How to behave on a date at the cinema

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DRIVE IN MOVIE THEATER Date Night (Cute Car Setup) | Summer Date Night Vlog
Video: DRIVE IN MOVIE THEATER Date Night (Cute Car Setup) | Summer Date Night Vlog


A date at the cinema is an interesting and romantic idea. This is a great chance to spend time together and enjoy a good show. Even if you're nervous, the best way to behave on a date like this is to just enjoy the movie and company!


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for a Date

  1. 1 Ask your partner to choose a movie to appear more courteous. If you really want to make a good impression, let your boyfriend or girlfriend choose the movie you go to on their own. Let your partner choose what he wants to watch. He will definitely appreciate this cute gesture.
    • For example, you might ask, “Listen, what do you want to watch?” Or: "Do you want to see any of the films that came out recently?"
  2. 2 Pick a movie together or find a middle ground. If you have something to say, start a conversation about the movie you are going to watch. Suggest some ideas to your friend / girlfriend and together choose something that suits you best. This way you both can enjoy the movie.
    • Agreeing to watch the movie your friend chooses is another way to show her that you are willing to compromise, which is a very attractive quality in a partner.
    • For example, you might say, "Why don't we compromise and watch a comedy?" Or, "How about watching something we both like?"
  3. 3 Dress in something comfortable and casual. Going to the movies usually gives the date an informal format. Do not dress up, wear an evening dress or tie. Just put on something that makes you feel comfortable and confident.
    • If you are really in love with this guy and want to look sexy, you can dress up a little by wearing heels, a dress, or a skirt.
  4. 4 Set up a time with a friend / girlfriend. Once you've decided which movie you will go for, contact each other and arrange a meeting time. When making the appointment, be sure to write down how much you look forward to the date.
    • For example, you can write: "See you at the cinema at 7 pm. Looking forward to seeing you :)", you can just call and say: "See you next to the cinema at 6.30 pm. Can't wait!"
  5. 5 Try to get to the cinema early. Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before the start of the movie. Thus, you do not have to pack up and run into the room at the last minute, and you will feel more relaxed. You can wait outside for your friend, or you can go to the cinema and buy tickets for both of you if you like.
    • Another option is to arrange to meet with your friend early so that you have time to buy something to eat and choose good spots before the movie starts. This way, from the very beginning of the date, you will take your time and feel overwhelmed.

Part 2 of 3: Be calm and confident during your date

  1. 1 Greet your friend and smile at her when you meet. When you first spot your girlfriend at the cinema, look into her eyes and smile. Say hello. Relax and face your friend.
    • Only hug or kiss your friend on the cheek if you are sure it will be appropriate. Think back to if you've greeted this way before, and think about how this girl feels about expressing her feelings in public.
  2. 2 If you want, you can invite your friend to pay for her ticket. Your offer to pay for both tickets will definitely impress the girl and show how serious you are. But this should only be done if you really have the financial ability, and this does not bother you. In any case, the fact that you pay for her ticket or not does not indicate that you do not care about this girl.
    • Some people choose to split the cost of a date evenly to keep things honest.
    • Don't fall for the stereotypes in which a guy always pays for a date. This is not necessary at all. Do what suits you best.
  3. 3 Ask your partner if they would like to buy snacks for the movie. Before you go into the hall to watch a movie, be sure to offer to buy popcorn or sweets. Be sure to make sure you have plenty of time for a snack and you won't be late for your movie.
    • Get some fresh breath - buy mints or water.
    • One option is to pay for the snacks if your friend bought tickets - that's fair.
  4. 4 Choose good locations where you both have a good view of the screen. You should be comfortable in these places. In most cinemas, 2/3 of the rear center seats are considered the best because they have the best sound. But you can choose other places that are most comfortable for both of you.
    • You can let your partner choose the seats on their own, especially if you don't care.
  5. 5 Try to read your friend's body language while watching a movie. Pay attention to how the girl interacts with you. If she constantly "sticks" to you or tries to sit closer - these are positive signs, she likes to be near you. In addition, you may find that she often looks you in the eye and smiles.
    • If a girl is constantly trying to move away from you, turns away, crosses her arms, these are negative signs. This means that she is not very comfortable with you.
    • Keep in mind, in some cases, if the girl dodges and turns away from you and sits with crossed arms, it may simply mean that she is cold, or she likes to sit at some distance from the other person. The only way to know for sure what she thinks is to ask her directly.
  6. 6 Before you get close to a girl, you need to know her opinion about it. Do not try to "stick" to her while watching a movie without asking permission. A date does not have to imply intimacy and intimacy just because it is dark in the room and you are sitting next to it. Before touching her or getting close to her in any way, ask the girl how she looks at it.
    • For example, you might say, "May I kiss you?" or: "May I touch you?"
    • If the girl responds negatively, do not pressure her or try to get close to her forcibly. Accept her answer and just enjoy the movie further.
    • If the girl answered in the affirmative, you can try to get closer to her. But be sure to ask her opinion before taking any other steps towards her.
    • Remember that a movie date doesn't necessarily mean intimacy. You and your girlfriend can just watch a movie and enjoy spending time together.

Part 3 of 3: Ending a Date

  1. 1 Ask the girl what she thinks about the movie. Try to strike up a conversation by asking the girl's opinion about the film. Don't forget to express your thoughts as well!
    • For example, you might ask, "What do you think of that action scene?" or: "Did you like the ending?"
  2. 2 Offer to go out for drinks or snacks if you see that the girl is hungry. Continue your date with an invitation to go to the nearest bar or cafe together, discuss a movie, and just have fun. You can suggest taking food or drinks with you and taking a walk together.
    • For example, you might say, "Can we discuss the movie in more detail over a drink?" or, "Would you like to grab a bite to eat and chat about that fight scene?"
  3. 3 Make an appointment in advance for your next date. If you feel like the date is nearing completion, end it with an offer to meet up some other time. Perhaps you choose a different movie or arrange a date not at the cinema, but in a cafe (or somewhere else).
    • For example, you might just say to a girl (or boy), "Would you like to go to another movie next week?" or, "How about next time we meet for dinner or go to the movies again?"
  4. 4 Say goodbye to the girl. End the date with a friendly and sweet goodbye. Be sure to thank her for the pleasant pastime. If the girl is positive and also says that she had a good time with you, you can hug her or kiss her on the cheek. Pay attention to whether she is smiling or making eye contact with you, because that is usually a sign that she enjoyed the date.
    • If you are planning a date with this girl in the near future, say, "See you soon!" or: "I'll text you next week about dinner, I can't wait!"