
How to make a slime from shampoo and toothpaste

How to make a slime from shampoo and toothpaste

1 Pour ome thick hampoo into a mall bowl. Choo e a hampoo that i thick. It will be better if the hampoo turn out to be white or opaque. Pour a couple of table poon (about 30 ml) of hampoo into a mall ...

How to grow strawberries hydroponically

How to grow strawberries hydroponically

The be t part about growing trawberrie hydroponically i that you can harve t them all year round. And if your trawberrie produce more fre h fruit than you can eat, you can freeze the exce or make jam ...

How to get rid of duplicate data in Excel

How to get rid of duplicate data in Excel

pread heet , and in particular Micro oft Excel, are great tool for organizing your data however you want. pread heet are u eful for bookkeeping, for working with client , for maintaining a databa e o...

How to talk in the workplace

How to talk in the workplace

The key to bu ine ucce i communication. A oon a communication i no longer effective, bu ine uffer and income drop . Therefore, if you want your bu ine to thrive, you need to hone the art of excellence...

How to open your own school

How to open your own school

Congratulation ! You have joined an army of parent and teacher who e de ire to improve education ha prompted them to tart their own chool . Opening your chool and haring your approach to learning with...

How to solve equations with a root

How to solve equations with a root

While the intimidating look of the quare root ymbol can make omeone who i not good at math cringe, quare root problem are not a difficult a they might initially eem. imple quare root problem can often...

How to grill kingclip

How to grill kingclip

Kingclip i an edible congrio variety. Thi fi h ha den e meat, o the kingclip fillet can with tand the temperature of the grill without falling apart. Thick irloin piece can be fried over an open fire,...

How to cure bloody stools

How to cure bloody stools

How to treat a bloody tool problem depend on what cau ed it. There can be many po ible rea on , o it i important to ee a doctor for it to be determined. Bloody tool can be cau ed by both minor and eri...

How to avoid food poisoning

How to avoid food poisoning

Food poi oning i at lea t unplea ant and, at wor t, can be fatal. tart with the fir t tep below to learn important information about reducing your chance of getting food poi oning, both in the re taur...

How to get rid of yellow toenails

How to get rid of yellow toenails

With the on et of the warm ea on, people wear andal , flip-flop and other open-toed hoe , which i another rea on to make ure that the nail on your toe are healthy. There are many rea on for yellowing ...

How to do archery

How to do archery

Archery i a great port. Although the bow and arrow have been u ed for millennia, their popularity ha only grown in the twenty-fir t century. For example, in the United tate after the relea e of the fi...

How to deal with your best friend's lies

How to deal with your best friend's lies

When you find out that your be t friend lied to you, you are likely to get very up et. You may even be tempted to give up friend hip and end it forever. Before making a ra h deci ion, try to get to th...

How to machine wash sneakers

How to machine wash sneakers

If your neaker are heavily oiled or mell bad, you can fre hen them up in the wa hing machine. You can machine wa h textile and artificial leather hoe with a gentle wa h cycle. Leather hoe , tiletto he...

How to fix a jammed lock

How to fix a jammed lock

1 U e a uitable product to fix the lock. Applying for patching prayed vegetable oil, WD-40, ewing machine oil, or imilar product into a keyhole i a fairly common olution. The problem, however, i that ...

How to change the font on the Windows command line

How to change the font on the Windows command line

ome people u e the Window Command Prompt regularly. But the problem i that each time you run the command line, the appearance of it interface i different. In thi article, you will learn how to change...

How to heat up a steak

How to heat up a steak

1 Remove teak from refrigerator and place on kitchen counter to heat for a few minute . Leftover meat will ta te better if you reheat it after it reache room temperature. Heat a killet or aucepan. Pla...

How to freeze carrots

How to freeze carrots

1 U e good carrot . U e fre h young carrot without damage. Medium-length carrot work be t. Baby carrot do not retain their flavor when frozen, but technically they can al o be u ed.Choo e fre hly harv...

How to become a real beauty of the South

How to become a real beauty of the South

The beautie of the American outh have a pecial, inimitable charm (remember "Gone with the Wind"!). They are nice and well-mannered. Do you want to become a real outhern beauty? Read our arti...

How to make Papadam

How to make Papadam

Papadam are thin picy waffle al o known a papad. They are u ually erved a a ide di h to traditional Indian di he , but can al o be erved a a nack with cubed vegetable or chutney . Papadam are erved wa...

How to download purchased apps using iCloud

How to download purchased apps using iCloud

Previou ly purcha ed app from the App tore can now be downloaded directly to each of the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad device a ociated with the ame Apple ID that wa u ed to download the oftware. Thank...