How to become a spy (for kids)

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to become a spy for kids
Video: How to become a spy for kids


Spying is fun and challenging, but it's not that simple! It's hard to find a good spy child. To become the next secret agent, you need to complete training, create a team, study the mission protocol, hide evidence and improve your espionage technique through various spy activities!


Part 1 of 4: Create a Spy Team

  1. 1 Organize your team. When there are two or more of you, spying is safer and more fun. Your teammates can support you and help you complete the mission faster (if the group is right, of course!). If you decide to do it all alone, that's okay too. It's much easier to keep secrets when you're alone.
    • If you decide to form a team, there should be a teammate on your team who knows a lot about technology, such as computer tricks and gadgets. This person can also create maps, plans, diagrams and notes about secret missions.
    • Intelligence won't hurt. If you have a friend with out-of-the-box thinking and quick answers, add him to the team.
    • It is sometimes good to have a strong team member for hard work or difficult tasks that involve strength training. However, do not take just anyone into the group: remember that you need qualified spies.
    • If you have a younger brother or sister, they will come in handy too. Toddlers are able to charm and confuse any opponent. In addition, it is easier for them to enter the enemy's hideout due to their small stature, as well as an age at which they are not taken seriously.
  2. 2 Establish a hierarchy in your team. Make sure everyone on the team has their own tasks. If they have a certain role, they will feel their importance for the team. Here are the main positions you must fill:
    • The captain who is in charge of the team
    • The vice-captain (mate), who helps the captain make decisions and replaces him if he is sick.
    • The technician in charge of the computer, surveillance equipment, maps, and the like.
    • Several main spies who will carry out most of the missions on the ground.
    • Make sure you have other spies at your base to support you during your mission. In addition, you need another spy on the computer who will record and receive information.
  3. 3 Provide your team members with spy gadgets. Remember that being a spy team means helping each other no matter what. If you have several gadgets in your name, distribute them equally. The more successful your team is, the more successful you and your mission will be.
    • Everyone should have feedback from the base. You can use a mobile phone, walkie-talkie, or even a simple whistle - if someone gets into trouble, others can come running to help. You also need all the devices that will help solve the case, for example, a camera.
  4. 4 Get the right tools and equipment. For a successful mission, you need equipment. The larger your team is, the more communication devices you will need. Consider bringing equipment such as:
    • Interphone devices
    • Cell phones
    • Video equipment
    • iPod and other communication devices
    • Walkie-talkies
    • Whistles
    • Cameras

Part 2 of 4: Train Your Spy Skills

  1. 1 Practice using your gadgets. Conduct several challenges in places that are not part of the real mission to test and get used to gadgets and clothes. This way, you will learn the quickest ways to use the functions and the limits of your equipment. It will also help you predict what problems are likely to arise.
    • Make sure everyone knows how to use the devices and understands them well. For example, if someone doesn't like to use a computer, send them to work in the field. Let everyone do what they like.
  2. 2 Dress appropriately. Consider two options: either you want to look like a 100% spy, or you want to remain completely incognito. It's more fun to dress like a spy, but sometimes it makes sense to blend in with the crowd. Which option suits you best for your next mission?
    • To complete the quests, you may need special clothing such as gloves and boots. Wear dark colors and don't forget hats.
    • If you do not want to be suspected of something bad, dress normally. This will make you look like ordinary children, busy with their games.
  3. 3 Learn to encrypt data. Encrypt written messages with simple code. It can be simple, where letters are replaced with each other, or it can be numeric, or you can invent completely new characters and use them as an alphabet. A more advanced method is to write words backwards. and replace letters (this makes them more difficult to decipher). You can even write an encrypted message with invisible ink.
    • Why is this useful? You don't want anyone to find out your classified information, do you? If someone (like your annoying brother) "accidentally" pokes his nose into your belongings, he shouldn't be suspicious. And if he does suspect something was wrong, let him not have the slightest idea of ​​what he saw.
  4. 4 Practice escaping from places. A locked room? No problem. Wood? Easily. Crowded room? Don't even worry about it. You and your spy team will be able to escape from almost anywhere, even in difficult situations.
    • Never use the elevators, you will be trapped. Ladders have more exits.
    • It will be easier to leave (or enter) places if you learn how to pick locks.
    • Also learn to come up with explanations, excuses, and "talk" the enemy. Train with your parents or someone in power (teachers, guards) and use the nicest words to get out of the situation.
  5. 5 Get in the habit of talking in different voices. It can also help you with disguise, especially if you are on a mission in public with people you know and need to talk to your team. If you can change your voice, no one will suspect that it is you.
    • This will be useful mainly if you use mobile phones or walkie-talkies. Code names are also required!

Part 3 of 4: Complete the mission

  1. 1 Choose your mission. For example, you could find out where the adults are hiding something interesting, figure out the password to get into your friend's club, or track which of the neighbors' dogs spoils the lawn that your father is so proud of. There are no minor missions!
    • Not sure what mission to come up with? Keep your eyes and ears alert. You will hear someone complain or talk about a problem they need to solve. This is where your team can get down to business.
  2. 2 Collect information in advance. Explore the terrain where you have to carry out the mission in search of shelters and escape routes. Create a map and take notes indicating the location of each participant and their tasks. Just like the Boy Scouts, you always have to be prepared.
    • Make one or two contingency plans. If Plans A and B fail disastrously, Plan C will come to your team's aid. No matter what happens, everyone must stay safe!
  3. 3 Place agents in their posts. Each participant should have a communication device, preferably with headphones, to keep noise to a minimum. When everyone is ready, start the mission. The team of child spies takes their starting positions and proceeds to the task.
    • Make sure everyone knows the rules.When can I go to the toilet? When will one agent take over from another? At what time does everyone meet and where?
  4. 4 Make sure that you cannot be seen or heard. Find good cover for each team member, such as a large tree, bushes, or boulders. In addition, one of you can, as it were, accidentally walk nearby, say, with a book in your hands. However, he should not draw attention to himself so as not to incur suspicion.
    • If you are undercover and dressed like a normal child, behave usually... What does the child usually do in the park? Noises, laughs and plays. You may be suspicious if you are too quiet.
  5. 5 Notice the footprints. Make sure you and your teammates don't leave anything behind. Destroy all footprints left on the ground or dirt. If you notice your fingerprints, erase them. All documents must be destroyed, and of course, there must be no clothing or other personal items left in place that might be found.
    • Get rid of digital footprints. Delete any text messages, emails, or phone calls that mentioned your mission. Although, most likely, no one will see them, it is better to play it safe than to regret later.
  6. 6 Gather the whole team after the mission. You should have a meeting point established after the mission, where all team members can communicate the information they have obtained. The team then needs to brainstorm whether another assignment is needed or whether the case can be considered closed.
    • If one of the participants does not appear, return to your posts and try to find out where he is. If necessary, exit spy mode and search for the missing agent directly. Leave one or two people at the base in case he comes back on his own.

Part 4 of 4: Keep your espionage activities a secret

  1. 1 Store any information in a safe place. The last thing you want is for someone outside of your team to discover the data you've collected. Store them in a place where no one but you would think to look. However, you yourself should remember it with ease.
    • A lockable box or a password-protected computer will do.
    • Are there any secret places in or near your home that no one else knows about (for example, a loose floorboard)? They are also great for keeping secrets.
  2. 2 Behave naturally with those you "spy" on. Do not avoid the enemy, otherwise he will suspect something. Try your best to behave normally and act as if nothing had happened when you meet.
    • If you find information that a person needs to know (for example, that his dog is digging in your garden), share it calmly and casually. You did not have any secret mission - you just walked and accidentally saw how Mr. Watchdog is doing his dirty deed.
  3. 3 Prepare an alibi. If the enemy finds out what you are doing or sees that you are spying, you must have a convincing explanation prepared. If, after completing a mission, you will be asked where you were and what you did, think over the details in advance. You don't want to get caught in espionage!
    • Try to be as close to the truth as possible. Say something like, "I was walking with friends (your team) in the park. We played a game like hide and seek, but more difficult. It's too hard to explain - there are so many rules. You won't like it anyway."
  4. 4 Don't tell non-spies what you do. You can only tell your friends about your activities. It should be kept a secret from everyone else: someone may envy, and someone may spill your secret. The fewer people are dedicated to your business, the better.
    • Be careful when recruiting new members to your team. First, make sure they are trustworthy and capable of handling the difficult tasks that spy kids take on.Everyone on your team should be top-notch, honest, talented spies.


  • Take a spy bag with you to store all your gadgets in it. Make sure your gadgets are always in working order and work well at night or in the dark.
  • Use reflections to see what is behind you without drawing attention. A mirror on a long stick will help you look around a corner or under a door. However, be careful not to shine light on the mirror, otherwise someone will see the glare and notice you.
  • Real spies are ready for anything. Always carry a water bottle with you. A small snack is also helpful if you get hungry while watching.
  • A good spy is always on the alert. Be brave and courageous, learn to remain calm, cold-minded and collected.
  • Get gloves.
  • Find a secret meeting place.
  • Talk to other spies and buy a book on spy activities.
  • If you have a large group and receive a call from someone important in the spy world, record the conversation or turn on the speakerphone to share with your group.
  • If you do not fully trust someone in your group, do not give him all the information.
  • Always be prepared to face a new puzzle.


  • Be careful! Always keep your name a secret. Don't trust suspicious members of your team - they may turn out to be double agents.
  • A good legend doesn't hurt: "We were just playing hide and seek."
  • Consider a retreat in case of failure.
  • Always remember that you can get caught, so be careful.

What do you need

  • Inconspicuous clothing
  • Torch
  • Gadgets (cameras, bugs, small voice recorders, etc.)
  • Local map
  • Anti-fingerprint gloves
  • Mission log (notepad for recording anything suspicious)
  • A base (like a tree house, a place in the woods, an empty playground, or even your room!)
  • Communication device (mobile phone, walkie-talkie, pagers, telephones, etc.)
  • Tweezers for collecting small evidence
  • Bags (for example, for breakfast) where you can store evidence without contaminating it
  • Evidence camera
  • Book, newspaper, iPod (an item you can use to avoid looking suspicious)
  • Hideouts near the enemy's location
  • Disguise (change your appearance, then the enemies will not recognize you)
  • Locks to prevent others from reaching your top-secret content
  • Binoculars to see if you are being watched