nocturnal foods, such as sandwiches or pizza, because these are already eaten by your body when you are about to go to bed. Instead, cook foods that you normally eat during the day, such as fish stock, vegetables. You should drink another cup of cold water.
  5. Listening to music. If you are not with someone who just likes to sleep in silence, then play some quick tunes out loud to help your body become more active. Choose music that makes you want to get up and dance or sing along, not music that makes you feel sleepy. If you're afraid to wake someone up, put on your headset.
  6. Talk to people who are awake. Have you ever had a phone conversation with a friend that kept both of you up until the next morning? Talking to someone is stimulating your brain, and it's one of the best ways to keep you awake. If you have a friend who is also trying to stay up at night and sleep during the day, make an appointment to call each other to talk.
    • If you don't know anyone who's trying to stay nocturnal, use a chat software to connect with someone who lives in a different time zone - where everyone is still awake. If you talk to someone in the daytime, you may wake up.
  7. Go shopping in stores that are open 24/7. Getting out of the house and walking can help keep you awake. If you know a store or eatery that is open day and night then consider walking to shop or eat something for a few hours. This is usually easier if you are in a city where there are people looking to go out at night.
    • Make sure you are in a safe and well-lit area when going outside. Because there are few people out at the time, it's important to be aware of your surroundings and take care of your safety. Take your phone with you and tell a loved one where you are going before leaving home.
  8. Be cautious when using caffeine. Caffeine is a great stimulant that keeps you awake for a few hours, and it's great in case you need to stay up all night. However, if your goal is to become a permanent (or long-term) nocturnal, you should not take caffeine as a measure to keep you awake. Having a large amount of caffeine in your body makes it difficult to sleep during the day, and it's important that you fall asleep when you want so don't take your chance to rest.
    • The same goes for energy drinks containing other types of stimulants. It is better to slowly train your body to stay awake instead of forcing it through artificial means.

Part 2 of 4: Sleep during the day

  1. Use curtains. Once your body senses that the sun has risen, it will be difficult to go back to sleep. Just a small ray of sunlight shines through the slits, making your body more alert. If you want to sleep during the day, invest in curtains. They are very tight and can completely block out sunlight. When the sun rises, you won't realize it is daytime anymore.
    • If you don't want to buy a set of curtains, using regular, thick, dark curtains or blocking the shade with a thick dark blanket is also effective.
    • Using an eyepatch to completely block out the light will also help, if you're not uncomfortable sleeping with something on your face.
  2. Block sound. When the world around is awake, a lot of noise will be made: the sound of garbage trucks running on the street, the sound of welding or wrought iron, roommates opening and closing the microwave ... To protect You resist the onslaught of different types of noise in the morning, you'll need a pair of earplugs or noise canceling headphones.
    • If you don't like stuffing your ears while sleeping, try a white noise machine. These machines produce a low and low sound to get you started quickly, and block annoying sounds from entering your room.
  3. Try melatonin. This is a chemical the brain produces to put the body to sleep. Melatonin medications are a natural sleep aid that can help your body rest if you have trouble trying to sleep during the day. Unlike regular sleeping pills, they have no addictive ingredients, so they won't shock your body when you wake up.
    • If you want to take strong sleeping pills that contain synthetic chemicals to make it easier to fall asleep, it's best to talk to your doctor before taking it. This is especially important if you have to drive or go to work after waking up.
  4. Have breakfast when you wake up. Even if you wake up at 6:00 pm, eat breakfast foods. This signals your body that it is time to start your day. If you eat lunch or dinner, you'll send your brain other signals. Follow the usual morning routine like when you wake up at 8:00 am. Drink a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy a breakfast that is familiar to you.
  5. Tell everyone not to disturb you. If you are serious about nightlife. Tell those around you not to disturb you except in an emergency. Let them know that it is important that you sleep during the day or your sleep will be affected.
    • You need to create a schedule that works with your family so that they don't disturb you. For example, if your kids come home from school while you are sleeping, consider sending them in after-school daycare or having someone look after you until you wake up.

Part 3 of 4: Staying Healthy

  1. Live by a certain schedule. If you plan to be nocturnal for a while, it's important to stick to a fixed schedule. Go to bed on time in the morning and wake up at the same time in the evening. Otherwise, your sleep schedule will be destroyed and that can be dangerous to your health.
    • After you get used to your schedule, stick to it the way you would normally do with your regular schedule. Set a timer and try to get to bed on time.
    • When you're ready to get back to your regular schedule (sleep the night), slowly change it.
  2. Take vitamin D supplements. Staying in your room all day means you won't be exposed to healthy rays of sunlight. Of course, too much sun is harmful, but too little is worse. When you are not exposed to the sun, your body cannot make vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bone growth and other natural functions.
    • Try to schedule a schedule so that you can be in the sun at some time of the day.
    • You can buy an incandescent lamp to stimulate vitamin D synthesis if you don't get a lot of sun exposure.
  3. Be careful when operating vehicles or operating machinery. If you follow a schedule of nocturnal activities, you are fighting off your body's natural rhythm. You will always seem a little more sleepy and less alert on a normal schedule. Therefore, it is very important that you operate machines carefully, including driving, even if you are still used to staying up at night. Try to stay as alert as possible, especially when you are at work. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Choosing a Long-Term Night Lifestyle

  1. Determine if your nightlife is improving your life. There are many reasons for switching to a nocturnal lifestyle, but they should match who you are and the life you want to lead. The downsides of nocturnalism need to be considered when you define it as a way of life in the long run. You won't be there while most people are awake, which means you'll miss out on a lot of social activities, you'll lack sunlight for vitamin D synthesis, which can lead to adverse effects. health. However, there are many benefits of nightlife:
    • There are fewer people out than at night, which can be the reason for so many great things.
    • That can be a creative time if you're a night owl. People won't email you a request for this or that, so you won't be disturbed.
    • You will be a hard ripper at parties because you are healthier than everyone who is tired of work during the day. You can even join the "pro night owls" club who live to party in the most popular nightclubs in your area.
    • This is an opportunity to connect with interesting people who stay up all night like you, including "night owls", vampire fans, real-life loners, and people who are simply too greedy. internet and can't go to bed early.
    • Your house will look less cluttered. The human vision is very poor at night. Even with the lights on, it was difficult to see dirt. You won't need a cleanup!
    • Another thing that needs to be considered is whether it is nocturnal for the season or for a certain length of time or throughout the year. This can come in handy during special seasons like summer, the season with vibrant and lovely nights, or during holidays. You might be willing to chase whatever fun happens when you want to spend the night.
  2. Find a job or lifestyle that allows you to stay active at night. If you're serious about making this a long-term decision, you'll need to find a job that will allow you to sleep during the day and stay up at night. If you are going to be nocturnal for a long period of time or permanently, you need to know how to deal with things normally done during the day.
    • Shift work will allow you to work at night. There are many different shift jobs for you to choose from, including transporting and arranging goods, security, camera surveillance, supermarket queuing, hotel reception, fishing, cleaning, reporter , building a highway, etc. Even sports can be played at night. Recent studies have shown that in baseball, the average person has a good pitch during the day, and the "night owls" have a better pitch at night.
    • Work at home. If you are a blogger, online vendor, writer, artist etc. who can work from home, make a schedule that fits your job.
    • Students will find it more difficult, but if you register for online courses, you can study whenever you want. If you're in college, record your lectures, or borrow friends' notebooks. You may be having trouble taking attendance in class so try to arrange evening class registration.
  3. Connect with other nightlife. Find people who prefer nights to days, from IT geeks, gamers to creative workmen or mysterious lifestyles. Try to connect with people who have the same love for the night as you. Note that you will find such people more easily in big cities like New York, Tokyo, Sydney… than others, because they are cities that never sleep.
    • Like in New York City - USA, you can connect with nocturnal people like you through the "New York Night Owl," a weekly meeting of nocturnal people, lasting from 10 p.m. by 4 am. Similar to London, and maybe soon there will be such an association near you too!
    • Look for cafes and other gatherings with "night owls" that don't close after midnight. Again, places like that usually appear in big cities but if you're not in those places then you can create a network of night owls in your area, so you and everyone can visit each other, Drink something and come up with great creative things in the middle of the night.
    • Use social networks like Zalo, Twitter and Facebook to connect with other nightlife around your neighborhood. See locations on their status to see if you're talking to a night owl near you or someone who's on the other half of the earth!

  4. Pay attention to your mental health. Note that while it has been recently announced that nocturnal people are often smarter than the average person, being a night owl can negatively affect your mental health. If you find yourself experiencing psychological issues like depression, you should reconsider your night owl work. Seek advice from your doctor if you are concerned.
    • Make sure you get enough vitamin D. You will need to sunbathe a bit daily.

  5. Return to normal life. If you want to get back to normal, it's easy. Just stay up all night and try to stay awake the next day. When the sun rises and illuminates the sky with its brilliant rays of sunshine, you will have a sense of peace with the moon still there, it will give you a healthy and alert feeling throughout the day. The time it takes to get back to a normal routine will depend on your personality, your activities, and how much sleep you feel is deprived of sleep. advertisement


  • Find a store that is open at night so you can buy essentials and other items easily.
  • Note that it is easier to stay nocturnal if you are already a night owl - someone who is more likely to stay up late than usual and feel comfortable with it.
  • Strengthen your body at night by showering, dressing and getting ready for the night's activities, eating a delicious meal and getting fresh air outdoors by going exercise - cycling go for a walk or walk while it's still morning.
  • For many people, the ability to stay up late changes from time to time in life; If you can't do it now (because your parent or spouse disagrees or your body feels uncomfortable with staying up late), try again at another stage of your life.
  • Don't underestimate the value of earplugs and eye shields. A lot of people who work the night shift can't sleep during the day without them.


  • If you're afraid of the dark, becoming a nocturnal can help you cope. Maybe that is the way to overcome that fear.
  • Avoid caffeine unless you know you can and can still sleep easily during the day. Daytime sleep is usually not deep and is more easily awakened, causing problems with lack of sleep.
  • Other family members, spouses and friends may not like nocturnal habits. Respect other people's thoughts. If you're single and unmarried, it's easier to stay nocturnal than if you're married and have kids, although shift work can justify nightlife.
  • Doing a night owl can make you lose your job or lose your studies. Students can borrow from friends, but there's more to be done!
  • "The fatigue due to shift work" is believed to bring mood disturbances, fatigue, loss of concentration and disrupted sleep.
  • Sun regularly. Vitamin D is very important to our health, in addition, being exposed to the sun also enhances our health.
  • The circadian rhythm variation is not only associated with mood disorders such as bipolar disorder, but also contributes to other psychological trauma, such as stress.
  • Many experts believe that nightlife causes cancer, but it may be caused by the unhealthy habits that accompany staying up at night, not by staying up at night. Cancer cases that occur in pilots, flight attendants or shift workers have been shown to have the effect of their circadian rhythms altered due to their unusual work schedules. .
  • This is not a normal way of life for humans, but we have the ability to alter our circadian rhythms. Check for potential health problems if you plan on following this plan long term. Shift work researchers can help you with that.